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Paige McKenzie - Witch Rising

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Sorrow Point High's witchiest have returned in this conclusion to the thrilling B*Witch duologyand this time, the danger is even closer to home.
Two rival covens, led by frenemies Greta and Div, are investigating a radical anti-magic factionthe New Orderfor the murder of a sister witch. In fact, Div and her coven mate Mira are pretend-dating a couple of New Order members to infiltrate it and bring it down for good. But when the president of the United States aligns himself with the dangerous group and local police ramp up their search for suspected witches, the covens must be more careful than ever.
Even outside of politics, complications abound as Iris and the new witch, Torrence, fight for Greta's affections...and Ridley can't get over her crush on a dead girl...and Binx's own crush turns out to be harboring deadly secrets.
If the covens wish to solve their friend's murder and protect their kind, they'll have to rise above their problems, big and small. But as they grow closer to the truth, one thing becomes certaintrust no witch.

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This book is a work of fiction Names characters places and incidents are - photo 1

This book is a work of fiction Names characters places and incidents are - photo 2

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright 2021 by Paige McKenzie and Nancy Ohlin

Cover art copyright 2021 by Sweeney Boo

Cover copyright 2021 by Hachette Book Group, Inc.

Hachette Book Group supports the right to free expression and the value of copyright. The purpose of copyright is to encourage writers and artists to produce the creative works that enrich our culture.

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Little, Brown and Company

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First Edition: September 2021

Little, Brown and Company is a division of Hachette Book Group, Inc. The Little, Brown name and logo are trademarks of Hachette Book Group, Inc.

The publisher is not responsible for websites (or their content) that are not owned by the publisher.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: McKenzie, Paige, author. Ohlin, Nancy, author.

Title: Witch rising : a B*witch novel / Paige McKenzie and Nancy Ohlin.

Description: First edition. | New York : Little, Brown and Company, 2021. |

Series: B*witch ; book 2 | Audience: Ages 12 & up. | Summary: In this sequel, the two covens work together, and harder than ever, to fight against the New Order, a rising anti-magic group thats sprung up in their hometownProvided by publisher.

Identifiers: 2020056048 | ISBN 9780759557697 (hardcover) | ISBN 9780759557673 (ebook) | ISBN 9780759557680 (ebook other)

Subjects: WitchcraftFiction. | High schoolsFiction. | SchoolsFiction.

Classification: PZ7.M19863214 Wit 2021 | DDC [Fic]dc23LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2020056048

ISBNs: 978-0-7595-5769-7 (hardcover), 978-0-7595-5767-3 (ebook)



Witch Rising

To Jens You fill my life with love and light and magic every day NEO To - photo 3

To Jens. You fill my life with love and light and magic every day.


To all the inspiring witches who came before Sally and Gillian Owens, Kiki, the Sanderson sisters, Glinda, Minerva, Lamia, Elphaba, and last but not least, Howl. May your magic live on.


We grow accustomed to the Dark
When Light is put away


Witch Rising - image 4

Hey, listeners! Thanks for joining me on the podcast premiere of The Tea with T. Thats tea as in the drink, and the letter T as in my initial. Ill be coming to you each week with the hot tea on all things magical, mystical, and mundane and of course, my favorite tea recipes!

Today, Ill be talking to you about Callixta Crowes Descendant. Thats Descendant with a capital D because there must be many Callixta descendants out there, and its important to keep the Descendant separate from the rest.

So Ive been trying to solve the mystery of the Descendants identity for a while now. Heres what I have so far, and bear with me because its complicated:


SheI will use she/her/hers pronouns for now, although the Descendant could also be male-identifying or have another gender-expansive identityfirst made herself known on March 12, 2016. She wrote and posted a letter on several deepsites, like w/witchworld and other hidden locations, and basically blew up everything we thought we knew about witches and witchcraft.

What we knew, pre-Descendant, was that some portion of the population identified as witches and practiced witchcraft throughout history. It was a generally accepted thing until 1877, when the government passed an anti-witchcraft law called Title 6, Section 129, and the Great Witch Purge happened. Hundredsno, thousandsof witches were hunted down and executed, including Callixta herself. Since then, witches have mostly practiced in total secrecy, including me. Over time, the authorities became less strict about enforcing 6-129. Until now.

The Descendant came forward and warned us in her letter that things are changing. In addition to stricter enforcement of 6-129, there are new anti-witch forces at work, mainly in the government and through a hate movement that seems to be growing more aggressive and violent every day.

The Descendants letter wasnt all bad news, though. She also shared Callixtas previously unknown theories and scientific findings regarding witches, which are very illuminating. Plus, she posted a link to a partial manual by Callixta called The Good Book of Magic and Mentalism. That was the first time Iand Im sure many other witcheslearned about spells and potions, about the fact we arent alone in the world, and that there is a secret community of witches out there practicing in private.

The Descendants letter and link to Callixtas book disappeared after twenty-four hours, but not before they presumably went viral.


There have been names tossed around on deepsites about who the Descendant might be. A biologist at MIT. A high school technology teacher in Atlanta. A flower-shop owner in Cleveland. Also some famous people, like the gamer Xandri. The artist Ekon Uba, who died last yearalthough people say he didnt actually die but is in hiding. And even the US presidents oldest daughter, Karine Ingraham.


Ive tried a number of advanced identity spells, some from Callixtas book and some that I developed on my own, but they havent resulted in anything solid. Ive also tried some of my divination tea blends, but no luck there, either.

Lately, Ive been leaning toward the Karine Ingraham theory. I suspect the death of Elsa, her younger sister and an alleged witch, turned their dad into a ragingly anti-witch politician, and those events could have motivated her to post that letter and link. But I dont have any proof, and neither does anyone else, as far as I know. Of course, the White House has publicly denied that anyone in the Ingraham family has anything to do with witches or witchcraft.


Recently, Ive been experimenting with some old-school methods to solve the mystery of the Descendants identity. Like codesIve tried bifid and Amsco and some other ciphers, but nothing. I will continue along these lines, though, and maybe create more divination tea blends. I will be sure to report on further developments.

In the meantime things are bad for witches, here in my new hometown and everywhere else. But its important not to lose hope. As Callixta says, Its when things seem darkest that we must find the dying flame within us and breathe it back to life.

Keep breathing, fellow witches. Dont give up.

And someday soon, when all is safe and well, I can tell you what the letter

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