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Diana Pharaoh Francis - Path of Blood (Path of Fate)

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Diana Pharaoh Francis Path of Blood (Path of Fate)
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The Path of Fate trilogy comes to its enchanting conclusion... Chaos reigns in the land of Kodu Riik. Plague continues to ravage its populace, and Aares armies are on the march. The rift between the kingdom and the land of Cemanahuatl yawns ever wider, threatening to consume both beneath waves of uncontrollable magic. Now, only Reisil possesses enough power to breach the spellbound city of Mysane Kosk, and seal the fracture.

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Path 03 - Path of Blood

Diana Pharaoh Francis

Chapter 1


Path of Blood is the end of a trilogy. It has been a lot of fun to write in this world and about these characters. It seems appropriate to look back to all those who helped me in so many ways to write this book-who gave me time, space, encouragement, medical treatment, help with research, second and third pairs of eyes, advice, friendship, and plain old love. So let me first thank Tony, Quentin, and Sydney. Likewise Bill and Vi Pharaoh, David and Linda Francis, Megan Glasscock, Sharman Horwood, Elizabeth Covington, Lucienne Diver, Gerald Dorros, Gus Varnavus, Pat Grantham, Carol Berg, Fighter Guy and the Roundtable, Kevin Kvalvik, Mindy Klasky, Lyn McConchie, Kristen Britain, David Coe, Jennifer Stevensen, M. Jean Harvey, the entire Cox clan, Jack Kirkley, Alan Pollack, Ray Lundgren, Tiffany Yates, Debbie Sporich, and Kathryn LaFerriere.

Id like especially to thank Jennifer Heddle and Liz Scheier. Jen bought these books and had faith that I could pull them off. Liz adopted me after Jen left and has been a great editor and very enthusiastic about my books.

And last, and most important of all, thank you to all of you who have bought my books and read them. You are my heroes. I couldnt do this without you. Dont forget to visit me at www.sff.net/people/di-francis. Thanks to you, there will be more books coming.

I know there are some whose names Ive forgotten here, and for that I apologize. I wish I had a better memory.

Tapit wasnt dead.

Reisil drove her sweat-drenched gelding across the scree, her heart thundering in her chest. She felt a sickening lurch as the rocky slope began to roll away beneath them. Ahead, Yohuacs horse-formerly Tapits-bounded onto firm ground and galloped into the trees.

Indigo twisted, his haunches sliding as he scrabbled over the tumbling rocks. He neighed: a desperate, braying sound. Reisil leaned forward, catching at the rolling scree with a net of magic. She gasped at the pain, the magic flowing through her. She grinned fiercely as the rocks firmed into a stony carpet. Indigo lunged to safety with a groan. Reisil reined him in and swung around.

Tapit appeared from behind an outcropping. Quickly, Reisil let the magical net unravel. The freed rocks thundered down the escarpment between them. In the same heartbeat, Reisil reached out to Saljane.

~ Where are you?

The image of a glittering snow-covered peak whirled across Reisils minds eye, followed by a pastiche of blue sky, trees, and Bakus reptilian shape.

~ With Baku. Mysane Kosk is not far . Saljane paused. He comes?

The fear in Saljanes mindvoice stung Reisil like a nettle. It was the only thing the goshawk feared: Tapit and his ilgas and losing her tie to her ahalad-kaaslane . Reisil glared across the churning stones. The wizard wore his hood down around his shoulders. His features were sharp and austere beneath his bristle of dark hair. She felt his dour gaze on her like a coal-hot brand.

Her hands tightened on her reins. Indigo snorted and took a step back.

~ Hes here.

Saljane clutched at Reisils mind with iron talons.

~ Watch well , she urged, her voice sounding wire-thin.

~ I will, beloved.

Reisil held her magic ready. Her skin prickled. She darted a glance about herself. She couldnt let him drop an ilgas on her. If he did, she would be helpless. Infinitely worse, shed be cut off from Saljane. The prospect was unbearable. Never again would she let Tapit do that to her. Her fist knotted. How much she would love to drive it down his throat! But she didnt dare try. Not now. Too much was at stake, and she was too weak.

