Table of Contents
To my parents, Barbara and Carl Lindahl, for sharing your
endless wisdom, support, and encouragement
for all the years of my life.
Id like to acknowledge Dr. Donald Moine for giving me the idea and the initial encouragement to undertake this project, and Jonathan Rozek for the dedication and tireless work ethic that it took to get all of my ideas and knowledge on paper.
Id also like to acknowledge my brothers Jeff and Danny, my sister Tammy, and Robert Campbell, for diligently working behind the scenes in all the ventures that I have undertaken, helping to make them so successful.
Thank you to Justin Mezaros for being the perfectionist that you are; you make everyone involved and associated with The Lindahl Group live up to the Gold Standard on a daily basis.
To my aunt Edna Little for going the extra mile and being there for me at special times.
To Joan Lindahl, Jeannie Orlowski, Chris Bowser, Debbie Marino, Jennifer Crawford, Beth King, Patricia McKenna, Jill Emond, Amanda Elwood, Barry Weaver, Sandy Kwong, Doug Curley, Jackie White, and Bob Morrissey, whose dedication and day-to-day activities allow me to go off and do what I do best.
Finally, I am deeply grateful to all of the RE Mentor seminar attendees, support staff, and joint venture partners. Without you, there would be no life-changing seminars.
Two roads diverged in a wood, and II took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost
This is the first book written about emerging real estate markets and how you can profit from them.
Youre probably thumbing over this book in the store, or maybe online. Youre wondering if its just another thick text thats difficult to read and even harder to apply to real life. This book is different. Consider it a coaching session between you and me.
You see, Im not out to have this book sit on dusty shelves somewhere. I built my company, The Lindahl Group, into a $140 million real estate empire very quickly because I took action on some basic principles. I developed them into an investing strategy that I want to share with you now.
This is not one of those get rich slowly books thats recently become trendy. Sorry. When I started investing in real estate, I was a struggling landscaper, living in a three-room apartment. At one point I was down to my last 800 bucksI had to borrow money for my first down payment. Within 3 1/2 years my investments had made me wealthy. From my own personal experienceand now the experiences of hundreds of my studentsI know that real estate can make you rich in a very short time. But the sweet spot is investing at the right time in an emerging market!
This book will show you how to explode your wealth in the same way. Youll discover powerful ways to invest in local up-and-coming markets, and how you can invest by remote control in great markets throughout the United States!
Im not a writer by profession, so this book may not read like Shakespeare. Thats okay. I only want to come across in two ways to you: I want to be clear; and I want to inspire you to do that first real estate deal.
The things Im about to tell you are not theory at all. They are cold, hard, tested, and proven facts that have made money for me over and over again. Plug in the systems Ive used, and they work as reliably as when you plug in your coffee pot. You dont have to be white, or black, or tall, or young, or rich, or even healthy to plug in that coffee pot, and the same holds true for my systems. As long as you have a bias for action, youre good to go.
The key to making a lot of money in emerging markets is understanding the real estate market cycle. This is absolutely vital information that most real estate investors do not yet have. Though real estate is clearly one of the best investments over time, it does not go straight up in value. But, once you know how to identify and use real estate cycles to your advantage, you can skyrocket your profitscompared to the buy and hold investor.
How does emerging market investing work? At any given time, any city in the United States is in one of four phases of the real estate market cycle. In fact, certain parts of a city may be in different phases at the same time! Your key to making huge profits is in knowing which phase each market is in. The phase of the market determines exactly what actions you should take as a real estate investor.
Of the four phases, there is one special phase that will make you wealthy faster than all the others! I have personally made several million dollars from this phase in different cities. And its not just me: My students have made tens of millions of dollars from opportunities this phase presents. You can be the next millionaire! And were not talking just profits from the eventual sale of these properties. In addition, they can mean five- and six-figure spendable cash flow coming into your house, month after month.
Sometimes there may be small pockets of emerging market opportunity that only stretch for a few blocks. Other times, youll be surrounded by miles of opportunity! Different markets require different techniques and actions. Of course, there are also plenty of markets on the downturn.
Thats why I always shake my head at the headlines that announce Real estate is booming! or Get out now from all your real estate investments! Thats just journalists being fed sensational sound bytes from amateur investors. What these headline writers fail to understand is that the real estate market is the most localized investment market of all. After reading this book, you will realize that even if the national economy and the national real estate market is soft or trending down, there are local markets currently in the emerging phase. In these emerging markets, you can literally make profits in 2 or 3 years, which might take a decade or longer to make in other real estate markets... never mind the stock market!
Knowing how to decode market cycles is like having secret x-ray spy glasses for real estate. Suddenly you can look at a market and where other people only see scribbles, you see opportunity! When youre finished with this book, youll know how to identify markets in this stage, and youll want to start buying properties with both hands. This income will give you the freedom to do whatever you want, when you want, where you want, and with whom you want! Thats what I call The Attitude!
Go to any bookstore and youll find shelves full of real estate books. They cover how to buy single-family, multi-family, and commercial properties; how to flip houses and wholesale them; how to exchange properties; how to buy them at auctions and before auctions; and many other aspects. Almost all these books tend to describe one way to buy property, near where you live, and they ignore real estate market cycles. That just isnt logical, unless youre willing to do some very marginal, risky deals. Whenever I can, I want to shoot fish in a barrel. I want the investing odds stacked way in my favor.