Also by Dr. Jay Gordon
Listen to Your Baby: A New Approach to Parenting Your Newborn
The ADD and ADHD Cure: The Natural Way to Treat Hyperactivity and Refocus Your Child with Jennifer Chang
Good Nights: The Happy Parents Guide to the Family Bed (and a Peaceful Nights Sleep!) with Maria Goodavage
Copyright 2013 by Jay Gordon. All rights reserved
Cover Design: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Cover Photograph: Courtesy of Gina Conte
Text design and composition by Forty-five Degree Design LLC
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey
Published simultaneously in Canada
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ISBN 978-1-118-38672-9 (paperback); ISBN 978-1-118-53987-3 (ebk);
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I could dedicate everything I do to my wife, Meyera, because she is there to support everything I do. Almost everything I do.
This book is also dedicated to the children and families who have taught me about autism and the spectrum. I have learned more from them than I learned in medical school, residency, or anywhere else. I have watched parents work harder for months and years to improve their childrens lives than I could ever imagine working. They inspired me to write this book.
Dr. Gordon has changed the names and circumstances of the case histories included in the book to respect the confidentiality of his patients.
I wanted my foreword to be written by the real experts: the parents I know who have actually dealt with their fears about autism. They have taken practical steps to keep their kids environments as free of toxins as possible.
I am always surprised that so many people consider these concepts controversial. A recent study from a major university appeared to dismiss the great value of organic food. The response from more than one parent in my practice has been, Intuitively, it just makes more sense to feed my children food without pesticides than to expose them to food with pesticides. It is hard to argue with that reasonable choice.
Some moms and dads who are committed to protecting their children from the damaging effects of toxins have contributed their thoughts to open this book.
I try to live a very green life, and Jay Gordon affirms what I believe. I always go to him for advice on creating a clean and green environment for Nahla, the love of my life. Get rid of the plastic! Jay is coming, is a common refrain in preparation for one of his house calls. There always seems to be a plastic toy around that happened to slip in with all the wooden toys! Jay is the first to say that no one is perfect.
We eat organic, healthy food at our house. Going to the farmers market is one of our favorite activities, and we have Green Food delivered. Nahla is proud of what and how we eat. Ive heard her say to friends, Your cookies have a lot of sugarsugar is bad for your brain. I had to take her aside to tell her that being so outspoken might become annoying. But she is learning a lifestyle that is important to me.
For my What a Little Love Can Do Project at the Jenesse Center, I have been helping to remodel housing shelters for battered women and their children. We have been environmentally conscious with the renovations, particularly the paint, flooring, and energy efficiency. The first apartment I worked on is the childrens apartment, named Nahlas World after my daughter. I want to give these children a healthy place to develop and another way of looking at the world, part of a bigger life. I want to teach them they are worthy far beyond their circumstances. Taking good care of themselves and staying healthy is a big part of that learning.
Parents need good books. There is no guide that comes with being a parent. Jays book embodies so many things I believe about raising healthy kids in a toxic world. His advice has meant a lot to me. Im glad that his important message will be available to parents everywhere who are not lucky enough to have him as their familys pediatrician.
Halle Berry
Dr. Gordons book sheds light on the serious problems facing our children today. Over the years Dr. Gordon has cared for our children and shares with us important information about health-related issues. Preventing Autism is a book that takes the knowledge of a very exceptional doctor and gives us an important tool in safeguarding our children. We are grateful to have Jay Gordon in the lives of our children, and after you read this book, we are sure you will be as well. Enjoy!
Giselle Bundchen and Tom Brady
Embarking on the journey of new motherhood can be such a daunting chapter in life along with, of course, the mind-blowing joy that can also be overwhelming. We are bombarded by so many opinions, approaches, and so much to learn. As everything is a mystery to most new parents, it can take on such epic proportions. Fortunately, my experience with my firstand onlybaby was indelibly affected by my relationship with our pediatrician, Jay Gordon.
Jay taught me everything I needed to know that wasnt innate about the beginning of our daughters life. His humanity coupled with his unbelievable expertise is a rare and treasured asset. The importance of breastfeeding and his holistic less-is-more approach became our code, in spite of the fact that it went against so many of my initial impulses, which were informed by fear and the great unknown. I am so happy that babies everywhere will be able to reap the benefits and wisdom of this amazing, soulful, and generous man, and not just the lucky few to be in his practice.
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