Published in 2020 by The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. 29 East 21st Street, New York, NY 10010 Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Amson-Bradshaw, Georgia. Title: Electricity / Georgia Amson-Bradshaw. Description: New York: PowerKids Press, 2020. | Series: Boom science | Includes glossary and index. Identifiers: ISBN 9781725303614 (pbk.) | ISBN 9781725303638 (library bound) | ISBN 9781725303621 (6pack) Subjects: LCSH: Electricity--Juvenile literature.
Classification: LCC QC527.2 A56 2020 | DDC 537--dc23 Copyright 2020 Wayland, a division of Hachette Childrens Group Series Editor: Georgia Amson-Bradshaw Series Designer: Rocket Design (East Anglia) Ltd Picture acknowledgements: Images from b All illustrations on pages by Steve Evans All design elements from Shutterstock. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer. Manufactured in the United States of America CPSIA Compliance Information: Batch CSPK19: For Further Information contact Rosen Publishing, New York, New York at 1-800-237-9932. CONTENTS USING ELECTRICITY Electricity powers many of the things we use every day.ALL AROUND US Think about breakfast time. HEY, WHAT AM I? Two of these objects use electricity to work, and two dont. HEY, WHAT AM I? Two of these objects use electricity to work, and two dont.
Which are they? Answer on . ELECTRICAL WORLD Electricity powers the machines in the factories where our things are made. It powers the Internet and telephone networks. Many trains run on electricity. Without electricity, our lives would be very different! WOW! Scientists such as Benjamin Franklin were experimenting with electricity during the 1700s, but it wasnt until the late 1800s that electric lighting was used in city streetlights. WHAT IS E LECTRICITY? Electricity is a type of energy.PROVIDING POWER is what makes things happen.
Electricity is one type, but there are lots of different types of energy. Electricity can be turned into different types of useful energy by our devices. CARRYING ENERGY We move electricity from place to place through metal wires. Thick hold the cables safely up in the air. PLUG AND GO Inside our homes, we plug our devices into in the wall to get electricity that has traveled from power stations. Some devices use more electrical energy than others.
For example, a dryer uses 10 times as much energy as a refrigerator. ELECTRICITY IN NATURE Electricity occurs naturally, as well as being man-made.BUZZING BRAIN Electricity doesnt just come out of the sockets in the wall. In fact, its inside you right now! Our bodies use electricity to send information between our brains and the rest of our bodies along our . HEY, WHAT AM I? Some animals are able to sense the electricity inside other living things, helping them hunt for prey. Which expert electricity hunter can you see in this picture? Answer on . STATIC CRACKLE Have you ever touched an object and felt a little spark? That is .
Unlike the electricity that powers our devices, it doesnt flow through wires. Instead, it builds up in one place, then is released in a single spark. SHOCKING STORMS Lightning is a bolt of natural electricity from the sky. It happens during thunderstorms. It is actually a hugely powerful spark of static electricity that jumps from the clouds to the ground. YOUR TURN! MAKE STATIC SPARKS See how static electricity builds up and is then released with a spark in this experiment.
Youll need:STEP ONE Tape the cup upside down in the middle of the pie dish, and set aside. STEP TWO Rub the polystyrene block (or plate, placed upside down) with the wool for one minute. STEP THREE Holding the polystyrene cup, place the pie dish on top of the polystyrene block, in the center. Very quickly touch the metal of the pie dish. Do you feel a spark? STEP FOUR Lift the pie dish into the air using the cup as a handle. Touch the dish again with your other hand.
Do you feel a spark? How many times can you place the pie dish on the polystyrene block without rubbing it again, and still get a spark when you touch it? CIRCUITS AND CURRENTS Electricity needs to flow in a loop to keep working.
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