Jane Austen For Dummies
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About the Author
Joan Klingel Ray, PhD, is a Janeite: an admirer of the works of Jane Austen. Born and raised in New York City, she received her BA in English with Honors from S.U.N.Y at Stony Brook and her AM and PhD in 18th-century British literature from Brown University. After she received an offer for a tenure-track assistant professorship at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Joan moved west. Having served the University in various administrative posts, shes a tenured professor of English and a Presidents Teaching Scholar a University of Colorado Systemwide Lifetime Title.
Joan Ray is in her third term as President of The Jane Austen Society of North America (JASNA), making her, in the words of JASNA members, the FDR of JASNA. (You can access information on JASNA at www.jasna.org.) In this role, Joan has lectured on Jane Austen around the world in England, Japan, Australia, and Canada; at The Library of Congress; and in numerous cities and at colleges and universities across the United States from Portland, Maine, to Portland, Oregon, and many cities in between. Shes also discussed Austen on National Public Radios (NPR) The Diane Rehm Show, on the cable Biography Channel for the Jane Austen Bio, and in a variety of newspapers such as The New York Times, Sunday Telegraph (London), and Philadelphia Inquirer. Her refereed essays appear in Studies in Philology, The Explicator, Studies in Short Fiction, The Dickens Quarterly, The George Herbert Journal, Notes and Queries, and Persuasions: The Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America. Joan also compiled the Jane Austen Quotations Calendar, which comes out in 2007, for Rizzoli Publications and Universe Calendars (www.rizzoliusa.com).
This book is dedicated to my mother, Jean Klingel, who always encouraged my dreams, and to my college professor, Professor Betty T. Bennett, who told me as a sophomore about graduate school and suggested that I go to one to become a college professor.
Authors Acknowledgments
Id like to thank Janet Rosen of Sheree Bykofsky Associates for linking me to Wiley Publishing who was looking for someone to write this book. I am indebted to Stacy Kennedy, my acquisitions editor, who encouraged me to pursue the project; to Alissa Schwipps, my first project editor, whose patience and insights Ive always appreciated; to Jennifer Connolly, my final project editor, whose generous help kept me going; to Carrie Burchfield, my copy editor, who assisted me with the For Dummies style; to my excellent students Dawn Pesut, Andrea Poss, and Margie Teals-Davis, who graciously assisted me with typing and research on the films; to Isabel Snowden, Jean Bowden, and Graeme Cottam for help with travel info for Austen visits; to Deirdre Le Faye for discussion on Tom Lefroy matters; and to Professor Laurie Kaplan, a great JASNA friend who served as the projects thoughtful and knowledgeable technical editor.
Publishers Acknowledgments
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Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:
Acquisitions, Editorial, and Media Development
Project Editor: Jennifer Connolly
Acquisitions Editor: Stacy Kennedy
Copy Editor: Carrie Burchfield
Technical Editor: Laurie Kaplan
Editorial Manager: Michelle Hacker
Editorial Supervisor: Carmen Krikorian
Editorial Assistant: Hanna Scott
Cover Photo: Rolinda Sharples/Getty
Cartoons: Rich Tennant (www.the5thwave.com)
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