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Julie Murray
Big Buddy Books
An Imprint of Abdo Publishing
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2018939810
Publishers Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Murray, Julie, author.
Title: Crocodiles / by Julie Murray.
Description: Minneapolis, Minnesota : Abdo Publishing, 2020. | Series:
Animal kingdom | Includes online resources and index.
Identifiers: ISBN 9781532116254 (lib.bdg.) | ISBN 9781532157745 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Crocodiles--Juvenile literature. | Crocodiles--Behavior-
Juvenile literature. | Reptiles--Juvenile literature. | Reptiles--Behavior-
Juvenile literature.
Classification: DDC 597.982--dc23
Crocodiles Are
Crocodiles have been around for
millions of years. They were even
here when dinosaurs lived. Like the
dinosaurs, crocodiles are reptiles .
Alligators, lizards, snakes, and turtles
are reptiles too.
The saltwater crocodile is the
largest reptile in the world.
Lying in sunshine is
called basking.
Reptiles are ectothermic animals.
Ectothermic animals cannot make heat
inside their bodies. Reptiles must lie in
sunshine to get warm. They need shade
or water to cool down.
Crocodiles and alligators are related .
They are in a group called crocodilians.
Crocodiles and alligators look alike. One
way to tell them apart is by their snouts .
An alligators snout is shorter and
wider than a crocodiles. It is rounded at
the end. A crocodile has a longer snout.
It is more pointed on the end.
When an alligators mouth is closed,
its lower teeth are hidden.
When a crocodiles mouth is closed,
some of its lower teeth show.
What They
Look Like
There are 14 kinds of crocodiles. Like
other reptiles , they have tough skin
with scales. A crocodiles skin may be
brown, black, green, tan, or gray.
Most crocodiles are about 11 feet
(3 m) long. Saltwater crocodiles can be
more than 20 feet (6 m) long. African
dwarf crocodiles are smaller. They are
about five feet (2 m) long.
Saltwater Crocodile
Most Crocodiles
African Dwarf Crocodile
A crocodile can breathe
while keeping most of
its body underwater.
A crocodiles eyes, ears, and nose are
on the top of its head. So, these reptiles
can see, hear, and smell while floating
in water.
A crocodile has four short legs. It has
a long tail for swimming. Crocodiles
can swim as fast as nine miles an hour
(15 kmh). They can walk on land too.
Where They Live
Crocodiles live in tropical areas
around the world. The American
crocodile lives in Florida, Mexico,
Central America , and northern South
America . The Nile crocodile lives in
Africa . Saltwater crocodiles live in India,
Southeast Asia , New Guinea, the
Philippines, and northern Australia .
The weather is always warm
where crocodiles live.
Crocodiles can stay underwater
for an hour at a time.
Crocodiles spend much of
their time in water. They live near
swamps , rivers, and lakes. Saltwater
crocodiles can live in salt water.
Hunting and
Crocodiles are predators. They hunt
and eat animals. Crocodiles eat frogs,
fish, and birds. Large crocodiles may
eat larger animals, such as deer or
Crocodiles often ambush their prey .