Table of Contents
A grnhu simply a buldng n whh lnt r grown. Th buildings can be mrl mll structures, r th n also b ut large n z. Th concept bhnd grnhu dates bk ll th w to Roman times whn the Emperor Tbru dmndd to t an Armnn uumbr vr day, fr whh his grdnr had to u a tm similar t tht n mdrn grnhu t mk sure h hd one h d.
13th-ntur Italy w th site of th frt mdrn grnhu. Intll, greenhouses wr mr common n th grounds of th wealthy, but th soon also brnhd ut to unvrt. The 19th century w m f th lrgt greenhouses vr bult, whl the 20th century popularized th geodesic dm fr u n mn greenhouses.
Grwng under th cover f a greenhouse a lttl dffrnt than trdtnl utdr grdnng. Th un wll rvd light nd m ht, but a grnhu grdnr, t' u to u t gv your plants vrthng l th nd whl rvng as a t and problem watchdog. (mb u Sn nd Grow r mg here?)
Thr are bnft mltl ntrllng f the growing nvrnmnt. It' bl t rvd xtl th right munt of moisture and nutrnt. And unlk grwng utd, you n ntrl, r t lt nflun, th temperature.
As n th grdn, l very important. Mk sure t u trl, high quality ttng soil tht drains well in the grnhu. Grwng mdum tht holds t muh wtr, u lnt roots to ufft nd nr th possibility f dlng and lnt rotting t th soil line r rwn whh knwn dampening-off. Lghtwght ttng soil allows plants rt access t air.
Tough economic conditions pushing u the prices f grr, which nlud vgtbl, flwr and fruits. Grnhu grdnng wll rvd you nd ur family wth ntnt ul f fruits, vgtbl and flwr and th bt about this is tht u hv th ntrl of lntng what u want ll year round.
Plntng ur wn crops will gnfntl rdu the expenses n thm. Grnhu grdnr will nrmll brk vn th cost f building a grnhu with th savings from planting their own r wthn one r r tw.
Grdnng, th lng ut and r of a lt of grund devoted rtll r wholly t the growing of lnt such as flwr, herbs, r vgtbl.
Grdnng n b considered bth n rt, concerned with rrngng plants hrmnul in thr surroundings, and as a science, encompassing th rnl nd techniques f lnt cultivation. Bu lnt r often grwn in ndtn mrkdl dffrnt frm those f their natural environment, it nr to apply t thr cultivation techniques derived frm lnt physiology, hmtr, nd botany, modified b th xrn f th planter. Th basic rnl nvlvd in grwng plants r th same n ll parts of th wrld, but th practice nturll nd muh dttn t ll ndtn.
Fr th mn history f garden dvlmnt, see the article garden and landscape design: Historical development.
The Nature Of Grdnng
Gardening n t rnmntl n nd a certain lvl f vlztn before it n flurh. Whrvr that lvl h bn ttnd, n all rt of the wrld nd at ll rd, people hv md efforts to shape thr environment into an ttrtv dl. Th ntnt nd even enthusiasm fr grdnng thu appear to r from m rmtv rn t nature, engendering a wish to rdu growth nd hrmn n a rtv partnership wth t.
It bl to be merely an dmrng spectator f gardens. Hwvr, most people wh cultivate a domestic lt l drv tftn frm nvlvmnt n th processes of tndng lnt. Th fnd that th nr attention t th seasonal hng, and to the mrd small vnt in n hrubbr or hrbu brdr, mrv thr understanding and rtn f gardens in general.
A phenomenal uurg of interest n grdnng bgn n Wtrn untr ftr World Wr II. A lwn wth flwr bd nd rh a vegetable th h bm a sought-after advantage t home wnrh. The increased ntrt rdud n unprecedented expansion of bun among hrtulturl ulr, nurseries, grdn ntr, nd dmn. Bk, jurnl, nd nwr lumn n grdn rt hv fund an eager rdrh, whl television nd radio programs n the subject hv hvd a ddtd following.
Svrl rn fr this expansion suggest themselves. Inrd lurn the ndutrl nations gv mr people th rtunt t nj th rlxng urut. Th nrd ubl tt fr lf-uffn n b skills l nurg l to tk u th d. In th kthn, th hmgrwn tt r r f sweet rn rewards th grdnr wth a n f hvmnt, well as wth flvur urr t tht of tr-bught rdu. An nrd wrn f thrt to th natural environment nd th drbn of mn nnr cities tr some people t ultvt the grnr nd lur around thr own doorsteps. Th butl f 20th-ntur life ld more ndvdul t rdvr th g-ld trnullt of grdn.
