Getting Your Book Into Libraries
Eric Otis Simmons
![ESETOMES is the brand name for books written by Eric OtisSimmons It stands for - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/342274/tmp_9d4f1584a75967e981270d35c55ea21c_poKQUE_html_m9e1cdd7.png)
ESETOMES is the brand name for books written by Eric OtisSimmons. It stands for E ric S immons E nterprises, Inc., followed by the word TOMES , which is defined as one of thebooks in a work of several volumes.
Information provided in, Getting Your Book IntoLibraries is intended to serve as a resource for self publishersand others seeking to market their book(s) to Libraries andpresumes the purchaser has written a quality piece of work thatmeets the general requirements found in most Libraries CollectionDevelopment Policy statement. Moreover, there is no guaranty thepurchaser will achieve the same level of success in marketing theirbook(s) to Libraries as the Author. In addition to the lack of anyguaranty, express or implied, there is also no express or impliedWarranty. Purchaser or any third party that receives thispublication from a purchaser hereby acknowledges and agrees thatthe Author makes no representation or warranty, express or implied,at law or in equity, in any respect to any matter relating to thecontents of this publication including, without limitation, anystrategy, course of action, or other undertaking.
The Purchaser hereby waives any and all claims thatmay arise as a result of any actions or other activities or lack ofsame by the Purchaser on any third party that may or may not haveresulted from the content contained within this Publication.Purchaser agrees to indemnify and defend the Author, the Authorsrepresentatives, heirs, assigns, or designees against any and allclaims by the Purchaser of any third party.
Getting Your Book Into Libraries
Copyright 2019 by Eric Simmons Enterprises,Inc.
All rights are reserved. No part of this book may bereproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means withoutwritten permission from the Author.
This book is also available in print under ISBN9780578620466.
This book is dedicated to my wife, Cynthia. Throughour 40 years together, you have stood by my side and continued tosupport and encourage me in all of my endeavors, including thisone.
My many thanks to notedAuthor Joanna Penn from, for sharing myarticle, How To Get Your Book Into Libraries, from which thisbook is based, with her worldwide followers. Since the piece wasreleased, I have received an outpouring of thanks from peoplearound the globe for me sharing my methodology.
A special thanks also toWanjiru Warama , whom Ive never met, whoread the article and messaged me on Goodreads with, After readingthe article, I thought you could have packaged it and published itas an e-book. Im pleased to share with Ms. Warama; I havefollowed up on her suggestion.
About the Author
Eric Otis Simmons is an Author and owner of ESE,Inc., a website development firm specializing in creating sites forHigh School Athletes, seeking to get recruited by College Coaches,and Authors, Poets, and others who want to present their "PersonalBrand," and value proposition, on the Internet. A former collegeathlete, Eric enjoys sports and public speaking.
To date, Simmonshas written and self-published three other books. His Memoir, NotFar From The Tree, the first book he had ever written, has becomea multi-time Amazon Best Seller in the Single Parent category.#HTSP How to Self-Publish takes the reader through themethodology Eric developed to write, market, and distribute hisMemoir. ESETOMES Box Set is an eBook bundle comprised of bothbooks.
As of this writing, 100 copies of Simmonsbooks have been acquired by eighty-five (85) Libraries (Academic,Public, and two Library Services companies categorized asLibraries) in less than two years. Of the Public Libraries thathave added his books to their Collections, seven are amongst thetwenty-five largest in the U.S., by volume, and includes thebiggest, the New York Public Library, which purchased his Memoirand #HTSP, as he calls it, for its research arm, the prestigiousSchomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Twelve (12) PublicLibraries to date have added #HTSP to theirCollections, and six libraries have ordered both books. He closedthese sales without having paid for an expensive bookreview!
Listed among Simmons library customers areHoward County Library System (HCLS), Library Journals 2013 Libraryof The Year (three copies of his Memoir), Stark County DistrictLibrary, a Library Journal 2018 "Star Library" (two copies of hisMemoir), and Washington University in St. Louis, another Memoirprocurer, which was listed at Number 19 in U.S. News and WorldReports 2020 Best Colleges National Universities rankings. To viewthe list of libraries that have purchased Simmons works, at thetime of this writing, visit .
Chapter 5 - Creating a "Mail Merge"Document
Chapter 6 - Tactics
- Email Content
- Which Libraries Should YouTarget First?
- When's the Best Time to Sellto Libraries?
- Marketing Campaigns
- Consider Using MultipleEmail Addresses
- Purchase a Library MailingList
Chapter 7 - Summary of My SecretSauce
Chapter 1
Why This Book?
When this book was published, if one were to Google,Getting Your Book Into Libraries, they would get 1,050,000,000hits, all of which would be articles and blogs on the topic. Theywould not find a single book in the over 1 billion hits on thesubject, at least I couldnt find one, let alone a resource thatwas written by an author who had gotten his books into 85Libraries, 95% of which were closed via email contact only, withintwo years and did so without paying for an expensive book review!Such a source wasnt available until now.
Admittedly, Ididn't realize how much interest there was among Authors aboutgetting their books into libraries until I wrote an articleentitled, How To Get Your Book Into Libraries, ( )for noted Author Joanna Penn from, to sharewith her followers around the world. When I reviewed the numbersassociated with activity related to the article, I was blown away.To top it off, at one point, it seemed as though the piece had, inmy view, nearly gone viral on Twitter.
I was able to determine the articles impact bydoing a before and after comparison of the activity on myAuthors Twitter page and Authors website starting with the daythe article was posted (June 12, 2019) by Ms. Penn on her, TheCreative Penn website through the following five months. I used aspreadsheet to track readers reactions to the piece and kept arunning total of the number of tweets, retweets, likes, mentions,shares, comments, linking site visits, new user visits, profilevisits, and user sessions which I referred to as interactions.The data was gleaned from Twitter Analytics, Google Analytics, andGoogle Search Console. The article continues to be well-received,and at the time of this publication has generated 4,061interactions from readers in thirty (30) countries!
As the articlespopularity grew, something began to gnaw at me daily. Because mostGuest posts have a word limit, I felt my 2,000 or so words in thearticle had only scratched the surface as relates to the marketingtactics I had developed and the strategy I was deploying to get mybooks into libraries. I wanted to give Ms. Penns readers more, andit never dawned on me to write a more in-depth version of thearticle in the form of a book, despite all of the justifyinginteractions data sitting right in front of me. As fate wouldhave it, though, one day, I received a Goodreads message from a Wanjiru Warama. Ms. Warama had read, HowTo Get Your Book Into Libraries, and was surprised I hadnt turnedthe article into a book. I got tickled because she seemed to bescolding me somewhat for not realizing I had a viable solution toaddress an apparent need. Ms. Waramas message was a wake-up call,and it helped me understand what had been gnawing at me. It was, Ineeded to write a book to further help others in getting theirbooks into libraries.