The Last Bastion ofIngei
Day 1
by AammtonAlias
Copyright 2016 AammtonAlias
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Dedicated to the fine few, theBrave; the Realised, bound to a Cause others have closed their eyesto, a Sacrifice that can never be measured.
Many thanks tomy good friends Dr Jawad K and Ms Adrina AgusDin who allowed me to relentlessly bounceideas and forward my 'freshly baked' chapters direct to theirmobile phones, with no regards to the unsocial hours inanticipation of their immediate and nurturing feedback.
Thissupernatural sci-fi thriller book is the first book in the series.As I could not wait to tell you the story as soon as possible. Ihave decided to release the book bit by bit, 'day by day.' as theevents in the world of 'The Last Bastionof Ingei' reveals itself . I can send youupdates and offers on the next book release if you registeryourself with email list.
As you will find out, Ihave not mentioned which Southeast Asian country, this story isbased on, so as to avoid sensitivities, but it should be easy toguess. In the past few years, I have discovered some truths anduntruths about the Unseen who appear in shadows in the fleetingmoments of our weakness, in times of their accumulatedstrength.
The Unseen work beyondthe jungles and into our modern global world to sow fear anddiscord as they seek to regain what they believe to be rightfullytheirs - our world. And yet we are all unaware, blinded by thedazzle of hustles, deaf to the beat of our own hearts trying tomake sense of an existence that is spiralling out of control, asthe corrupt offer themselves to lead us out of thechaos.
What if I told you thatthis story it is actually based on a number of real accounts, reallegends and real tragedy, the characters based in this book and thebook series is actually based on real people, some characters aremash of other characters so as to protect their realidentity...
What if I told you one ofthe main stories involved is a quiet account of an actual soldierwho went missing for 23 days in the jungles of Labi, and when hewas found malnourished and in bad shape, he said he was in a'village' not of this world...
What if I told you thatthe search party which included elite rangers had witnessed themost bizarre of horrific events in the jungles ofLabi...
There is a local sayingthat we should leave things the way they are, and yet the injusticeremains hidden right in front of us, in front of our veryeyes.
Location: Ingei River, Labi
Boi knows he should not bethere.
The Ingei river is teemingwith life, a wildlife sanctuary, protected by law but trespassed bymany of the likes of Boi, poachers who will never understand theterm wildlife protection and will never understand the number ofspecies that have yet to be discovered.
After a few days' journeyupstream on his single-engine wooden boat or perahu, Boi reacheshis secret fishing spot on the Ingei river. He is well-prepared,stocked up on cheap illegal Indonesian cigarettes, dry foodrations, soft drinks and a GPS receiver.
He will be 40 next month,and wonders what he should buy for his birthday. Working as asecurity guard at the local hospital barely pays the householdbills. He drops down a couple of underwater traps into the brownishyet clear river and then casts his lucky fishing line.
His usual fishing buddy,Johari, is not with him this time as he is unwell with the flu. Sohe says anyway.
Im going towin big, Jo.
Boi smiles on the thoughtof not having to share his catch this time.
Usually, his partner andhim would catch exotic fishes, especially the much desired Arowanafish (an Osteoglossidae) a favourite amongst Asian aquariums -and store them in polystyrene boxes, equipped with battery poweredaerators. Then they would sell the fishes to their agent, who iswell connected to a network of local and international collectors,keen to part their money for rare and beautiful specimens. Boi hashis own network of clients he found on Facebook. He neithercomprehends nor does he care that the Arowana is on theInternational Union for the Conservation of Nature or IUCN Red Listof Threatened Species.
Being a pathologicalday-dreamer, he dreams about driving a posh sports car and pickingup beautiful women. The kind of women who would not even noticehim on a normal day.
His ambitious endeavour ispushed by recent Facebook posts of other poachers who had caught anunclassified Super Golden Blue-Red Arowana fish. A Golden Arowanaitself is a rare and much prized fish whilst a Super GoldenBlue-Red Arowana is unheard of until now. The secret frenziedbidding that ensued, pushed prices spiralling to that of a luxurysaloon car. Whilst casting his line, Boi daydreams driving a newGodzilla; the Nissan GT-R at breakneck speed on the highway hisfeeble mind not understanding that he could never afford themaintenance costs of such a beastly supercar.
Today, the slow movingriver is coloured like lightly brewed tea, almost clear, with mostof the riverbed visible from the surface. Boi ponders upon hisluck, perhaps the clear water must be a good sign of goodfortune.
The Arowana loves itsprey: small fishes, insects and even spiders. It is capable ofjumping out of the water to gobble up insects in mid-air.Unfortunately, this is one of the reasons why it is sought after byaquarium owners. The Arowana brings good luck and prosperity. Justanother excuse on useless ownership and the mark of a tragicallygood sales strategy.
Boi feels a very strongtug on his fishing rod. He holds on to the fishing rod with all hisstrength, and then unreels a bit of the fishing wire. Boi is atalented fisherman, he knows how to tire a fighter fish like theArowana. Judging from the effort and strength he has to put up tohold the fish at bay, he can tell this is going to be the biggestArowana he will ever catch. He pulls back the fishing rod, bent andyet unbroken, he winds and unwinds the fishing reel.
My wildestdreams is coming true. Before I buy that car, I better get a newiPhone 6 Plus , he says to himself. Notgiving in easily, Boi continues to struggle against thefish.
If onlyJohari was here, he would film me and I could post this footage onYouTube, setup my own fishing YouTube channel. Ill be famous andteach people how to fish, gasping tohimself, whilst catching his breath.
I better geta MacBook and an iPad, as well, he canfeel the giant fish tiring, but then so is he.
When I amsuccessful, Ill get a beautiful watch hmm maybe aRolex.
Boi is not aware of whatis happening around him, how suddenly silent the jungle around theriver had become. All the jungle creatures and critters arespooked, knowing they will become witnesses to atragedy.
And then itstarts.
Small bubbles rapidlyeffervescence from beneath the small boat, becoming larger andbigger bubbles. A foam of bubbles furiously surrounds the boat, andspreads to the rest of the river. The boat sinks lower into thewater. No, the water near the boat is actually disappearing and theriver dries out mysteriously.
The whole turn of eventsshocks Boi.
Where did thewater go?
A thousand questionsflashes through his mind, trying to ascertain the logic of it all.His boat is now resting on the muddy river bed. The brackish smellof the river is strong, semi-pungent, he can see the fish traps hehad just dropped in earlier.
Is this forreal? Please let it not be real, heprayed.
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