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J.L. Laide - Russian English Frequency Dictionary--2.500 Most Used Words

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J.L. Laide Russian English Frequency Dictionary--2.500 Most Used Words
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This frequency dictionary contains 95% of all daily spoken Russian and 85% of all daily written Russian texts.
Essential Modern Russian Vocabulary for Students and Learners With the Essentials of Russian Grammar!

The fastest way to acquire a base vocabulary for practical spoken and written Russian!

2nd Edition Updates

Added 2500 Russian to English example sentences to show you word usage.

Added Romanization (Russian words spelled in the english alphabet) and International Phonetic Alphabet entries to help you with pronunciation.

Scientific research has shown that in day to day speech, you only use about 1.000 words a day.

The 1000 most common words in Russian account for 90% of all daily conversational Russian. The 2.500 most used words account for 85% of all daily written Rusian texts.

The Essential Russian- English Word Frequency Dictionary 2.500 words and verbs give you a list of the most useful words to build your Russian vocabulary fast.

This electronic mini dictionary is a invaluable tool if you want to teach yourself Russian.

This Russian frequency dictionary is perfect for beginners and intermediate students of teenage or adult age. Learning from a Russian vocabulary list is a great way to learn Russian fast.

Contains Cyrillic script, Roman script and the International Phonetic Alphabet to help you with pronunciation.
Contains all the Essential Russian Grammar for quick studying.
Words ordered on frequency of usage & alphabetical order.
Words sorted by Part of Speech (nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc.)

More fun facts on language learning and vocabulary:

The first 25 words are used in 33% of all everyday writing
The top 100 words make up 50% of all student and adult writing
Top 500 words make up around 70% of all everyday text.

It has been advised to first learn the first 1000 most common words before you start speaking a new language. The facts aforementioned seem to confirm this.

With these words, you are able to cover 85% of the Russian language in text (enough to discover the meaning of unknown words through context), and 95% of all of the in day-to-day spoken situations.

It is therefore a rational move to prioritize learning the words and verbs that you are likely to use and hear the most often.
Frequency dictionaries and word lists are a good starting point, and can produce the quickest results.

The most common Russian words & verbs list will give you a good grasp on the Russian language in a short amount of time.

The word frequency is based on analysis of Russian subtitles. Scientific research has shown that subtitles are the best source of a practical, spoken and written frequency dictionary in any language.

Invest in this book now and amaze yourself and your friends on family how quick you'll be fluent in Russian.

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Title Page MostUsedWords.com Russian English Frequency Dictionary Essential Vocabulary 2.500 Most Used Words & 520 Most Common Verbs

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Covers 95% of all spoken Russian & 85% of all written Russian texts Copyright 2016 by MostUsedWords.com All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. First Printing, 2016 Jolie Laide LTD 12/F, 67 Percival Street, Hong Kong www.MostUsedWords.com
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1 Why This Dictionary Was Created
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T his dictionary was created because I needed a word list of the most frequent used words & verbs in Spanish, to help me understand the language in the shortest amount of time possible. I started passing it around to friends and got great feedback on it, so I decided to turn it into a book. Because it was such handy tool, I repeated the process for several other languages.

Currently available frequency dictionaries are Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. Check www.mostusedwords.com as new languages are added frequently. Why study by frequency? If youre not familiar with the importance of frequency word lists when it comes to language learning, here is a short summary: Language learning is fun, but can be overwhelming. Almost every language as hundreds of thousands different words, but most of them you will rarely use. Thats why it makes sense to study only the words you actually need to know to have conversations and read in your desired language. Frequency dictionaries are usually either text based, or based on speech.

The unique advantage of using subtitles as a method of frequency sorting is that it covers both speaking and reading (73% and 83% respectively). By only studying the words you will actually use, it is possible to gain a good grasp of a language in a short amount of time. By knowing 2500 words, you can express yourself in everyday situations and be fluent enough have conversations with locals. On average, you only use 1000 words in any language on a daily spoken basis. This translates to roughly 95% of all words you use daily speech. When it comes to reading, 2500 words will get you to understand around 85% of all words used in written text.

This is usually enough to learn new words you dont know from context. This is idea is based on the Pareto Principle. You might have heard about it. Pareto was an Italian economist who discovered that 80% of the output comes from only 20% of the input (or material, or effort). On language learning, this principle is on steroids. Lets take a look: 95% proficiency with conversational Russian = 2,500 (most common) words 98% proficiency with conversational Russian = 100,000 (most common) words To put this in perspective: the corpus we have examined as a base for our frequency dictionary was a little over 1 million entries.

We only need to know 2.5% of the most common words, to reach 95% conversational fluency. Trying to increase your fluency even further, from 95% to 98%, would require you to learn another 97.500 words. Talk about diminishing returns. The importance of grammatics This book is the first of the series to include an overview of the most important grammar. I am not a big fan of studying grammar religiously, but having a basic understanding allows you to learn much faster and much more efficient.

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2 Study Tips
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W hile you are free to do whatever you want with this dictionary, I would like to give you some pointers.

By learning just 28 new words a day, you can build up your vocabulary to fluency in three months . If you dedicate yourself and learn 43 new words daily, two months is possible. Here are a couple of tips to build up your vocabulary fast, and to keep remembering what you previously learned. Spaced repetition Hack your brains ability to store and recall information. The most efficient way of studying is by incorporating the system of spaced repetition. This way you can store information faster, and for a longer amount of time.

Paul Pimsleur published a paper in 1968 on spaced repetition. He came up with the following intervals: 5 seconds, 25 seconds, 2 minutes, 10 minutes, 1 hour, 5 hours, 1 day, 5 days, 25 days, 4 months, and 2 years. You do not need to time yourself with a stopwatch, as there are upper and lower bounds to the intervals. Just revisited the words you have previously learned from time to timey. (Interactive language learning software and audio courses are based on this principle, and they can work really well. To see which ones are great investments, and which ones are terrible, read our reviews of different 3rd party language learning methods, audio courses, software and apps on www.mostusedwords.com/reviews ) Mnemonics By giving creating a little story with a word, its easier to remember.

The more visual it is, the easier it is to remember. The Russian word for tea is ( chai). E.g. The last time I was in Russia , It just so happened to be, that most Russian tea , came from Chi na. Read Reading and speaking the words out loud greatly helps with building your vocabulary and developing a sense of grammar, pronouncuation and listening skills. Reading helps solidify your vocabulary, because you are without actively studying using the method of spaced repetition while reading.

When you read and stumble upon a word you dont know, you can usually discover its meaning by context. Words discovered through context are more easily remembered than when you study them from a list. Anyway, you can get bilingual books from either a (specialized) bookstore or from www.mostusedwords.com/parallel-text s . Our selection is ever expanding, so check for updates regularly. Listen Turn on the Russian (internet) radio, download songs in Russian, and watch Russian series. Conversing along with your favorite soap opera is a great way of getting around a new language.

Immerse Change your phone and/or computer into Russian. Nothing helps you acquire a new language as much as necessity. Of course, total immersion is the best way of learning a new language fast. But you dont have to move to a different country to learn a new language.

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