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Deanna Raybourn - Lady Julia Grey Series 03 - Silent on the Moor

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Deanna Raybourn Lady Julia Grey Series 03 - Silent on the Moor
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    Lady Julia Grey Series 03 - Silent on the Moor
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    Mira, Harlequin Enterprises Limited
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With degrees in English and History and a particular love of Regency and - photo 1

With degrees in English and History and a particular love of Regency and Victorian times, Deanna Raybourn is a committed anglophile, who, at her husbands insistence, gave up teaching to devote her energies to writing. Clearly her husband knew what he was doing.

Silent in the Grave is Deannas debut novel and is the first in the Silent series featuring the effervescent Lady Julia Grey and the enigmatic private investigator Nicholas Brisbane.

Deanna is currently hard at work on the sequel from her current home in Virginia. Silent in the Sanctuary will be available in January 2009 from MIRA Books.

Find out more online at www.mirabooks.co.uk/deannaraybourn

This book is dedicated to the memory of my
grandmother, Patricia Nile Russell, and my grandfather,
John Lucius Jones, Jr.


Because writing is a solitary business, finding kindred spirits is a gift from the gods. This book has been fortunate enough to be touched by two such people: my agent, Pam Hopkins, and my editor, Valerie Gray. Throughout the more than two years that it took to place this book, Pams kindness and conviction never faltered. And I could not imagine finding a more supportive or enthusiastic editor than Valerie. Pams diligence and Valeries elegant turns of phrase are endlessly inspiring in a business where perseverance and style are equally important.

I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude for research and technological support to Dr Susan Korp, Dr G Steve Best, Ian Wright of the University of Edinburgh, and Kelly Stelzriede. Naturally, all errors are mine.

I am also profoundly grateful to the team at MIRA: Adrienne, Dianne, Margaret, Mary-Margaret, Maureen, Miranda, Nicole, Sasha, and Susan. Many thanks to Donna Williams for superb copy editing, as well as thanks to the Proofreading, Production and Sales Departments. Your collective efforts may be unseen, but this book would not have been possible without them.

Also, many thanks to my Jackson girls for moral support. You know who you are and what you mean to me. I am braver for knowing you.

And thanks most of all to my family: to my father and my daughter for their unwavering support; to my mother, who has read and proofread every copy of every novel with the devotion that only a mother could provide; and to my husband, who has given me everything I have ever truly needed, including the chance to write.


London, 1886

Other sins only speak; murder shrieks out.
John Webster

The Duchess of Malfi

T o say that I met Nicholas Brisbane over my husbands dead body is not entirely accurate. Edward, it should be noted, was still twitching upon the floor.

I stared at him, not quite taking in the fact that he had just collapsed at my feet. He lay, curled like a question mark, his evening suit ink-black against the white marble of the floor. He was writhing, his fingers knotted.

I leaned as close to him as my corset would permit.

Edward, we have guests. Do get up. If this is some sort of silly prank

He is not jesting, my lady. He is convulsing.

An impatient figure in black pushed past me to kneel at Edwards side. He busied himself for a few brisk moments, palpating and pulse-taking, while I bobbed a bit, trying to see over his shoulder. Behind me the guests were murmuring, buzzing, pushing closer to get a look of their own. There was a little thrill of excitement in the air. After all, it was not every evening that a baronet collapsed senseless in his own music room. And Edward was proving rather better entertainment than the soprano we had engaged.

Through the press, Aquinas, our butler, managed to squeeze in next to my elbow.

My lady?

I looked at him, grateful to have an excuse to turn away from the spectacle on the floor.

Aquinas, Sir Edward has had an attack.

And would be better served in his own bed,; said the gentleman from the floor. He rose, lifting Edward into his arms with a good deal of care and very little effort, it seemed. But Edward had grown thin in the past months. I doubted he weighed much more than I.

Follow me,; I instructed, although Aquinas actually led the way out of the music room. People moved slowly out of our path, as though they regretted the little drama ending so quickly. There were some polite murmurs, some mournful clucking. I heard snatches as I passed through them.

The curse of the Greys, it is

So young. But of course his father never saw thirty-five.

Never make old bones

Feeble heart. Pity, he was always such a pleasant fellow.

I moved faster, staring straight ahead so that I did not have to meet their eyes. I kept my gaze fixed on Aquinas broad, black-wool back, but all the time I was conscious of those voices and the sound of footsteps behind me, the footsteps of the gentleman who was carrying my husband. Edward groaned softly as we reached the stairs and I turned. The gentlemans face was grim.

Aquinas, help the gentleman

I have him,; he interrupted, brushing past me. Aquinas obediently led him to Edwards bedchamber. Together they settled Edward onto the bed, and the gentleman began to loosen his clothes. He flicked a glance toward Aquinas.

Has he a doctor?

Yes, sir. Doctor Griggs, Golden Square.

Send for him. Although I dare say it will be too late.

Aquinas turned to me where I stood, hovering on the threshold. I never went into Edwards room. I did not like to do so now. It felt like an intrusion, a trespass on his privacy.

Shall I send for Lord March as well, my lady?

I blinked at Aquinas. Why should Father come? He is no doctor.

But Aquinas was quicker than I. I had thought the gentleman meant that Edward would have recovered from his attack by the time Doctor Griggs arrived. Aquinas, who had seen more of the world than I, knew better.

He looked at me, his eyes carefully correct, and then I understood why he wanted to send for Father. As head of the family he would have certain responsibilities.

I nodded slowly. Yes, send for him. I moved into the room on reluctant legs. I knew I should be there, doing whatever little bit that I could for Edward. But I stopped at the side of the bed. I did not touch him.

And Lord Bellmont? Aquinas queried.

I thought for a moment. No, it is Friday. Parliament is sitting late.

That much was a mercy. Father I could cope with. But not my eldest brother as well. And I suppose you ought to call for the carriages. Send everyone home. Make my apologies.

He left us alone then, the stranger and I. We stood on opposite sides of the bed, Edward convulsing between us. He stopped after a moment and the gentleman placed a finger at his throat.

His pulse is very weak, he said finally. You should prepare yourself.

I did not look at him. I kept my eyes fixed on Edwards pale face. It shone with sweat, its surface etched with lines of pain. This was not how I wanted to remember him.

I have known him for more than twenty years, I said finally, my voice tight and strange. We were children together. We used to play pirates and knights of the Round Table. Even then, I knew his heart was not sound. He used to go quite blue sometimes when he was overtired. This is not unexpected.

I looked up then to find the strangers eyes on me. They were the darkest eyes I had ever seen, witch-black and watchful. His gaze was not friendly. He was regarding me coldly, as a merchant will appraise a piece of goods to determine its worth. I dropped my eyes at once.

Thank you for your concern for my husbands health, sir. You have been most helpful. Are you a friend of Edwards?

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