arti st s
arti st s
The denitive art sour cebook media, materials, tools, and techniques CONSULT AN T EDITOR ROB PEPPER
Where to begin? Space to work Research Types of artwork Developing ideas Getting started Art building blocks L ine C olor theory H ow colors interact C olor attributes and tones S hape and form C omposition and design P erspective P attern T exture Consultant and authors Fore word IDEA T O ART WORK CONTENTS
Supports P aper C anvas R igid supports Drawing materials and equipment G raphite C olored pencils C harcoal and chalk P astels P ens I nk E rasers and xatives Painti ng materials and equipment P igments B rushes A crylics O ils W atercolor and gouache S pray paint A irbrush N ontraditional art paints K nives and palettes G ums, waxes, and resins M ediums, varnishes, and cleaners Sculpture materials and equipmen t C lay W ood and stone M etal O utdoor and synthetic materials Printmaking, photogr aphy, and filming materials and equipment P rintmaking presses P rintmaking basics I ntaglio printing essentials P hotography F ilming AR T MA TERIALS & EQUIPMENT
Drawing T he act of drawing M ark making and shading T onal drawings U sing color Painti ng M ark making W ashes and glazes W et-on-dry W et-in-wet E ncaustic and wax resist E gg tempera C olor mixing A lla prima Blending, masking, and impasto Grounds and underpainting T extures M ixed media Observ ing and imagining S till life F igures P ortraits C artoon strips and comics L andscapes C ityscapes P ainting from photographs I llustration Sculpture A rmatures M odeling M olding and casting C arving S culptural ceramics F abrication K inetic art R eadymades and assemblage 3 D software and 3D printing Printmaking I ntaglio: Engraving and drypoint I ntaglio: Etching I ntaglio: Making a print M onoprints C ollagraph R elief: W oodcuts R elief: Linocuts L ithography M okulito S creen printing D igital art prints Photography and filming P hotography: K ey elements P hotomontage F ilming: K ey elements P reproduction F ilming techniques E diting lm Digital media W orking digitally Color models: RGB and CMYK I mage types: Pixels and vectors W orking with vectors W orking with pixels WAY S OF MAKING AR T
W orking with layers D igital painting tools I mage correction 2 D animation Applied arts G ilding T extile art E mbroidery C ollage P aper arts Nontraditional art for ms I nstallation art L ight art S treet art T ext art L ive and performance art B ook art E nvironmental and land art S elling your work E xhibiting and curation F raming and hanging S torage and cataloging PRESENTING & PRESERVING YOUR WO RK I ndex P icture credits A cknowledgments
CONSULT AN T AND AUTHORS ROB PEPPER is a leading gure in art education. He divides his time between creating art in his Dorset studio, working as Principal of Art Academy London, and traveling to exhibit his work. He has undertaken many high-prole commissions, including an artwork that was given as a state gift by Britain to the Pr esident of China. His art features in galleries, museums, and private collections across the world. D rawing is at the heart of all of Rob s art. He uses the simple act of pen on paper as a starting point for each project and is passionate about making art accessible to everyone, as he believes that it can be transformative. ALISON HAND is an artist whose practice spans painting, drawing, research, and site-specic art. She is a lecturer, writer, curator, and BA program leader at Art Academy London. Alison holds an MA from the Royal College of Art, London. ANN KA Y is a writer and editor specializing in the theory , practice, and history of the visual arts. Her numerous books include many DK titles, as well as collaborative projects with galleries, including the National Gallery and Royal Academy in London. APHRA SHEMZA is a multimedia artist whose work explores Modernism, her Islamic heritage, and sustainable practice, fusing past methods with new technologies. She is Director and Curator at Art in Flux and manages the estate of Anwar Jalal Shemza. CHRIS ROBINSON is a professional painter and an architect. He is a member of the W ap ping Group of Artists, has won local and national awards for his watercolor paintings, and prefers to paint outdoors. DANIELLE C REENAUNE is an Australian visual artist who focuses on printmaking and landscape, working primarily in traditional lithography . Her art is held in many public collections, and she has received numerous awards internationally . JULIAN WILD is a sculptor , writer , and lecturer who was Vice Pr esident of The Royal Society of Sculptors from 2015 to 2019. His sculptures have won awards and been exhibited internationally . His clients include The University of Oxford and Canary Wharf . CONSULT AN T AUTHORS
KAT IE HUGHES developed an enduring love of textiles and the creative arts from an early age; she went on to study Contextual Art and a PGCE at university . Her work includes nee dlepoint and exte rior installations, one of which funded a well in India. KAT HERINE JONES is a printmaker and painter working in traditional forms of intaglio and relief print. She is the recipient of numerous awards, and her work is held in public collections, including The Ashmolean Museum and Y ale University Library . LUCY BAINBRIDGE is a printmaker working in screen print and photogravure and is F ounding Director of Bainbridge Print Studios. Her prints quiet reections of everyday momentsare held in numerous private and public collections worldwide. MICHELE ILLING is an award-winning watercolor artist with a background in illustration, advertising, and publishing. Her work features in many private collections, and she shares her passion for art in her classes, painting groups abroad, and online art courses. NELSON GARCIA BERRIOS is a British Ven ezuelan preventive conservator working for K ensington P alace and HM T ower of London. He has a background in furniture nishes, ne art, and picture framing and holds an MA in Preventive Conservation. PAU L S. BROWN is a classical realist oil painter from North Carolina. He works exclusively from life under natural light and makes his own paint by hand. His still life, landscape, and gurative paintings hang in public and private collections worldwide. PETER DA Y is an artist , writer , and educator . His art and Arts Council England projects analyze the banal and anonymity in the everyday . In 2014, the Higher Education Academy , UK, awarded him Senior Fel lowship status for his contribution to education. PETER LOIZ OU is an award-winning stone carver with a background in ne art , stonemasonry , and draftsmanship. He ran W eymouth College stonemasonry program and has worked on many historic buildings and prestigious commissions. SUE SP A ULL is a gurative painter who works in oil, using neo-classical techniques. Her work has featured in the R oyal Society of P ortrait P ainters Annual Exhibition. Sue is Director of Programmes at Art Academy London, where she also teaches. SUKY BEST is a visual artist, working with video, print, and installation. She teaches at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, London, and works as a freelance artworker for clients, including The British Museum. She has won many awards internationally . T ANY A RUSSELL is well known for her lifelike animal sculptures, but her practice also seeks to highlight our relationship with animals and their welfare. She founded Art Academy London, and her artwork is commissioned and sold internationally . ZOE TO OLAN is an interdisciplinary artist and educator with a deep-rooted passion for drawing and everything that means. Her work centers around live art and social practices, and she has completed projects for Live Art Development Agency and Axis.