She eyed the scree. It wouldnt hold him long. Tapit was relentless. But his horse was as tired as Indigo, and it appeared the wizard had outstripped his companions. That might give Reisil the advantage she needed.

Dont stop running now. I was looking forward to a better fight than this, Tapit taunted through the dusty haze left behind by the slide.

You havent caught me yet. And dont forget I destroyed your stronghold, Reisil retorted.

The stronghold still stands, and only a handful of us lost. We are eager for your return.

His gloating words sent a tremor through Reisil. The stronghold still stood? It wasnt possible. Shed seen

Shed seen the entry valley cave in when shed driven a spear of pure power deep into the mountains core. Shed seen rubble falling over the small group of defenders as the ground leaped and buckled. The stronghold had been crushed. Hadnt it? But then again, shed thought shed killed Tapit, too. Fear slithered like a snake in her gut. She was counting on having crippled the wizards so that she wouldnt have to deal with them plus the sorcerers and the Regents army.

Youre a liar! she shouted back, refusing to let him see her doubt.

You shall see for yourself soon enough. You should not have run away. You belong to us. As does the property you took with you.

Never. I am ahalad-kaaslane . Ill not let you take us again. And if I havent destroyed the stronghold, Ill come back and do it. That much I can promise you.

Ah, yes. Ahalad-kaaslane . He said it the way one would speak of a rat infestation. Where is your bird? That was our mistake. To be one of us, you must be rid of your pet.

To be one of you? Reisil repeated, her mouth dropping open.

Of course.

Reisils teeth cracked together as she snapped her mouth shut. She shook her head in disbelief. After all of you Ive killed? Youre howling mad.

We know how to muzzle your bite. You will be made to heel.

He sounded so sure, so smug. Anger flamed in Reisil, and power crackled around her fingers. She would never succumb to them again. Her lip curled and she pulled her arm back, feeling the magic surging through her. But reason caught her. She balled her fist, forcing the power down with effort. How do you think youll catch me? I know about the ilgas . I wont walk into that trap again.

Tapit smiled. It was the first time Reisil could ever remember seeing such an expression cross his basalt features. Fear screwed through the marrow of her bones.

Not that trap, no.

Reisil recoiled, then felt a small smile begin. He loved the hunt, the struggle. Dont stop running now He wanted her to sweat, to fear, to fight. He relished it. So much so that he wasnt going to even try to use his power against her in a head-on battle. That wasnt sporting. He wanted to match wits, to finesse her, to draw this hunt out. And she was happy to oblige. It gained her time.

And shed begin right now.

~ Baku?

The coal-drakes awareness bubbled in her mind. His presence was muted, as if he had to push through a dense, fibrous mist to reach her. The effects of the magic leaching from Mysane Kosk. It was the reason he hadnt been able to speak with their friends who camped near the destroyed city. He couldnt tell Juhrnus they were coming, or ask for help. But it also meant that Tapit would have a harder time tracking them. The wizard had the ability to sniff out their magic footprint, but soon it would be smothered by the tide of magic rolling out of Mysane Kosk. It was the reason Reisil had sent Baku and Saljane ahead: to hide them from Tapit and to warn those gathered at Mysane Kosk that she was coming.

~ I have an idea, but I need your help. Can you do it? she sent to Baku, picturing for him what she wanted him to do.

The coal-drake did not respond immediately. Reisil got the impression he was considering whether he wanted to help her. She held her breath. He had every right to resent her. If only she had learned faster, if only she could have rescued him from the wizards sooner. But she hadnt known what to do, and instead shed been forced to watch silently as Kvepi Debess tortured Baku. Sometimes she had even helped. It had been the only way to discover the key to unlocking the prison spells. It wasnt until later that she could tell Baku, and by then their delicate trust was ruined.

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