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Mathieu Nayrolles - Angular Design Patterns: Implement the Gang of Four patterns in your apps with Angular

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Angular Design Patterns: Implement the Gang of Four patterns in your apps with Angular: summary, description and annotation

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Make the most of Angular by leveraging design patterns and best practices to build stable and high performing appsKey Features Get to grips with the benefits and applicability of using different design patterns in Angular with the help of real-world examples Identify and prevent common problems, programming errors, and anti-patterns Packed with easy-to-follow examples that can be used to create reusable code and extensible designsBook DescriptionThis book is an insightful journey through the most valuable design patterns, and it will provide clear guidance on how to use them effectively in Angular. You will explore some of the best ways to work with Angular and how to use it to meet the stability and performance required in todays web development world. Youll get to know some Angular best practices to improve your productivity and the code base of your application.We will take you on a journey through Angular designs for the real world, using a combination of case studies, design patterns to follow, and anti-patterns to avoid.By the end of the book, you will understand the various features of Angular, and will be able to apply well-known, industry-proven design patterns in your work.What you will learn Understand Angular design patterns and anti-patterns Implement the most useful GoF patterns for Angular Explore some of the most famous navigational patterns for Angular Get to know and implement stability patterns Explore and implement operations patterns Explore the official best practices for Angular Monitor and improve the performance of Angular applicationsWho this book is forIf you want to increase your understanding of Angular and apply it to real-life application development, then this book is for you.

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Angular Design Patterns Implement the Gang of Four patterns in your apps - photo 1
Angular Design Patterns

Implement the Gang of Four patterns in your apps with Angular
Mathieu Nayrolles

BIRMINGHAM - MUMBAI Angular Design Patterns Copyright 2018 Packt - photo 2

Angular Design Patterns

Copyright 2018 Packt Publishing

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

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Commissioning Editor:Ashwin Nair
Acquisition Editor:Rahul Nair
Content Development Editor:Aditi Gour
Technical Editor:Jinesh Topiwala
Copy Editor:Safis Editing
Project Coordinator:Hardik Bhinde
Proofreader:Safis Editing
Indexers:Mariammal Chettiyar
Graphics:Jason Monteiro
Production Coordinator:Shraddha Falebhai

First published: July 2018

Production reference: 1270718

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
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35 Livery Street
B3 2PB, UK.

ISBN 978-1-78646-172-8


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About the author

Mathieu Nayrolleswas born in France and lived in a small village in Cte d'Azur for almost 15 years. He started his computer science studies in France and continued in Montral, Canada, where he now lives with his wife. Mathieu holds a PhD in e lectrical and computer engineering from Concordia University

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