Digital Photography Lighting For Dummies
by Dirk Fletcher
Digital Photography Lighting For Dummies
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About the Author
St. Louis native and son of a professional photographer, Dirk Fletcher began his career as a public relations photographer and a stringer for a small newspaper as soon as he could drive. After several years, he and his high school sweetheart moved to Santa Barbara where he attended Brooks Institute of Photography and earned a degree in Advertising and Illustration Photography.
After graduation, Dirk moved to Chicago where he worked with advertising photographers before taking a full-time job at a full-service photo and design studio shooting advertising, packaging, and catalogs. After several years, he departed for a five-year stint as the sole photographer at the world-famous Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. He had a variety of subjects, from exhibit interiors to advertising, events, annual reports, and documentation of priceless artifacts.
In 2004, he was chosen to create and develop a digital photography program for Harrington College of Design. The program serves 200 students today and grows each year. As chairman of the photography programs, he teaches regularly and manages the daily and long-term operations of the department. In addition, he has researched and written degree programs in Digital Filmmaking, Digital Photography, and Commercial Photography. Dirk has guest-lectured at colleges, institutions, and professional organizations as well as the flagship Apple Store on Michigan Avenue in 2009.
His 2007 portfolio from the Chinese city of Rizhao in the Shandong province achieved top honors in the 2008 International Photo Imaging Education Association (PIEA) competition. The portfolio crossed the globe for two years in internationally traveling exhibitions.
Believing in a convergence in still and motion disciplines, Dirk completed an MFA in Digital Imaging/Independent Filmmaking in 2009 at Governors State University in the southwestern suburbs of Chicago. His thesis film, The Digital Dilemma, a documentary about the pitfalls of using small digital cameras and cellphones to record your family history, was an official selection and was publically premiered at the Washington, D.C., Independent Film Festival in March 2010.
He served for eight years as a board member for the Chicago chapter of American Society of Media Professionals (ASMP) and served on the Alumni Board of Brooks Institute of Photography. He lives in the Chicago suburbs with his wife and two aspiring photographers and filmmakers, ages 7 and 10. His work can be seen at and his blog at
This book is dedicated not only to aspiring photographers and visual artists but to anybody who has ever looked at an image and wondered, How did they do that?
Let this book serve as a springboard for that curiosity; may it take you far and reward you well.
Authors Acknowledgments
First and foremost I have to thank my wonderfully supportive wife Kate and boys Sam and John. These three have given me the strength and motivation to take on another major endeavor. I dont know where Id be without you three; I draw inspiration and creativity from each of you every day!
For the number of times that I reached out at all hours not just now but always, thanks to Mom, Dad, and my brother Eric you have always been there.
I need to specifically thank my father, a now retired corporate/industrial photographer, who gave me, at an early age, a deep understanding and respect for the tools and techniques of the industry. I dare say he gave me insight to creativity as well, even though he doesnt really use that word.
To Elizabeth Pratt and Ed Meyers from Canon Professional Services, thanks for making sure I had whatever support I needed for testing and creation of the sample images in this book. Thanks also to Helix Photographic for their generosity with loaner equipment.
Thanks to Traci, Erin, Christy, and Alissa, my amazingly talented and remarkably patient editors at Wiley; I truly appreciate your efforts!