Freshwater Aquariums For Dummies, 2nd Edition
by Maddy Hargrove and Mic Hargrove
Freshwater Aquariums For Dummies, 2nd Edition
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About the Authors
Maddy and Mic Hargrove are both contributing writers for many aquatic magazines, including Tropical Fish Hobbyist and Aquarium Fish magazine, and are also the authors of several aquarium books. They have both been in the writing industry for over 30 years.
Maddys interest in fish began when she was five years old. She often dreamed of keeping fish at home as she watched the local fishermen bring in their daily catch in her hometown. She began keeping aquariums at age seven and began breeding fish at age ten. She built her aquarium collection by selling and trading her newborn fry to local aquarium stores in exchange for aquariums and equipment as she was growing up.
Her passion for aquarium fish continued on after she finished her college degree in journalism and began writing aquarium-keeping articles for print and online aquatic magazines. Eventually, she wrote several aquarium columns and began writing fishkeeping books to help other hobbyists enjoy keeping aquariums at home as much as she did. Her love of fish has also appeared in her greeting cards, cartoons, and other artwork.
Mic has kept aquarium fish for almost 30 years. He was one of the first sailors to develop a tank system that could keep aquarium fish alive onboard Navy vessels. His love of fish began when he saw many different species, aquatic traditions, and other hobbyists while on his worldwide military travels.
Both authors enjoy breeding fish, traveling, scuba diving, cooking and creating exciting new recipes, collecting old records, and computer games.
This book is dedicated to the memory of Maddys father who taught her the true beauty of the natural world in which we live. Thanks, Dad, wherever you are.
Authors Acknowledgments
We would like to thank our editor Corbin for dedicating himself to making this book great. We would also like to thank Claudette for her moral support when it was needed most. And we would also like to thank our two dogs who persistently reminded us that we needed to stop playing with fish and go out for a good brisk walk now and then.
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