Nilesh R. Mohite
About the Authors
Deepal Jayasinghe is a Computer Science PhD student at Georgia Institute of Technology and he is affiliated with Center for Experimental Research in Computer Systems. Prior to joining Georgia Tech, he was a Technical Lead at WSO2 Inc., an open source software development company that creates middleware platforms for web services. Deepal has over six years of experience with SOA and web services in addition to being a contributing member of the Apache Axis2 project since its inception. He is a key architect and developer of the Apache Axis2 Web service project and has led a number of releases. In addition to Axis2, he has made major contributions to Apache Synapse, Apache Axiom, and Apache XMLSchema projects.
Deepal has written more than 30 technical magazine articles, written research papers, and has delivered speeches at various SOA and web services conferences. He is an Apache Member and PMC members at several Apache projects. His expertise lies mainly in distributed computing, SOA and web services, Cloud computing, and performance analysis. Deepal holds a B.Sc. Engineering degree from the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. He can be reached at< >
First of all, I want to thank Apache Axis2 developers and the Axis2 community who has contributed towards making this web services framework a world renowned success in a relatively short period of time. Thank you! I owe countless thanks to my dear wife and parents for always being there and supporting me in so many ways. This book would not have been possible without everything that they have done for me. Special thanks to Srinath Hemapani, Ajith Ranabahu, Eran Chinthaka, Sanjiva Weerawarana, Davanam Sirinivas, Glen Daniels, Paul Fremantle, Chathura Herath, Jaliya Ekanayake, and all the other key members of the Axis2 team without whose tremendous contributions and wisdom, Axis2 would not have been possible. For the creation of this work, I am blessed with a strong team of technical reviewers and superior editorial and production professionals from Packt Publishing. My sincere thanks to all of you for your tireless efforts.
Afkham Azeez is a Member, Project Management Committee (PMC) member, and a committer of the Apache Software Foundation. He works as a Senior Software Architect and Senior Manager, Platform as a Service, at WSO2 Inc. His specializations include distributed computing, Cloud computing, SOA and J2EE technologies. He is a long time open source contributor and is the author of the clustering implementation for Apache Axis2.
Azeez holds a Masters degree in Computer Science, specializing in Software Architecture and B.Sc. first class honors degree in Computer Science and Engineering, from the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. He is a regular presenter at many open source conferences including the Apache Conferences.
Azeez is a petrolhead and an active member of the AutoLanka forum. He enjoys a game of basketball and also loves spending time with his three kids.
I would like to express profound gratitude to the open source communities backing the Apache Axis, Apache Web Services, and Apache Synapse projects. Their contributions were the foundation upon which work was built. I would like to thank Asanka Abeysinghe, Director of Solutions Architecture at WSO2, and SOA solutions and patterns expert, for providing, guidance and some content for the Enterprise Integration Patterns chapter. I am as ever indebted to my parents specially, for their love and support throughout my life. I also wish to thank my wife, who supported me throughout my work.