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Jack Adams - Clash of Clans: The Ultimate Battle Game Players Guide with the Information of Builders, Walls, Dragon, Mortar, Barbarians, Cannons and Archers, Most Interesting Tips, Tricks, Hints and Cheats

Here you can read online Jack Adams - Clash of Clans: The Ultimate Battle Game Players Guide with the Information of Builders, Walls, Dragon, Mortar, Barbarians, Cannons and Archers, Most Interesting Tips, Tricks, Hints and Cheats full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2014, publisher: Jack Adams, genre: Business. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Jack Adams Clash of Clans: The Ultimate Battle Game Players Guide with the Information of Builders, Walls, Dragon, Mortar, Barbarians, Cannons and Archers, Most Interesting Tips, Tricks, Hints and Cheats
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    Clash of Clans: The Ultimate Battle Game Players Guide with the Information of Builders, Walls, Dragon, Mortar, Barbarians, Cannons and Archers, Most Interesting Tips, Tricks, Hints and Cheats
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Whether you have been looking for the perfect game to pass a few minutes while on your way to work or you simply enjoy civilization creation games, Clash of Clans is more than something you might play once or twice and then move on. Clash of Clans game, players are able to use various different features that they have gathered or collected throughout the game, and use to level up.

Clash of Clans : Exciting Features of this Book

1. How to Build and Make Your base More Defensible When you first start your game

2. How you can use game mode to make your more advance Defence Base

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By: Jack Adams

Copyrights 2014


This is an unofficial guide to play Clash of Clans game and is not affiliated with the game creator. The information in this book is only for suggestion to play the game and not meant to replace any official document of the game creator. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers.

Table of Contents
Clash of Clans Introduction World Most Addicted game W hether you have been - photo 1
Clash of Clans Introduction World Most Addicted game

W hether you have been looking for the perfect game to pass a few minutes while on your way to work or you simply enjoy civilization creation games, Clash of Clans is more than something you might play once or twice and then move on. With the intricate details, your ability to play both on your own and with friends, the game transforms into possibly the most addicting game on your mobile device. From the moment you lay the grounds of your new empire to when you are conquering new foes, Clash of Clans gives you everything you might want in a civilization creation game, all at your fingertips. In order to best take advantage of the game though, it is important for you to read through this walkthrough so you know how to prepare and what to expect from the game, not only in the first level but as you level up and move towards larger and more difficult

Clash of Clans Getting Started C lash of Clans is a mobile device based game - photo 2

Clash of Clans: Getting Started

C lash of Clans is a mobile device based game. You have the ability to play both in a single player mode and multiplayer mode. In multiplayer mode, you attack and move against other players of the game in order to build up your wealth and empire. There never really is an end to the game as there are always new individuals to take on, and should you lose, it is up to you to rebuild your empire from its ashes. In single player game, there are 50 levels, with each of which providing you with three stars. You earn more stars by defeating more of the other empire's soldiers and constructions while losing less of your own. You are more than able to play the same levels multiple times in order to increase your star count. The goal in either the single or multiplayer variation is to defeat the other and obtain the trophies and other awards you might receive through victory.

Different Platform to Install C lash of Clans is available on almost all - photo 3

Different Platform to Install

C lash of Clans is available on almost all mobile devices. You can download and install Clash of Clans onto your Apple iOS device (iPhone, iPad and iPod) or Android based devices (both phones and tablets). Currently it is not available for Windows Phone or BlackBerry simply due to the limited number of individuals who use these particular mobile operating systems.

How to Make your base More Defensible D uring real time combat you are not - photo 4

How to Make your base More Defensible

D uring real time combat, you are not able to do anything with your base. Due to this, you need to make sure it is as defensible as possible. When you first start your game, you have a few individuals who are able to start collecting gold, gems wood and other supplies. You are instructed to use gems in order to speed up the production of a cannon, which you use during attacks, but you do not want to do this, as the gems are better spent on other items. This is a premium item you receive and you use it to purchase premium goods, so you don't want to use gems on speeding up the construction process.

W hen constructing your fortress you want to use walls to your advantage The - photo 5

W hen constructing your fortress, you want to use walls to your advantage. The walls are designed to slow down your enemy during an attack. You want to place walls in specific areas where guard towers can take out your attacking enemy while they try to take out the wall. In fact, it is best if you are able to set up a secondary wall the enemy needs to take out before it can get to the primary wall. This way, the guard towers have additional time to take out these attackers and thin out the numbers. You also want to bottleneck the attackers. This means you push all of the attackers into a small area. It reduces the damage each attacker is able to do as only the front attackers can try to knock out the wall, all while your guard towers are picking off the attackers quickly and easily.

A s you go through the game and earn more stars and trophies you receive the - photo 6

A s you go through the game and earn more stars and trophies, you receive the ability to upgrade all of your fortifications. Make sure to do this, as you don't want to go into battle with another enemy that has upgraded troops while you have left your fortress at the base construction level. While these new constructions are going to cost you, it is well worth the price. You want to focus more of your attention on your defense and base than on your army initially. It does not matter how many armies you defeat, it only takes one to completely destroy your castle. Once this is super fortified, you can attack your enemies without worrying about what might happen to your fortress.

W hen defending your base you have access to cannons and mortars You can also - photo 7

W hen defending your base you have access to cannons and mortars. You can also set traps, so when attacking clans reach this part of the base they actually take damage once they hit the trap. Mortars are going to fire out at longer range while cannons are short range options. Having a large amount of mortars is a good idea as you can thin out your attackers before they start to reach the base. The cannons are good then for when the enemy reaches your walls. You want to place the mortars closer towards your fortress center as the mortars are able to reach further distances. If you place cannons towards the middle of your fortress they might not be able to fire until a few sections of the castle have been taking out, at which point you are wasting valuable resource space. Additionally, when you are able to upgrade to Clan Castle make sure to do so. This is because you can store troops inside of the castle so when the attacking army is close enough to your castle the troops are triggered and come out to help defend the castle

J ust remember to set up the fences in order to direct the troops to a certain - photo 8

J ust remember, to set up the fences in order to direct the troops to a certain area. They might try to attack a specific path because it appears it is less fortified, but you can set up row after row of cannons along both sides, making it easier to take these enemies out.

C onsider increasing the number of builders you have inside of your fortress as - photo 9

C onsider increasing the number of builders you have inside of your fortress as well. Builders are required to upgrade your fortress. Of course, if you only have a single builder it is going to take a considerably long time for your building to ever reach completion. However, by adding in a few additional builders, you increase the number of upgrades you can perform, which strengthens your defenses.

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