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George Beahm - The Jack Reacher Field Manual: An Unofficial Companion to Lee Childs Reacher Novels

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George Beahm The Jack Reacher Field Manual: An Unofficial Companion to Lee Childs Reacher Novels
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You dont know JackJack Reacher, that is . . .
In The Jack Reacher Field Manual: An Unofficial Companion to Lee Childs Reacher Novels, from ex-Army major and New York Times bestselling author George Beahm, get up-close and personal with Reacher like never before.
The only book of its kind, the Field Manual draws on 17 years of interviews, novels, stories, and more to demystify author Lee Childs larger-than-life, name-taking, quick-thinking one-man avenger. Child calls the Reacher novels almost entirely autobiographical, and The Jack Reacher Field Manual seamlessly integrates the literary creator and his creation to provide the most complete portrait of Jack Reacher available.
Dive into Jack Reachers life with:
- A detailed dossier on Reacher and his life at West Point and in the Armys Military Police Corps
- Reachers rules of engagement, including how he handles a street brawl
- A full-color drifters roadmap of the US, detailing the places Reacher has visited in the novels
- Reachers philosophy for surviving under the radar
- A biography on Child and an A-to-Z list of the key people, places, and things in his life
- And more, including a glossary of US Army acronyms that appear in the series and a comprehensive reading list of Reacher novels, novellas, and stories
The Jack Reacher Field Manual belongs in the fatigue jacket of any fan craving more information about this internationally popular literary antihero.

George Beahm: author's other books

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THE JACK REACHER FIELD MANUAL An Unofficial Companion to Lee Childs Reacher - photo 1
An Unofficial Companion to
Lee Childs Reacher Novels

CONTENTS THE JACK REACHER FIELD MANUAL Other Smart Pop Titles Unraveling - photo 2

Other Smart Pop Titles

Unraveling the Mysteries of The Big Bang Theory
In Pursuit of Spenser
Jack Bauer for President
Neptune Noir
Perfectly Plum
The Psychology of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
What Would Sipowicz Do?


This publication consists principally of commentary, criticism, and reference. Within the limits of fair use, it also incorporates select quotes to provide essential context.

The Jack Reacher Field Manual 2016 by George Beahm

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

The Jack Reacher Field Manual An Unofficial Companion to Lee Childs Reacher Novels - image 3

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First E-Book Edition: January 2016.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data may be found on .

Editing by Heather Butterfield

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For my nephew, Captain David Shaffer (US Air Force) ,
who proudly followed in his fathers footsteps.

The only thing in the world worth a damn is the
strange, touching, pathetic, awesome nobility of the
individual human spirit.

John D. MacDonald, from a Travis McGee
novel, A Deadly Shade of Gold

Jack Reacher: A Knight by Day

In 1997, Jack Reacher first made his appearance in Killing Floor , a novel by Lee Child. He remains, however, largely a man of mystery, which is Childs intent: Personal information about Reacher is carefully doled out throughout the books, requiring the reader to assemble the pieces of his personal life like a puzzle. One gets the sense that Child wants us to get lost in the stories, and not in the facts surrounding Reachers obdurate personality.

Childin his real life and his fictionsubscribes to a principal tenet of design that emphasizes simplicity: Less is more. For example, in his fiction, the less we know about Reacher, the more we are intrigued: What makes him tick? How has his professional training shaped him? What motivates him? What makes him such a loner? Just who is Jack Reacher?

Picture 4 Lee Child Says... Picture 5

The reader gets curious about the character, gets engaged with the character. And I think its really gratifying for the reader to find new stuff out book by book over ten or even twenty books.

Given that the Reacher novels are by design same but different, a template Child adopted modeled after his fathers preference for novels, one must ask why have they proven to be so popular worldwide? In the field of suspense fiction, a Reacher novel, like the character himself, stands head and shoulders above the competition.

I think there are two significant reasons.

First, Lee Child emphasizes storytelling above all else, because the novels plots are drawn from a template: They are dissimilar only in the essential telling of the story itself. The books are unabashedly escapist fiction. He believes theres value in fiction that takes the reader away from the real world and constitutes a captivating storyline thats pure entertainment. In other words, he spins one hell of a yarn pulp fiction, pure and simple.

Picture 6 Lee Child Says... Picture 7

People are either frustrated because they cant make up their mind all day, or frustrated that they have to conceal their true judgment. Thats the entire focus of fiction: to give people what they cant get out of their real life. Thats absolutely what fiction is for.

Second, Reacher is morally unambiguous. He has a clearly defined sense of the world, and he does his part to right wrongs, when most of us would be reluctant to get involved or hamstrung by circumstances. Reacher, you see, cant not get involved: He chooses not to look away, and thus places himself in the role of the reluctant hero.

Reluctant heroes are nothing new. Reacher, in fact, is a time-honored archetype whose fictional beginnings go very far back in history (see ):

[Reacher as a knight-errant] wasnt an invention out of the blue in the twentieth century; it was a continuation of the western themes, the mysterious stranger who shows up, for either good or illShane or the Lone Ranger. And that wasnt an invention from the nineteenth century either: it dates back to the Middle Ages in Europe when you had the knight-errant, which in itself dates back to Scandinavian sagas and the Anglo Saxon poems, even going back to religious stories, Sabian myths. So I see it as a continuation of something thats always been around in human narrative. I think thats a very powerful theme and that the popularity of characters such as Reacher is explained by the fact that weve always wanted these characters. Weve [re]invented them over and over for thousands of years.

Reacher is essentially a contemporary reinvention, a modern-day knight-errant who sallies forth to show us that, in the end, good will triumph, not necessarily through the due process of law, handicapped by the slow machinations of the court system, but through two-fisted justice meted out by him. Hes a self-appointed judge and jury, and sometimes executioner, but Reachers abiding sense of honor keeps him in perpetual check. As Child explained to Bryan Curtis, At a very simple point, the Reacher stories are revenge stories. Somebody does a very bad thing, and Reacher takes revenge... The guy is just obliterated . Thats certainly cathartic for me.

The smug protagonist who goes up against Reacher may feel hes beyond the reach of the law, but hes not beyond Jacks reach. In the end, Reacher always gets his man.

Its cathartic prose for the reader, too, that makes for deeply satisfying reading, guaranteeing the reader will come back for more.

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