Allergies For Dummies , Pocket Edition
by William E. Berger, MD, MBA
Allergies For Dummies , Pocket Edition
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How are you feeling? Do you or does someone you know think that having allergies means that feeling unwell is normal and that your condition can never improve? Unfortunately, many people answer yes to this question. However, as I explain throughout this book, the plain, simple, and accurate medical truth is this: Although no cure exists for allergies, when you receive effective, appropriate care from your doctor, combined with your motivated participation as a patient, you can lead a normal, active, and fulfilling life.
About This Book
I wrote this book to give you sound, up-to-date, practical advice, based on my 25-plus years of experience with numerous patients, about dealing with your condition effectively and appropriately. For that reason, I structure this book so that you can jump to the sections that most directly apply to you. You dont need to read this book from cover to cover, although I wont object if you do.
This book can also serve as a reference and source for information about the many facets of diagnosing, treating, and managing your condition. Although you may pick up this book for one topic, you may realize later that other topics also apply to you or a loved one.
Dont worry about remembering where related subjects are in this book. I provide ample cross-references in every chapter that remind you where to look for the information you may need in other chapters or within other sections of the chapter that youre reading.
I intend the information in this book to help you to
Set goals for your treatment
Ensure that you receive the most appropriate and effective medical care
Do your part as a patient by adhering to the treatment plan that you and your physician develop
Foolish Assumptions
I dont think Im being too foolish, but I assume that you want substantive, scientifically accurate, relevant information about allergies, presented in everyday language, without a lot of medical mumbo jumbo. In this book, I provide straightforward explanations of important scientific information and key medical terms. (You also get a chance to work on your Latin and Greek.)
If youve chosen to read my book, I know youre no dummy, so Im willing to go out on a limb and make some further assumptions about you, dear reader:
You or someone you care about suffers from allergies.
You want to educate yourself about allergies as part of improving your medical condition (in consultation with your doctor, of course).
You want to feel better.
You really like doctors named Bill.
Icons Used in This Book
Throughout the margins of the book, you may notice the following icons. Theyre intended to catch your attention and alert you to the type of information I present in particular paragraphs. Heres what they mean:
