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Sanders - Dealstorming: the secret weapon that can solve your toughest sales challenges

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Sanders Dealstorming: the secret weapon that can solve your toughest sales challenges
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The bestselling author of Love Is the Killer App unveils a methodology that sales managers and account executives can use to solve their teams toughest problems by combining the wisdom and creativity of everyone who has a stake in the sale. B2B sales reps often find that their deals get stuck at a crucial point in the decision-making process. This book is Tim Sanderss guide to breaking through the resistance and getting the deal unstuck using a scalable, repeatable process that he calls Dealstorming. By including a diverse group of individuals in the organization who has a stake in the sale, questioning existing assumptions, and channeling the collective experience of the group, sales teams can uncover creative solutions to closing otherwise impossible deals. In Sanderss experience as a sales executive and consultant, utilizing this process has led to a stunning 70 percent close ratio. Take, for example, the way Alyssa Wichman of CareerBuilder used dealstorming to break a deadlock with staffing firm Allegis. When she found out that Allegis was sponsoring a golf tournament to raise money for their favorite nonprofit, she and her team sat down to come up with ways to meet the Allegis executives there, going so far as to take over manning a beer cart on the course to speak with the execs on the ninth hole. They were impressed shed gone to such lengths to have a few minutes with them, so they agreed to a meeting the following week.--;Sales genius is a team sport. As a B2B sales leader, you know that by Murphys Law, despite your teams best efforts, some deals will inevitably get stuck or key relationships will go sour. And too often, its the most important ones--the last thing you need when millions of dollars are on the line. Dealstorming is Tim Sanderss term for a structured, scalable, repeatable process that can break through any sales deadlock. He calls it a Swiss Army knife for todays toughest sales challenges. It fixes the broken parts of the brainstorming process and reinvigorates account management for todays increasingly complicated sales environment. Dealstorming drives sales innovation by combining the wisdom and creativity of everyone who has a stake in the sale. You may think you are applying teamwork to your challenges, but dont be so sure. Theres a good chance youre operating inside a sales silo, not building a truly collaborative team across your whole company. The more disciplines you bring into the process, the more unlikely (but effective!) solutions the team can come up with. Sanders explains his seven-step Dealstorming process and shows how it has helped drive results for companies as diverse as Yahoo!, CareerBuilder, Regus, and Conde Nast. Youll learn how to get the right team on board for a new dealstorm, relative to the size of the sales opportunity and its degree of difficulty. The key is adding people from non-sales areas of your company, making them collaborators early in the process. That will help them own the execution and delivery after the deal is done. The book includes real world examples from major companies like Oracle and Skillsoft, along with problem finding exercises, innovation templates, and implementation strategies you can apply to your unique situation. Its based on Sanders many years as a sales executive and consultant, personally leading dozens of sales collaboration projects. It also features the results of interviews with nearly two hundred B2B sales leaders at companies such as LinkedIn, Altera and Novell. The strategies laid out in Dealstorming have led to a stunning 70% average closing ratio for teams across all major industries, leading to game-changing deals and long-term B2B relationships. Now you can learn how to make dealstorming work for you--

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An imprint of Penguin Random House LLC

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New York, New York 10014


Copyright 2016 by Timothy Sanders

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Illustrations by Anthony Cuccia

ISBN 978-0-698-40821-0


To my wife, Jacqueline,

who fills my life with blue skies

and sunny days.

Introduction: Dont Go Down Alone

I t was a cold, overcast day in the fall of 1997. Stan Woodward, our new vice president of business services at Audionet (which would later become Broadcast.com), was leading his first team meeting in our makeshift conference area. We huddled around him with keen interest, wondering what he was going to tell us. After all, he was a seasoned sales leader from the technology industry, brought in by our founders, Mark Cuban and Todd Wagner, to take our revenue production to the next level.

Stan spoke slowly as his right hand rubbed coins together in his pocket. When you see an opportunity for us to bill a lot of money and produce a happy customer, dont walk away from it if you get stuck, he said. Dont go down alone! Dont. Go down. Alone!

Stan came from a world of multimillion-dollar deals at startups like Fibermux and Ascend, where each sale was the difference between living to fight another day and folding. You cant give up on the good ones, he told us. When youre stuck, look for help. Even people who dont commission on the deal are here to help you, especially those who will deliver your promises. Dont just rely on your sales manager for all the solutions. Go wide if you have to. He repeated, Dont go down alone. Gather a team, put your brains together, and make it rain!

At that moment, two concepts collided in the front of my mind. To solve the tough, must-win sale, Stan was telling us to combine two distinct practices that had long been thought of as separate arenas, especially in sales: deal making and brainstorming. The former was a linear process requiring discipline; the latter was a freewheeling process that promoted lateral thinking. I thought, Hes right. If we put these two approaches together, we can crack some tough cases. I remember leaning over and whispering to my coworker: Cool beans. Dealstorming!

Previously in my career, solving sales challenges meant opening a discussion with my manager, in which he reviewed my steps to make sure Id crossed every t and dotted every i. Often it led to the directive to either make one more attempt to close, offer better terms, or give up and move on because they arent serious buyers.

Stans point was that we should take advantage of the collective intelligence of our coworkers to figure out how to get the must-do deal done. He recognized that big opportunities were scarce, and sometimes best practices and following a strict, no-deviation process werent good enough. Because Audionet was a startup with an IPO in its near future, he knew that wed have no problem convincing nonsales employees to come to our aid.

I took his lead and began organizing what I coined dealstorms to tackle high-difficulty sales opportunities. Leaning on my previous experience working in the personnel development department at Hughes Aircraft, where I facilitated cross-departmental meetings to improve quality at the plant, I designed a multidisciplinary approach to problem solving. I recruited fellow employees who either knew something about the prospect company or would be responsible for coding, programming, or participating in the broadcast if we won the deal. At first, I followed traditional brainstorming rules for the meetings (go for a lot of ideas, build on each others ideas) and then applied standard deal-making principles for follow-up (define value, drive agreement).

Over the next year, dealstorm breakthroughs led to webcasting deals with Harvard University, management guru Tom Peters, and Victorias Secret. But in several cases, according to Stan Woodward, our dealstorming meetings were more like goat rodeos than structured problem-solving sessions. He accurately pointed out that a few of the key principles of brainstorming (wild ideas are encouraged, debate is discouraged) dont work well in business-to-business sales situations. Also, not all participants understood clearly their roles in the process we had designed.

With his astute critiques in mind, I set out to define a repeatable, sales-centric process that respected everyones time as well as produced progress with every meeting. I pored over research and compared notes with my customers and acquaintances at Intel, Cisco, and PBSs The Business Channel. With each dealstorm, I tweaked my approach and then followed up with participants to get their feedback.

Based on these insights, I arrived at my new and improved definition of dealstorming: to organize and lead a cross-functional team to work together to solve a significant sales challenge through highly structured meetings and project work.

A few years later, after Yahoo! acquired Broadcast.com, I was transferred to headquarters to support the chief sales officer, Anil Singh. The dot-com crash was upon us, and we needed to replace dead startup clients with big brandsand quickly. Landing deals with Fortune 500 companies was our ticket to survival.

I was given license to network with account executives and sales managers across Yahoo! to find situations where I could apply my dealstorming technique to help them win extreme-difficulty deals or renew accounts at risk. After a few high-profile successes, Anil approved resources for me to create a team to scale my efforts. I named our group the ValueLab and recruited a few researchers straight out of graduate school, along with a former Cisco analyst. Our charter was to serve as the idea machine for key accounts, with a focus on demonstrating the value of Yahoo!s assets to prospects and existing customers.

Knowing that Id need to step up my game, I continued to research all things collaboration, including brainstorming facilitation, creative problem solving, innovation, and project management. I realized that we needed to improve the preparation we conducted prior to meetings, so we added a new step to dealstorming: the parse. This was a three- to four-page brief that succinctly outlined the sales challenge, efforts to date, the players involved, and background on the prospect company and its market. The ValueLab worked closely with account executives, our marketing research group, and sales operations to make each parse a discussion driver that produced results faster than could be achieved by simply throwing people into a room.

One of our first projects took us to Burbank to work on the Disney Studios account and grow our movie-marketing business. At the time, Disney marketing executives didnt see online media as an effective way to put millions of butts in seats on opening weekend. They liked the volume of impressions that network television spots and newspaper display ads could deliver.

The account executive and I recruited a wide dealstorming team to solve the Disney Studios problem. We invited every Yahoo! employee who could potentially touch the Disney account, not just in sales but in engineering, marketing, design, and data mining. We also invited anyone with expertise in the movie industry or product launch promotions to participate in the dealstorm. We knew that input from multiple departments would be required to drive any significant relationship with the studio.

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