Shipping Container Homes: Beginners Guide On How To Build A Shipping Container Home
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
First edition. March 14, 2017.
Copyright 2017 Kevin Knight.
Written by Kevin Knight.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
T he intrigue behind shipping containers and using them as homes has started to flourish around the world. It has enticed numerous people into jumping head first into this fascinating world. It is not just about going with traditional options that dont work when you can use this to build a new launching pad of your own. Too many people reside in locations that are not working out for them and it has to do with the property they have chosen.
Shipping container homes are popular because they are reasonable and affordable at the same time. This eBook is going to dive into what it means to have a home of this nature and why there are so many people who are fascinated by such a choice in this day and age. It has not come out of nowhere and those who are hoping to see something valuable will enjoy this option.
This eBook is going to point out the key benefits that come along with living in a shipping container and why people are driven to this option as the one they want to go with. If that is the mindset you have, you will know that living in a shipping container does have a lot of potential. This guide is also going to look at ensuring you know why those benefits are great. It is not about listing them, but about explaining how the long-term impact is going to be sensational for you.
This read is going to highlight some of the mistakes people make when it comes to homes of this nature. You want to know about those mistakes before you end up making them as well. This does happen as some people get reckless and make mistakes they should not have made. Be patient with this read because it will teach you a lot about what you need to know moving forward.
Once you start moving deeper into the book, you will start to learn about what it means to find a good shipping container. You dont just want to get any old shipping container and think that is what you were meant to get. You have to be diligent and show a bit of care about what you are getting. This is how you will get a shipping container that is straight out of your dreams.
Hope you enjoy this read because it is one that is going to set your journey down the right path!
T his chapter will begin with the benefits. Sometimes, you might know an option is good for you, but wont pursue it. The reason involves not understanding the advantages of what the solution presents. This guide will begin with this as a way to guide you into making a life-changing decision that is worth it in the short and long-run. You have to consider this as a way for you to make positive movement in the right direction.
Easy To Use
Now, you might be taken aback by this. How could it be easy to use? There is no way something such as this can be easy to use right? Well, you are incorrect because this has to be one of the easiest things to set up once you have an inkling of what you are doing.
The amount of customization that can take place is going to put you on another planet. You are going to adore what you are getting out of it. Once the delivery has been made and it is ready to go, you will have a lot to work with.
You want something that is budget-friendly and that might be one of the biggest advantages of this in your eyes. You might only want to get an option such as this because of affordability reasons and you would not be the first. It is indeed going to save you a lot of money.
In many cities, the cost for getting a property of the same size is astronomical and you wont have factored in the bills just yet. An affordable housing option is always one you can appreciate.
Great Customization On Offer
Lets be honest, the general housing options are not going to give you this much leeway. Your creative juices are going to be reserved to where the furniture goes and that is not enough for most. You want a little bit more going your way as that is where your personality comes out.
Shipping container homes are able to do this for you. They will give you the kind of customization you can start to drool over.
What else is going to be done with these containers? Have you ever wondered about that? These shipping containers have to be taken apart and then recycled, which is not easy. Most of them are tossed aside and take up space on the planet. You want to take these shipping containers and put them to good use for yourself. You will not only be helping yourself, you are going to be helping the planet as well. Why not let this happen?
An eco-friendly solution is always the best kind.
You will want this in your life because of that reason.
Easy To Situate
Do you have space? You will need a little bit of space and after that, the shipping container home is going to be erected in place. You wont have to be looking for extra space after as most of it can be customized to your requirements. There are services who do this for you.
You want to make sure something that is easy to situate ends up being used. Those are the best options when you are in such a situation.
This chapter should have provided a nice peek into what you are getting. You will be receiving a shipping container home that is straight out of dream world. You will be able to go with an affordable choice that is eco-friendly and gives you the chance to customize as needed. It is the perfect option.
W hat are some of the mistakes first time owners end up making? According to experts, there are several mistakes that can be made while putting together a shipping container home. Just because you have made the decision to get one doesnt mean it is going to survive what you are doing. Too many first time owners are lazy about this and that is what hurts them. They end up making silly mistakes that shouldnt have been made. You dont want to be one of those people and this chapter will ensure that is the case.
Building Permits
Please be aware of building permits and application processes involving them. You dont want to be sued because you have constructed a shipping container home in an area that does not allow for it. Most areas are going to let you do this, but you have to get permission. Many people dont understand this and that is why they get charged for what they have done.
Instead of going through the legal hassle afterwards, why not sign up right now and apply for the permit? You will be able to get approval and then start on the shipping container home.
Yes, even a tiny home is one that requires a building permit. You have used land and that is something, which will be sanctioned by the government.
Use Anti-Fire Insulation
Insulation is important and might be one of the more challenging components of this process, but what type are you getting? Insulation on its own is not enough. You need more than that without a doubt. You have to get anti-fire insulation and use that to seal up the living space.
The reason has to do with safety. You dont want to be using any type of insulation that doesnt cut it in this regard. It is only a risk that you are taking on your shoulders when you dont have to.