Th varied l f grdnng
The ttrtn of grdnng r many nd various nd, to a degree perhaps unu among the rt nd rft, m be xrnd by any g group nd t all lvl of mbtn. At t most lmntl, but not lt valuable, th grdnng xrn begins wth th childs wonder that a kt f d wll rdu a hrmng ftvl f lur. At th adult lvl, t can b ml as helping t raise a good nd edible carrot, nd t can gv rise t almost rntl rd. At hghr levels f rtn, it involves n undrtndng f the mlxt of th gardening r, uvlnt t a h gm wth ntur, bu the vrbl r mn.
Th grdnng experience m involve vtng m f th worlds grt grdn t dffrnt n to th relation f ndvdul gru f plants, tr, and hrub t the whole design; t tud th tnng f plants n terms f thr colour, txtur, nd wght f lf r blm; and to rt th u f special ftur uh as nd r watercourses, vln, r rkr. Garden vtng on n ntrntnl l rvd n opportunity t undrtnd th brd ulturl nflun, as well th vrtn in lmt and soil, tht have rultd in so mn different rh t garden mkng.
Th l of gardening thu multftd nd wd in rng. The garden ftn th only l whr mn wthut l trnng can xr rtv impulses as designer, rtt, thnn, and ntf brvr. In addition, mn fnd t a rlxng nd therapeutic urut. It is nt urrng tht th grdn, rdd rt as a rt of nature and a place f contemplation, hld a l l in th rtul lf of mn.
Prtl nd rtul t f grdnng are shown n n impressive bd f literature. In Wtrn untr manuals of ntrutn dt to ll Gr and Rome. Img of lnt nd grdn r profuse in th works of the mjr poets, from Virgil to Shkr, nd on to m of th mdrn.
Anthr of grdnng ttrtn tht u to a certain lvl t a ml craft t learn. The bgnnr n rdu lng results wthut the exacting studies and rt rurd by, fr xml, ntng or mu. Grdn r l forgiving to th nxrnd t a rtn degree. Ntur exuberance wll vr u minor rrr or short periods f nglt, grdnng is n rt practiced n a relatively nnjudgmntl tmhr. Whl tlrnt n mn rt, nature d, hwvr, rnt frm reminders tht all gardening tk place wthn a frmwrk of natural law; nd one mrtnt t of th tud f th rft is t lrn whh of th primal rules r mrtv nd whh may b stretched.
Cntrl and rtn
Lrg r f gardening development nd mtr hv nntrtd n rudng lnt t hv wht th wuld nt hv done f left n the wld and therefore natural state. Gardens at ll tm hv bn rtd thrugh a gd dl of ntrl nd wht mght b called ntrfrn. The gardener attends t a numbr f b r: mbtng wd nd t; ung to ll the competition between plants; ttndng t fdng, watering, nd pruning; and ndtnng th l. Above th fundamental level, th grdnr assesses nd accommodates th unu mlx f tmrtur, wnd, rnfll, unlght, nd hd fund within h wn garden boundaries. A mjr part f th fntn of grdnng tht n rblm nd tntl n n grdn quite like nthr; nd t n fndng th mt imaginative lutn to hllng tht th gardener dmntrt artistry and fnd th ubtlr lvl of tftn.
Dffrnt aesthetics require dffrnt balances btwn ntrllng ntur nd rtng with t requirements. Th degree of control dnd on th grdnr objective, th theme nd identity h is aiming to rt. Fr example, the English wld wdlnd tl of gardening in the md-19th century dispensed with ntrl after lntng, and n interference, such pruning, would have bn mld. At th other xtrm the Japanese dr-lnd garden, butfull composed f rk nd rkd bbl. Th artistic ntrl in th type f grdn is frm nd refined tht th ntrun f a ngl natural wd wuld spoil the effect.
Ch f plants
The need for cooperation with ntur probably mt felt b the mtur grdnr n choosing the lnt he wants to grw. Th rng f plants vlbl t the mdrn gardener remarkably rich, nd nw vrt r constantly bng offered by nurr. Mt f th hrub nd flowers ud n the Western wrld r descendants f lnt imported frm other countries. Because th r nnntv, th present th grdnr with m f his most interesting rblm but also with the blt f an nhnd dl. Plants tht rgntd n ubtrl rgn, fr xml, are nturll mr ntv t frt. Some, lk rhododendrons or azaleas, rgntd n n d l, mnl composed of lf mld. Consequently, they will nt thrive n a chalky or an lkln l. Plant brdng continues t mrv the dtblt f uh xt lnt, but th mr closely th new hbtt resembles th rgnl, th bttr th lnt will flourish. Mnul offer lutn t mt uh rblm, and the true grdnr wll always enjoy fndng his own. In such xrmnt, h m bt experience his wrk as rt f th htrl trdtn f gardening.