Senior Dogs For Dummies
by Susan McCullough
Senior Dogs For Dummies
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About the Author
Susan McCullough writes about all things dog for media outlets all over the United States. Her credits include Family Circle, The Washington Post, Modern Maturity, AKC Family Dog, AKC Gazette, ASPCA Animal Watch, Cornell Universitys DogWatch, Animal Fair, PetLife, Healthy Pet, The Dog Daily, and Popular Dogs. Shes also the author of Housetraining For Dummies (Wiley, 2002) and Your New Dog (Capital Books, 2003).
Susan belongs to the Dog Writers Association of America (DWAA), Association of Pet Dog Trainers, and the American Society of Journalists and Authors. Shes a two-time winner of the DWAA Maxwell award for excellence in writing about dogs and won the 2001 Eukanuba Canine Health Award for outstanding writing about canine health.
When shes not writing or hanging out with friends and family (both two-legged and four-legged), Susan counsels puzzled people on how to deal with the quandaries that inevitably arise when dogs join human households. She lives in Vienna, Virginia, with her husband, Stan Chappell; their daughter, Julie Chappell; and their Golden Retriever, Allie.
To Molly, the dog of my soul, Cory, the dog of my heart, and Allie, the dog of my life.
Authors Acknowledgments
This book is a labor of love not only on my part, but also on the parts of many other individuals. I want to thank them all, including
Kathy Cox, acquisitions editor at Wiley, who asked me to take on this project.
Alissa Schwipps, senior project editor, who not only accommodated my writing process but also improved the results of that process.
Lynn Whittaker, my agent, who once again did the tough stuff so that I could be free to write.
Ron Spikloser, VMD, who made sure that the manuscript contained the best available info for those who love older dogs.
Susan Lennon, Brette Sember, Laura Rubin, Liz Palika, Lynn Whittaker, Alissa Schwipps, Carole Dickerson Kauffman, Michael and Kimberly Smith, and Ron Spikloser for generously sharing the stories of their wonderful Senior Super Dogs.
Edie Galpin of Golden Retriever Rescue, Education and Training, Inc., who not only shared her story of Senior Super Dog Zack but also provided crucial last-minute assistance.
Last but never least: Stan Chappell, my husband, who listened patiently to my end-of-the-day monologues about senior dogs and book writing; Julie Chappell, my daughter, who kept her promise to cut me lots of slack during Final Deadline Week; and Allie McChappell, resident pooch, who learned to be a good office dog between the day I started writing Chapter 16 and the day I finished the manuscript. I love you guys!
Publishers Acknowledgments
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Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:
Acquisitions, Editorial, and Media Development
Senior Project Editor: Alissa D. Schwipps
Acquisitions Editor: Kathy Cox
Copy Editor: Michelle Dzurny
Technical Editor: Ron Spikloser, VMD
Editorial Manager: Jennifer Ehrlich
Editorial Assistants: Courtney Allen, Melissa Bennett, Elizabeth Rea
Cover Photo: AGE Fotostock
Cartoons: Rich Tennant,
Project Coordinator: Adrienne Martinez
Layout and Graphics: Amanda Carter, Denny Hager, Michael Kruzil, Brent Savage, Julie Trippetti
Illustrations: Lisa S. Reed
Proofreaders: John Greenough, Andy Hollandbeck, Carl William Pierce, Dwight Ramsey, Brian Walls, TECHBOOKS Production Services