![GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE 2018 VERBAL REVIEW Copyright 2017 by the Graduate - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/90428/images/cover.jpg)
![GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE 2018 VERBAL REVIEW Copyright 2017 by the Graduate - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/90428/images/title.jpg)
Copyright 2017 by the Graduate Management Admission Council. All rights reserved.
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Dear GMAT Test-Taker,
Thank you for your interest in graduate management education. Taking the GMAT exam lets schools know that youre serious about your graduate business education. By using the Official Guide to prepare for the GMAT, youre taking a very important step toward achieving your goals and pursuing admission to a high-quality business school or masters program.
This book, GMAT Official Guide 2018 Verbal Review, is designed to help you prepare for and build confidence to do your best on the GMAT exam. Its the only guide of its kind on the market that includes real GMAT exam questions published by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), the makers of the exam.
GMAC was founded by the worlds leading business schools in 1953. The GMAT exam was developed to help people who aspire to careers in management demonstrate their command of the skills needed for success in the classroom. Schools use and trust the GMAT exam as part of their admissions process because its an excellent predictor of classroom success and your ability to excel in your chosen program.
Today more than 6,500 graduate programs around the world use the GMAT exam to establish their MBA, graduate-level management degrees and specialized programs as hallmarks of excellence. Nine out of 10 new MBA enrollments at Top 50 US full-time MBA programs are made using a GMAT score.
These facts make us proud and drive us to keep improving the GMAT as well as play a role in helping you find and gain admission to the best school or program for you. Were committed to ensuring that no talent goes undiscovered, and that more people around the world can pursue opportunities in graduate management education.
I applaud your commitment to educational success, and I know that this book and the other Official GMAT preparation materials available at mba.com will give you the confidence to achieve your personal best on the GMAT exam and launch or reinvigorate a rewarding career.
I wish you the best success on all your educational and professional endeavors in the future.
![Sangeet Chowfla CEO of the Graduate Management Admission Council 10 What Is - photo 3](/uploads/posts/book/90428/images/sig.jpg)
Sangeet Chowfla
CEO of the Graduate Management Admission Council
1.0 What Is the GMAT Exam?
1.0 What Is the GMAT Exam?
The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) exam is a standardized exam used in admissions decisions by more than 6,500 graduate management programs worldwide. It helps you gauge, and demonstrate to schools, your academic potential for success in graduate-level management studies.
The four-part exam measures your Analytical Writing, Verbal, Quantitative, and Integrated Reasoning skillshigher-order reasoning skills that management faculty worldwide have identified as important for incoming students to have. Higher-order reasoning skills involve complex judgments, and include critical thinking, analysis, and problem solving. Unlike undergraduate grades and curricula, which vary in their meaning across regions and institutions, your GMAT scores provide a standardized, statistically valid and reliable measure of how you are likely to perform academically in the core curriculum of a graduate management program. The GMAT exams validity, fairness, and value in admissions have been well-established through numerous academic studies.
The GMAT exam is delivered entirely in English and solely on computer. It is not a test of business knowledge, subject matter mastery, English vocabulary, or advanced computational skills. The GMAT exam also does not measure other factors related to success in graduate management study, such as job experience, leadership ability, motivation, and interpersonal skills. Your GMAT score is intended to be used as one admissions criterion among other, more subjective, criteria, such as admissions essays and interviews.
1.1 Why Take the GMAT Exam?
Launched in 1954 by a group of nine business schools to provide a uniform measure of the academic skills needed to succeed in their programs, the GMAT exam is now used by more than 6,500 graduate management programs at approximately 2,100 institutions worldwide.
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