Crochet Patterns For Dummies
by Susan Brittain
Crochet Patterns For Dummies
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About the Author
Susan Brittains fascination with crochet began very early, when she was 4 or 5 years old. She would watch her grandmother, who had lost her sight in midlife, spend hours crocheting beautiful afghans for friends and family, counting the stitches with her fingers. By the age of 8, Susan was crocheting her own projects, starting with simple patterns such as scarves, and then moving on to afghans, toys, and sweaters. Although her creative streak has led her to learn many different crafts, crochet has been a steady thread throughout.
Susan finally had the opportunity to combine work with pleasure, and she held the position of assistant editor for Crochet Fantasy magazine for a little more than two years, contributing as a designer as well. She is also the coauthor of Crocheting For Dummies (Wiley) and con- tinues to design new projects for various yarn companies, as well as friends and family.
This book is first and foremost dedicated to my family, without whom I could never have completed this book. They gave me the time and space I needed to crochet all the designs, and then get them down on paper. My husband, Paul, and daughter, Angela, put up with boxes and bags of yarn, late meals, and piles of laundry that never seemed to quite get finished. Also, to my stepdaughters, Ashley and Sarah, who provided me with insights about what crochet projects the younger generation would like to see. Ashley even took a whole box of yarn and hooks with her when she went off to college.
Again, my gratitude goes to my family, the most important people in my life.
Authors Acknowledgments
First of all, Id like to thank Lindsay Lefevere at Wiley Publishing for giving me the opportunity to write another For Dummies book and, hopefully, expose more people to the craft of crochet. Even though crochet is in these days, its a dying art, and Id hate to see it go by the wayside. I want to thank Elizabeth Kuball, my first project editor, and Alissa Schwipps, my second and final PE, for attempting to keep me on track and for their wonderful insights, even though I probably gave both of them some sleepless nights. Thanks also go to Vicki Adang, my copy editor, for her creativity with words and making sense of my sometimes mixed-up wording.
I have to thank my husband, Paul, and my daughter, Angela, for putting up with piles of yarn, hooks, and notes scattered throughout the house and my distraction when designing a new project.
Many thanks go to Lynn Carlisle of Caron Yarns, as well as Kathleen Sams and Terri Geck at Coats & Clark for so willingly supplying me with some fabulous yarn for many of these projects.
I also send many thanks to Elizabeth, Chelsea, Savannah, and Lu for helping me out when this book was in its beginning stages.
And last but not least, thanks to the readers, who I hope get as much enjoyment from reading this book as I did from writing it.
Publishers Acknowledgments
Were proud of this book; please send us your comments through our Dummies online registration form located at
Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:
Acquisitions, Editorial, and Media Development
Senior Project Editor: Alissa Schwipps
Project Editor: Elizabeth Kuball
Acquisitions Editor: Lindsay Lefevere
Copy Editor: Victoria M. Adang
Technical Editor: Karen Frisa
Senior Editorial Manager: Jennifer Ehrlich
Editorial Assistants: Leeann Harney, Erin Calligan Mooney, Joe Niesen
Cover Photo: Kreber
Cartoons: Rich Tennant (