Copyright 2007 by Rhonda Gowler Greene
Illustrations 2014 by Margaret Spengler This title is also available as a Zondervan ebook.
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Rhonda Gowler Greene Illustrated by Margaret Spengler
With love, for Gary, whom I can always count on. RGG For my two favorite guys: Ken, my loving husband and Matt, my amazing son.
Then Jesus told them this parable: Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesnt he leave the ninety -nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? Taken from Luke 15:
White and wooly, hungry sheep grazing by a mountain, steep. Shepherd watching them with care, guards each one from beast and bear.
Counts to make sure all are there
One, two, three, four, five, six, even more
Big ones, small ones, ewes and rams, brothers, sisters, little lambs
ninety -eight, ninety -nine, one hundred sheep. Yes, all are fine.
Down the path clip -clop they go, stepping sure, stepping slow.
Uh-oh! One begins to stray.
Uh-oh! One begins to stray.
Little lamb, dont lose your way!
Clip clop up mountain, steep. Baa baa ... one lost sheep.
Now shepherd counts just ninety -nine. One lost sheep, he must find! Step step, step, up mountain, steep. Where, oh where, is that lost sheep?
By the tree? No, not there.
Searching, searching everywhere
In the brambles? No, not there. Searching, searching everywhere
Behind those rocks? No, not there. Searching, searching everywhere
Listen Shhh That wayward lamb bleating Baa baa, here I am.
Shepherd lifts that sheep up high, rejoices with a happy sigh.
Carries it down mountain, steep, safe and sound now in his keep.
White and wooly, sleepy sheep dozing by a mountain, steep.
Shepherd watching through the night as the stars shine brilliant -bright.
Like that shepherd, God above keeps us in his boundless love.
Like that shepherd, God above keeps us in his boundless love.
The Lord God is our shepherd too, watching over me and you.