Watercolor Landscapes
37 tools for painting with impact
Catherine Gill
with Beth Means
Powerful Watercolor Landscapes. Copyright 2011 by Catherine Gill. Manufactured in China. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review. Published by North Light Books, an imprint of F+W Media, Inc., 4700 East Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45236. (800) 289-0963. First Edition.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Gill, Catherine.
Powerful watercolor landscapes : 37 tools for painting with impact / Catherine Gill with Beth Means. 1st ed.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN: 978-1-60061-949-6 (hardcover : alk. paper)
eISBN 13: 978-1-4403-1431-5
1. Landscape painting Technique. 2. Watercolor painting Technique. I. Means, Beth. II. Title
ND2240.G45 2011
751.42'2436 dc22
Edited by Jennifer Lepore, Kelly Messerly and Kathy Kipp
Designed by Wendy Dunning
Production coordinated by Mark Griffin
To convert | to | multiply by |
Inches | Centimeters | 2.54 |
Centimeters | Inches | 0.4 |
Feet | Centimeters | 30.5 |
Centimeters | Feet | 0.03 |
Yards | Meters | 0.9 |
Meters | Yards | 1.1 |
Photo coutesy of Rebecca Douglas
CATHERINE GILL has lived and worked in the Pacific Northwest for 30 years. She paints on location in watercolor, oil, and pastel, and is also a printmaker. Catherine teaches painting and printmaking at her studio in Seattle, as well as throughout the United States, Europe, China and Australia. Her artwork has been featured in The Artists Magazine and Watercolor Magic, and has been exhibited throughout the world. Catherine is also co-founder of Art Partners International, an organization dedicated to bringing together artists and art of different cultures. She is a member of Northwest Watercolor Society, Women Painters of Washington, Plein Aire Painters of Washington, Seattle Print Arts, and Print Arts NW. You can view Catherine's art at her website, www.catherinegill.com.
BETH MEANS is a writer and artist who lives in Seattle, Washington. Her other books include Teaching Writing in Middle School Tips Tricks and Techniques.
Thank you to my parents: my mother for teaching me to have a dream, and my father for showing me the courage to hold on. This book is dedicated to everyone who is brave enough to look inside.
Making a book takes a team, a very generous and dedicated one. My first thanks go to Beth Means who took years of my workshop information and over many long days of working together transformed my ideas and words into a book that is alive and fun. The process of working with such a skilled writer parallels the process of making a landscape painting: the best work evolves from a dynamic, creative and enthusiastic relationship. A special thank you to Martha Means, a silent partner, whose talents, support and enthusiasm appear on nearly every page. Dick Eagle used his time and considerable photographic skills for all the artwork in this book. Barbara Pitts and Darrell Anderson pored through the early drafts and gave us indispensable advice. Dan Woo gave us sound counsel. My husband, Frank, and Beth's husband, Ken Hartung, played shortstop more times than could be counted. North Light editors Jamie Markle, Jennifer Lepore, Kelly Messerly and Kathy Kipp put it all together. Without their knowledge, enthusiasm and support this book would not exist.
I also have enormous gratitude for my workshop students who came up with relentlessly good questions over many years. They made me think hard and carefully about why I do things the way I do. Their questions precipitated some pretty creative investigations into value, color and technique. May the questions never stop. May finding answers always be such fun.
When people first learn to paint landscapes, they naturally focus on technique: How do I get a tree to look like a tree or a rock to look like a rock? How do I get the mountain to sit back in the distance or the lake to lie flat? How do I get the water the right color?
Then, one day, it is suddenly not enough. You look at your paintings, and even the most beautiful ones don't satisfy you. You want more. More beauty. More meaning. More something. You may not even be sure just what you want. Almost without realizing it, you have set your feet on a new path. You want people to stop and stare at your paintings. Maybe even say, Wow. You want more power.
I wrote this book with Beth Means to share some of the tools that help my students at this stage of their painting. I call them power tools because each one will add more impact to your paintings. Some are general design tools, such as ways to create more interesting shapes. Others are tools especially helpful to landscape painters, such as how to mix satisfying greens to help you confidently tackle a wall of green grass, green trees, green water, green, green, green, green everywhere. The tools aren't necessarily difficult. It's more a matter of finding the right tool for the job you need to do.
Think of this book as a little backpack you can take with you that has a trail guide, a camp stove, some Band-Aids, warm gloves, blue paper towels and other handy aides to keep you on the trail to more powerful paintings.
The chapters are organized in the order you work on a painting, starting with the decisions you need to make before you pick up a brush, then on to organizing a solid composition through a value sketch. This is especially helpful because, even though the landscape before you is three-dimensional, you must paint it on a flat piece of paper. If you work out a strong composition in flat shapes first, not only is adding the third dimension as you paint much easier, but the final painting will also have good, strong bones underneath it. The last chapter covers tools to help you create strong color and replace washed-out or muddy colors with exciting transparents, vigorous middle values and delicious darks.
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