![Rent to Rent - Getting Started Guide First published in 2017 by Panoma Press - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/446540/images/title.png)
Rent to Rent - Getting Started Guide
First published in 2017 by
Panoma Press Ltd
48 St Vincent Drive, St Albans, Herts, AL1 5SJ, UK
Book layout by Neil Coe.
Printed on acid-free paper from managed forests.
eISBN: 978-1-784523-02-2
The right of Jacquie Edwards to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Applications for the copyright holders written permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed to the publishers.
This book is available online and in bookstores.
Copyright 2017 Jacquie Edwards
When I started out on my mission to build a map of wealth creation, I was buried in information and had no clear path that I thought would work for me. I took the usual approach of trial and error and what I realised on my journey is that you dont need just information, you need direction. Information is like a map of an area, it is all the detail of everything, but you dont know where you are, or even maybe where you need to get to. Direction comes from your GPS, where you know where youre starting, plug in where you want to be and it gives you a few routes to get there.
I have been working with Jacquie over the last few years and followed her progress closely. We have talked a lot about making impactful businesses and so when she asked me, How could I impact more investors? I said, Well, you have shared the strategy with them, why not put together a book with some direction for them? and here it is! Her first best-seller focused on the Rent to Rent strategy, this one gives you direction on how to chart a safe course from starting up, to scaling a successful property investing business. These steps are tried and tested, following the eight stages of enterprise growth.
In my late twenties I was running a start-up property investment magazine. I got to meet and interview a lot of property investors who had all sorts of different experience. They all said that they believed property investing was the key to creating long-term wealth (well they would!). My favourite question to ask in the interview was, What was the most challenging part in your journey? and they almost always answered, Knowing the next steps to take when you are outside of your comfort zone. The key thing I have learnt is that you dont need to know all of the steps, just the next one to take right now.
When you are just starting out in any new venture, the amount of things to do can seem overwhelming. Jacquie has broken down everything that needs to be done into a few key areas: planning your business, keeping it legal, researching your goldmine area, setting up your marketing machine, presenting your offer and next steps to grow your business. This book will help to build your confidence, avoid some of the pitfalls and help you to get results more quickly by following a proven model.
So Ill leave you with one more thought. I often get asked, Roger, when is the best time to start investing? and my answer is always the same, You are in luck because there are only two best times. The first best time is twenty years ago Hmm, well I cant do that, so when is the second best time? The second best time is NOW. Are you ready to set your GPS and take the first step?
Keep making magic.
Roger James Hamilton
Author of New York Times Bestseller Millionaire Master Plan. Founder of Entrepreneurs Institute.
Hello and thank you for letting me join you on your property journey! I am truly excited to help you get started with your Rent to Rent business. Ive got loads of experience working on my own Rent to Rent business and helping many others to create successful businesses as well.
You may have read my first book, Rent to Rent: Your Questions Answered. But dont worry if you havent read that one as I would consider this book a prequel to that. Your Questions Answered was based on my coaching and mentoring experience and the main questions people were asking me when they were trying to get their Rent to Rent business up and running. It is a Q&A style book that answers specific questions such as: What contracts should I use? How do I know how much rent to charge? How do I find prospective deals? etc. That book has loads of really useful information as a reference book to use when you are working and in the midst of things. Its had amazing reviews and was a No.1 bestseller on Amazon and I consistently meet people who have had great results because of the book. But I was still getting calls and emails from people who just werent quite able to get started. Who needed just a little bit more to really help them accelerate their journey. It took me a while to understand what that little bit extra might be because all of the knowledge is in the Your Questions Answered book it has all the information and answers all the key questions to getting your business up and running and how to manage it going forward. So I didnt know what was missing.
Then one day I had someone call for one of my FREE 10-minute coaching calls and she asked if I had a checklist of what she needed to do to get started. And thats when the proverbial lightbulb went on in my head. While I put all of the information in Your Questions Answered and it follows the process from beginning to end, it isnt as structured as a checklist. That book will give you all the answers to your questions but wont tell you which bits you need to do first, second and third in order to practically get your business up and running. And it wont help you make sure you have done all the steps, so without this checklist there is always a chance you will miss a step. That is when this book, Rent to Rent: Getting Started Guide was born. I absolutely love a checklist and this is a true hands-on practical guide to make sure you get your Rent to Rent business set up correctly.
This book is your guide to getting started and setting up a successful business. It goes through each step in detail that I used to set up my Rent to Rent business and what my students have used to set up their businesses. It is filled with loads of practical hands-on application material like checklists and templates. One of my core skills is in organising information and systemising businesses; this book really is a practical guide that will help you focus on and set up your Rent to Rent business in a very orderly manner so that it will be easy to scale and shape the business to be exactly what you want it to be as it grows. You will be able to follow along step by step to get your own business organised, starting with Step 1 planning, through to how to do the viewings to find the first property. Because this is the getting started guide we will stop at the place where you get the property as thats the point where you can transfer over to the Rent to Rent: Your Questions Answered book to get tips on managing the tenants and Ive provided some other useful next steps material as well.
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