The authors gratefully acknowledge the following copyright holders for permission to reprint material used in reading passages:
PAGE 4: From A Handbook to Literature, 6/E by Holman. 1992. Reprinted by permission of Prentice-Hall, Inc.
PAGES 2223: From Symbolic Language of Dreams by Erich Fromm in Language: An Enquiry into Its Meaning and Function by Ruth Nanda Anshen, ed. Copyright 1957. HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.
PAGE 29: From The Spider and the Wasp by Alexander Petrunkevitch. Copyright 1952 by Scientific American, Inc. All rights reserved.
PAGE 33: From Small Town America by Richard Lingerman. Copyright 1980 with permission of Putnam Publishing Group.
PAGE 34: From A Pocket History of the United States by Alan Nevins and Henry Steele Commager. Copyright 1991. Alfred A. Knopf, New York.
PAGES 109110: From The Most Beautiful House in the World by Witold Rybczynski. Copyright 1989. With permission of Viking Penguin.
PAGE 112: From La Vida by Oscar Lewis. Reprinted by permission of Harold Ober Associates Incorporated. Copyright 1965 by Oscar Lewis.
PAGES 112113: From What is Poverty? by Jo Goodwin Parker. Originally published in Americas Other Children: Public Schools Outside Suburbia by George Henderson, ed. Copyright 1971. University of Oklahoma Press.
PAGE 115: From Living in Two Cultures by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston in Outlooks and Insights . Copyright 1983. St. Martins Press.
PAGE 117: Reprinted by permission from Introduction by Antonio Castro Leal to Twenty Centuries of Mexican Art. 1940 The Museum of Modern Art, New York.
PAGES 118120: From The Press and the Presidency by John Tebbel and Sarah Miles Watts. Copyright 1985. Oxford University Press, New York.
PAGES 122123: From The Desert Smells Like Rain: A Naturalist in Papago Indian Country by Gary Nabhan. With permission of North Point Press; div. of Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc.
PAGES 125126: Native Earth, from Indian Country by Peter Matthiessen, copyright 1979, 1980, 1981, 1984 by Peter Matthiessen. Used by permission of Viking Penguin, a division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.
PAGES 127128: From Social Characteristics and Socialization of Wild Chimpanzees by Yukimaru Sugiyama in Primate Socialization by Frank E. Poirer, ed. Copyright 1972. Random House, New York.
PAGES 129130: From War, Peace and International Politics by David W. Zeigler, Copyright 1977. Reprinted by permission of Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers, Inc.
PAGES 132133: From Picasso on Art: A Selection of Views by Dore Ashton. Copyright 1972. The Viking Press, New York.
PAGE 133: From Picasso: The Early Years by Jiri Padrta. Undated. Tudor Publishing Co., New York.
PAGES 137138: From The Dynamic Abyss by Charles D. Hollister, Arthur R. M. Nowell, and Peter A. Jumars. Copyright 1984 by Scientific American, Inc. All rights reserved.
PAGES 139140: From Organizing the Worlds Money by Benjamin J. Cohen. Copyright 1977. Basic Books, a div. of HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.
PAGE 142: From F. Scott Fitzgerald by Kenneth Eble. Copyright 1963. Twayne Publishers, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Macmillan.
PAGES 142143: From F. Scott Fitzgerald by Edmund Wilson in Shores of Light . 1985 with permission from Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc.
PAGES 234235: Reprinted by permission from Picasso: Fifty Years of His Art by Alfred H. Barr. 1946 The Museum of Modern Art, New York.
PAGE 240: From The Magic Years by Selma H. Fraiberg. Copyright 1959. By permission of Scribner, a division of Simon & Schuster.
PAGES 240241: From Essentials of Psychology and Life by Philip G. Zimbardo. Reprinted with permission of Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers, Inc. Copyright 1980. Scott, Foresman and Co., Glenview, Illinois.
PAGES 256257: From The Joy of Music by Leonard Bernstein. Copyright 1959. Used by permission of Doubleday, a div. of BDD Publishing Group.
PAGES 262263: From The Canopy of the Tropical Rain Forest by Donald R. Perry. Copyright 1984 by Scientific American, Inc. All rights reserved.
PAGE 268: From The Politics of Prejudice by Roger Daniels. Copyright 1962. University of California Press, Berkeley.
PAGES 268269: From American Antisemitism Historically Reconsidered by John Higham, in Jews in the Mind of America by Herbert Stember, et al., eds. Copyright 1966. American Jewish Committee, Basic Books, New York. Reprinted in Antisemitism in the United States by Leonard Dinnerstein, ed. Copyright 1971. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Inc., New York.
PAGES 284285: From The Man Who Hitched the Reindeer To Santa Clauss Sleigh by X. J. Kennedy in The New York Times Book Review , December 5, 1993. 1993 The New York Times Co.
PAGE 290: From The Way to Rainy Mountain by N. Scott Momaday. Copyright 1969. University of New Mexico Press.
PAGES 291292: From Huge Conservation Effort Aims to Save Vanishing Architect of the Savanna by William K. Stevens, 1989 by The New York Times Co. Reprinted with permission.
PAGE 296: From Montana 1948 by Larry Watson. Copyright 1993 by Larry Watson (Milkweed Editions, 1993).
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eISBN: 978-1-4380-8387-2
First e-Book publication: August, 2012
W elcome to the world of the SAT, where air and lumber can be verbs, and apathy and phenomena are common everyday words. Its a tricky world, but nothing you cant master: if you can navigate Facebook, you can navigate the SAT.
Welcome also to the fourteenth edition of Barrons SAT Critical Reading Workbook . If you are looking for a trusty guide as you make your way through the critical reading sections of the SAT, this is the guide for you.
Heres how this book can help:
It introduces you to todays SAT, providing you with four complete critical reading tests, each three sections long. Here are four crucial dress rehearsals for the day you walk into the examination room.
It briefs you on the vocabulary-in-context and passage-based reading questions, giving you key tips on how to tackle these important types of questions.
It teaches you how to create your own quirky, memorable flash cardspersonal study aids that will help you master SAT vocabulary.
It takes you through the double reading passages, showing you how to work your way through a pair of passages without wasting effort or time.
It offers you enough material for a year-long study program so that you dont have to settle for last-minute cram sessions. If youve got the time, pace yourself. Remember, youre training for a marathon, not a 50-yard dash.
It gives you the SAT High-Frequency Word List, incorporating vocabulary from actual SAT tests through 2011. These words are vital computer analysis shows that they occur test after test on actual SATs. Master them, and youll be well on your way to building a college-level vocabulary.
As you work your way through the book, take note of the following icons, which will alert you to helpful tips:
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