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![Who Was Andrew Jackson It was still dark on the morning of January 8 1815 In - photo 4](/uploads/posts/book/130622/image/AJ_F001.jpg)
Who Was Andrew Jackson?
It was still dark on the morning of January 8, 1815. In an army camp just outside of New Orleans, Louisiana, General Andrew Jackson sat alone in his tent. He had a very important decision to make. Andrew either had to surrender his American soldiers to the British army or lead his troops into battle.
Andrew left his tent and walked through the camp. He looked at the faces of the men who had fought beside him over the last few weeks. They were cold and hungry and tired. They had been fighting the British for weeks, even through Christmas and New Years Day.
To make matters worse, he and his men knew that the British army was twice the size of theirs. In every direction, the bright red coats of the British soldiers surrounded them in the woods.
But Andrew had a plan. Even though his troops were outnumbered, they knew these woods better than the British. He knew that the British army wasnt expecting an early-morning attack. And he knew that he wasnt going to return from the war as a failure.
Andrew woke his soldiers and told them to prepare for battle. As soon as it was light enough to see, General Jackson sent troops out in all directions, attacking the British from every side.
The British army was taken completely by surprise. They were not prepared for this type of battle. Many British officers and their general were killed quickly, leaving the soldiers without leaders to give them orders. Andrew and his men won a major victory in just thirty minutes!
The epic fight is called the Battle of New Orleans. Jackson became a national hero, and he was eventually elected the seventh president of the United States.
![Statue of Andrew Jackson in Jackson Square New Orleans Throughout his life - photo 7](/uploads/posts/book/130622/image/AJ_F004.jpg)
Statue of Andrew Jackson in Jackson Square, New Orleans
Throughout his life, Andrew would face difficulty and danger with bravery, just as he did on that morning in 1815. His actions helped to shape a young nation as it continued to grow. A self-taught man, he gave many Americans hope that theyd shape a better future for themselves. For this reason, Andrew Jackson became known as the peoples president.
Today, however, Andrew Jackson also is remembered for some shameful events, including his terrible treatment of Native Americans and for his terrible attitudes such as his support for slavery. Jackson was a very complicated manstubborn, brave, quick-tempered, loyal, unforgivingand he has left a mixed legacy for the history books.
The War of 1812
The War of 1812 was fought between the new United States and the British Empire twenty-nine years after America had won its independence. The United States declared war because the British were capturing American ships in the Atlantic Ocean and preventing trade with France. The British were also secretly assisting American Indian tribes. They were attacking American settlements that were expanding west and north into areas the British still controlled. The war lasted almost three years before a treaty was signed. The Battle of New Orleans was actually fought after the treaty, but the news had not reached New Orleans yet.
A Brave Boy
Andrew Jackson was born in what was then known as the Carolinas on March 15, 1767.
His parents were from Scotland. They had come to America in 1765 in search of a better life.
Sailing across the Atlantic was a long and dangerous trip. It took around six weeks to cross the ocean in those days. Even after Andrew Sr., Elizabeth, and their two sons, Hugh and Robert, finally landed at Philadelphia, their journey was not over. They still had to travel five hundred miles by carriage to reach the home of relatives in South Carolina. The area where they lived was called the Waxhaw settlement. There wasnt much there at that time, and most of the settlers were poor. In addition, the land was already home to Native Americans who had lived there for generations. They did not welcome these new intruders. Violence often broke out between the local Cherokee tribe and the settlers.
Andrews father built a small log cabin for his growing family. He was a farmer who struggled to keep food on the table, and often worked seven days a week. It was a very hard life. Andrew Jackson Sr. died in the winter of 1766, shortly before Andrew was born.
Now Andrews mother had to struggle on by herself, with three boys and a farm to run. She was a very serious woman. She taught her sons about the importance of hard work.