ElementaryEducation (050 & 051)
CEOE Exam Reviewfor the
CertificationExaminations for Oklahoma
Educators /Oklahoma Subject Area Tests
Dear Future Exam Success Story
First of all, THANK YOU for purchasing Mometrix studymaterials!
Second, congratulations! You are one of the few determined test-takerswho are committed to doing whatever it takes to excel on your exam. You havecome to the right place. We developed these study materials with one goal inmind: to deliver you the information you need in a format thats concise and easyto use.
In addition to optimizing your guide for the content of the test,weve outlined our recommended steps for breaking down the preparation processinto small, attainable goals so you can make sure you stay on track.
Weve also analyzed the entire test-taking process,identifying the most common pitfalls and showing how you can overcome them andbe ready for any curveball the test throws you.
Standardized testing is one of the biggest obstacles on yourroad to success, which only increases the importance of doing well in the high-pressure,high-stakes environment of test day. Your results on this test could have a significantimpact on your future, and this guide provides the information and practical adviceto help you achieve your full potential on test day.
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Thanks again for your business and we wish you continued success!
The Mometrix Test Preparation Team
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Written andedited by the Mometrix Exam Secrets Test Prep Team
Printed inthe United States of America
Thank you for purchasing this resource! You have madethe choice to prepare yourself for a test that could have a huge impact on yourfuture, and this guide is designed to help you be fully ready for test day.Obviously, its important to have a solid understanding of the test material,but you also need to be prepared for the unique environment and stressors of thetest, so that you can perform to the best of your abilities.
For this purpose, the first section that appears in this guideis the Secret Keys. Weve devoted countless hours to meticulously researchingwhat works and what doesnt, and weve boiled down our findings to the fivemost impactful steps you can take to improve your performance on the test. We startat the beginning with study planning and move through the preparation process, allthe way to the testing strategies that will help you get the most out of what youknow when youre finally sitting in front of the test.
We recommend that you start preparing for your test as farin advance as possible. However, if youve bought this guide as a last-minute studyresource and only have a few days before your test, we recommend that you skip overthe first two Secret Keys since they address a long-term study plan.
If you struggle with test anxiety, we stronglyencourage you to check out our recommendations for how you can overcome it.Test anxiety is a formidable foe, but it can be beaten, and we want to makesure you have the tools you need to defeat it.
Secret Key #1 Plan Big, StudySmall
Theres a lot riding on your performance. If you want to acethis test, youre going to need to keep your skills sharp and the material freshin your mind. You need a plan that lets you review everything you need to know whilestill fitting in your schedule. Well break this strategy down into three categories.
Information Organization
Start with the information you already have: the official testoutline. From this, you can make a complete list of all the concepts you need tocover before the test. Organize these concepts into groups that can be studied together,and create a list of any related vocabulary you need to learn so you can brush upon any difficult terms. Youll want to keep this vocabulary list handy once youactually start studying since you may need to add to it along the way.
Time Management
Once you have your set of study concepts, decide how to spreadthem out over the time you have left before the test. Break your study plan intosmall, clear goals so you have a manageable task for each day and know exactly whatyoure doing. Then just focus on one small step at a time. When you manage yourtime this way, you dont need to spend hours at a time studying. Studying a smallblock of content for a short period each day helps you retain information betterand avoid stressing over how much you have left to do. You can relax knowing thatyou have a plan to cover everything in time. In order for this strategy to be effectivethough, you have to start studying early and stick to your schedule. Avoid the exhaustionand futility that comes from last-minute cramming!
Study Environment
The environment you study in has a big impact on your learning.Studying in a coffee shop, while probably more enjoyable, is not likely to be asfruitful as studying in a quiet room. Its important to keep distractions to aminimum. Youre only planning to study for a short block of time, so make the mostof it. Dont pause to check your phone or get up to find a snack. Its alsoimportant to avoid multitasking. Research has consistently shown that multitaskingwill make your studying dramatically less effective. Your study area should alsobe comfortable and well-lit so you dont have the distraction of straining youreyes or sitting on an uncomfortable chair.
The time of day you study is also important. You want to be restedand alert. Dont wait until just before bedtime. Study when youll be most likelyto comprehend and remember. Even better, if you know what time of day your testwill be, set that time aside for study. That way your brain will be used to workingon that subject at that specific time and youll have a better chance of recallinginformation.
Finally, it can be helpful to team up with others who are studyingfor the same test. Your actual studying should be done in as isolated an environmentas possible, but the work of organizing the information and setting up the studyplan can be divided up. In between study sessions, you can discuss with your teammatesthe concepts that youre all studying and quiz each other on the details. Justbe sure that your teammates are as serious about the test as you are. If youfind that your study time is being replaced with social time, you might need tofind a new team.
Secret Key #2 Make Your Studying Count
Youre devoting a lot of time and effort to preparing for thistest, so you want to be absolutely certain it will pay off. This means doing morethan just reading the content and hoping you can remember it on test day. Its importantto make every minute of study count. There are two main areas you can focus on tomake your studying count:
It doesnt matter how much time you study if you cant rememberthe material. You need to make sure you are retaining the concepts. To check yourretention of the information youre learning, try recalling it at later times withminimal prompting. Try carrying around flashcards and glance at one or two fromtime to time or ask a friend whos also studying for the test to quiz you.
To enhance your retention, look for ways to put the informationinto practice so that you can apply it rather than simply recalling it. If youreusing the information in practical ways, it will be much easier to remember. Similarly,it helps to solidify a concept in your mind if youre not only reading it to yourselfbut also explaining it to someone else. Ask a friend to let you teach them abouta concept youre a little shaky on (or speak aloud to an imaginary audience if necessary).As you try to summarize, define, give examples, and answer your friends questions,youll understand the concepts better and they will stay with you longer. Finally,step back for a big picture view and ask yourself how each piece of informationfits with the whole subject. When you link the different concepts together and seethem working together as a whole, its easier to remember the individual components.
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