I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to Dr Scott Wilson (Lancaster University) for his insight and support during the preparation of this manuscript. I have also been able to benefit from the enthusiastic and generous engagement with my ideas of Professor Dominique de Courcelles (cole Normale Suprieure/Collge International de Philosophie, Paris), Professor Michael Flachmann (California State University, Bakersfield), Professor Tom Conley (Harvard University), Dr David Foster and Dr Naaman Kessous (Lancaster University), Professor Richard Wilson (Cardiff University) and the Friars Preachers of the Community of Saint-Jean-de-Malte in Aix-en-Provence, for which I am profoundly grateful.
I owe deep debts of gratitude to my loved ones: my parents, brothers and sisters who all contributed towards the completion of this book, and finally to Coralie my deepest bond for her everlasting support throughout this research and to whom the whole research is dedicated.
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