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Jane Courtier - Fast, Fresh Garden Edibles : Quick Crops for Small Spaces.

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Jane Courtier Fast, Fresh Garden Edibles : Quick Crops for Small Spaces.
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    Fast, Fresh Garden Edibles : Quick Crops for Small Spaces.
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    Fox Chapel Publishing
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    La Vergne
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Contents - photo 1

Contents The need for speed - photo 2

Contents The need for speed Growing your own food can be one of the most - photo 3

Contents The need for speed Growing your own food can be one of the most - photo 4


The need for speed Growing your own food can be one of the most satisfying - photo 5

The need for speed

Growing your own food can be one of the most satisfying and rewarding forms of gardening. Yet, nature doesnt usually produce instant results, and many gardeners are generally willing to wait to reap what they have sown. However, there are also many potential gardeners who would grow their own vegetables if only they knew they could get faster results. The good news is they can.

Cant wait, wont wait

Many people live in a speed-obsessed world these days. They grumble if the Internet takes more than a few seconds to connect, and the idea of traveling to the other side of the world in a matter of hours doesnt raise an eyebrow. Perhaps its not surprising that people are eager to get speedier harvests from their vegetable gardens.

Its not just that were impatient. Most people tend to have busy lives, whether its due to working long hours, too many family commitments, or enjoying some of the many leisure activities that are now available. While dedicated gardeners consider gardening to be their major hobby and enjoy spending many hours engrossed in it, others are not so committed. Yes, they enjoy a little gardening if it fits into their schedule, but there are other demands on their time that, for them, are just as important. For these people, Fast, Fresh Garden Edibles is the ideal book, providing ways to bring the pleasure of growing vegetables and some fruits and herbs, toointo a busy lifestyle, even if it means cutting a few corners here and there.

A small raised bed is easy to maintain making it suitable for the busy person - photo 6

A small raised bed is easy to maintain, making it suitable for the busy person. Its also a great way to provide growing space where there isnt available ground in a yard.

Fast foodonly the best

Fortunately, there are many vegetables that produce great results. Food that is grown fast is not just more satisfying for people in a hurry but is often of a better quality, too. Many types of vegetables dont need a long season in which to mature and develop their flavor. Instead, they are at their most succulent, tender, and tasty when you harvest them while still young. Baby vegetables are sold in most grocery stores, and the public is willing to pay a premium price for what is considered to be a premium product.

There are also vegetables that may not be the quickest candidates, from sowing or transplanting to harvest, but once the vegetables are in the ground, you can almostforget about them until they are ready for picking. (For more on which vegetables to choose, see Picking the Winners, .)

Lost the plot

You dont even need to have a vegetable plot to grow vegetables. There is such a huge variety of vegetables from which to choose that youll be able to find some suitable for growing mixed with flowers in a border, others in a raised bed on your patio, and even those that will thrive in pots and other containers on a balcony. (See .)

Making things easier

As far as this book is concerned, fast food doesnt just mean vegetables that you can harvest within a short time of planting or sowing. The vegetables are often easy to grow because they dont require complicated, time-consuming cultivation techniques.

The main secret of getting plants to grow fast is to provide them with ideal growing conditions, which is often easier than it may seem. (See Get Ready to Grow, .)

Once you understand how to acheive these basics, you will be on course for success. You may need to invest a small amount of time and energy up front to get the soil ready, but then you will need to provide only minimum effort during the growing season. It will be a matter of weeks and in some cases even only a few days before youll be harvesting your own fast, fresh vegetables.

After the initial soil preparation a small vegetable plot often needs just a - photo 7

After the initial soil preparation, a small vegetable plot often needs just a little time each week for planting, care, and harvesting.

Where does your garden grow?

You dont need a large yard to grow vegetables Even the tiniest yard can - photo 8

You dont need a large yard to grow vegetables. Even the tiniest yard can provide enough room for a reasonable crop. What if you have room for only a few containers? You can still grow vegetables, as long as you can be creative with your space to provide the plants with what they need.

Making plans No matter what size your outdoor space you can grow some - photo 9

Making plans

No matter what size your outdoor space, you can grow some vegetables and herbs, even if it is just a chili or a few herbs on a windowsill. If you have only a small yardor even no yard at allyou might be surprised at how much you can still produce.

Suburban yards have been growing steadily smaller over the years. As the price of landalong with the size of the populationincreases, it makes economic sense for house builders to squeeze as many homes in a given area as they can, and that often means less outdoor space for everyone. Fewer people today have the luxury of keeping a vegetable patch separate from an ornamental flower garden. For those living in urban areas, apartments that come with any type of outdoor space attached, such as a courtyard, are scarce. One option can be to get involved in a community garden.

Making space

Having little or no outdoor space doesnt mean that you have no room for food crops. In the same way that fast-growing, easy-care vegetables dont require as much of your time as you might have expected, fruits and vegetables dont need that much space. Dont just look at the obvious areas of ground space for growing your vegetables. You can grow plants in pots on balconies, on windowsills, and at the sides of paths and steps. Walls and fences can support climbers and scramblers, as well as hanging baskets.

If you are planning a roof garden or intend to grow vegetables on your balcony, be sure that the structures will support the weight of the plants and soil in pots, and that hanging baskets and window boxes are safely secured, especially if they are up high.

Once youve decided on a space, the next step is to look at the conditions. You may need to improve or adapt them before you can start growing your own vegetables.

Light and shade

Fruit and vegetable plants like good, bright light; they will struggle to grow well in shade. Most yards are shady only in certain areas or at certain times of the day. On a sunny day, take photographs of your yard or outdoor space every two or three hours so that you have a record of exactly which areas are shaded and for how long. This will help you decide the best position for your vegetables.

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