What People are Saying About
"A refreshingly direct approach to uncovering the critical elements of leadership."
"Credibility is so right for the team-oriented 1990s.... It puts the emphasis where it should be: on how leaders can earn the support of their followers by treating them like customers.... This book is a winner."
- ROSABETH Moss KANTER, professor of business administration, Harvard Business School, and author of When Giants Learn to Dance
"When Kouzes and Posner promise we can increase our credibility, they're not blowing smoke. Their book is the result of surveying some 15,000 people, and the upshot is that they have discovered the recipe for building credibility, step-bystep."
"Thousands of Levi Strauss & Co. employees have had the benefit of leadership training sessions based on Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner's work. At those sessions, we learned that the essence of leadership is credibility. Now, this new book provides insights that will help everyone who reads it hone their leadership skills."
- ROBERT HAAS, chairman and CEO, Levi Strauss & Co.
"This book is filled with ideas, models, and insights to help all leaders serve in more meaningful ways."
- KATHRYN E. JOHNSON, president and CEO, The Healthcare Forum
"A thoughtful and articulate discussion of credibility. Kouzes and Pozner convincingly position the concept as central to comfortable living and productive working. Most leaders and managers could benefit from their insights."
"Philosophical and practical guidance for business executives at a time when computers, consultants, coproduction and ever-growing employee empowerment leave less for managers to do.... A penetrating survey of business methods and employee attitudes worldwide."
"Shows how all of us can be more responsive and responsible leaders."
- ANN MORRISON, author of The New Leaders and lead author of Breaking the Glass Ceiling
"Clearly, to anyone who reads the daily newspapers, there is a crisis in leadership. Kouzes and Posner, with focused research and penetrating insight, cut to the core of any strategy for building and rebuilding leadership: credibility."
- REGIS McKENNA, author of Relationship Marketing
"Concepts such as seamless partnerships, collaboration, and mutual commitments, and the improvement required to achieve them, require leaders who understand how to build trust and credibility with their employees. Credibility speaks with clarity in an area of critical need."
- KENT STERETT, vice president of quality, Southern Pacific Lines
"Another leadership book. Unlike many, this one's right on."
"A must-read in our fast-changing social and business environment, where our `constituents' have growing, legitimate demands and expectations."
- CYRIL YANSOUNI, chairman and CEO, Read-Rite Corporation
"Not the quick `how-to' manual, Credibility is full of concrete and credible cases that should help the thoughtful manager come to grips with this important and complex dimension of leadership."
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The Jossey-Bass Business 6 Management Series
Consulting Editors Organizations and Management
University of Southern California
Southern Methodist University
University of Southern California
For Donna, Jackie, and Amanda - whose humor and hope uplift our spirits
C 0 N T E N T S
I N T R 0 D U C T I 0 N
On Credibility and
Credibility is about how leaders earn the trust and confidence of their constituents. It's about what people demand of their leaders as a prerequisite to willingly contributing their hearts, minds, bodies, and souls. It's about the actions leaders must take in order to intensify their constituents' commitment to a common cause.
Our intense interest in managerial values and leadership motivated us to write Credibility ten years ago. In fact, many years before we wrote this book, our first joint article was entitled "Shared Values Make a Difference." That research clearly showed that commitment, satisfaction, productivity, and other positive workplace outcomes were significantly higher when people shared the values of their organizations.
As our research evolved we discovered that unless personal values were clear it really didn't matter how clear the organization's values were. People don't get more committed to a company or to a cause because the organization nails its credo to the door. They get more committed because it matters to them.
During the past two decades, we continued to ask another question: "What do you look for and admire in a leader, someone whose direction you would willingly follow?" You might expect we'd get a different set of responses over this period of time. After all, people keep telling us that the world is radically different today than it was in 1983.
But we didn't get different answers. We've asked the question in large and small businesses, professional service firms and manufacturing companies, public and private sector organizations, educational, healthcare, and governmental institutions. We've asked it of men and women, young and old, and individual contributors and executives. We've asked around the world-on six continents, in fact. What's been most striking to us is that people keep on sending the same message. They want leaders who are honest, forward-looking, competent, and inspiring. What this adds up to, as we explain in depth in this book, is personal credibility. No matter whom we've asked and no matter where we've asked it, what we first reported in 1983 is just as valid today as it was then. Credibility is still the foundation of leadership. In fact, given what we're going through at the start of this century, this lesson is even more relevant today.
Let's put these two things together-personal credibility and personal values-and think about the implications for leaders. There are many important lessons, but the meta-message is this: leadership is personal. It's not about the corporation, the community, or the country. It's about you. If people don't believe in the messenger, they won't believe the message. If people don't believe in you, they won't believe in what you say. And if it's about you, then it's about your beliefs, your values, your principles. It's also about how true you are to your values and beliefs.