Exam Ref 70-533 Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions
2nd Edition
Rick Rainey
Michael Washam
Dan Patrick
Steve Ross
Exam Ref 70-533 Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions, 2nd Edition
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ISBN-13: 978-1-5093-0648-0
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Library of Congress Control Number: TK
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Contents at a glance
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The 70-533 exam focuses on Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) features available in Microsoft Azure (storage, networking, and compute). The exam also covers some of the more common Platform as a Service (PaaS) services that an IT professional will experience in an Azure environment. It covers deploying and configuring virtual machines, virtual machine scale sets, containers, and web apps, with Azure App Services including integration with services like the Content Deployment Network (CDN). This exam also covers the intricacies of networking, including hybrid connectivity with technologies like ExpressRoute, site-to-site VPN, and point-to-site, as well as a broad range of storage related topics, such as choosing the right storage solution, and understanding how to scale and diagnose performance.
Other key capabilities measured by the exam include your ability to author and deploy ARM templates, and automate workloads using a wide variety of services and tools, such as the Azure command line tools, Azure Automation, and implementing monitoring solutions for infrastructure and services deployed in Azure. Security is a key topic that is interwoven throughout the subjects, including topics such as encryption at rest and in transit, as well as identity management with Azure AD and monitoring for security threats with Azure Security Center.
This book is written specifically for IT professionals who want to demonstrate their skills to implement and configure these services in Microsoft Azure.
This book covers every major topic area found on the exam, but it does not cover every exam question. Only the Microsoft exam team has access to the exam questions, and Microsoft regularly adds new questions to the exam, making it impossible to cover specific questions. You should consider this book a supplement to your relevant real-world experience and other study materials. If you encounter a topic in this book that you do not feel completely comfortable with, use the Need more review? links youll find in the text to find more information and take the time to research and study the topic. Great information is available on MSDN, TechNet, and in blogs and forums.
Organization of this book
This book is organized by the Skills measured list published for the exam. The Skills measured list is available for each exam on the Microsoft Learning website: https://aka.ms/examlist. Each chapter in this book corresponds to a major topic area in the list, and the technical tasks in each topic area determine a chapters organization. If an exam covers six major topic areas, for example, the book will contain six chapters.
Microsoft certifications
Microsoft certifications distinguish you by proving your command of a broad set of skills and experience with current Microsoft products and technologies. The exams and corresponding certifications are developed to validate your mastery of critical competencies as you design and develop, or implement and support, solutions with Microsoft products and technologies both on-premises and in the cloud. Certification brings a variety of benefits to the individual and to employers and organizations.
For information about Microsoft certifications, including a full list of available certifications, go to https://www.microsoft.com/learning.
Rick Rainey. It is a privilege to be a contributing author to such a valuable resource for the IT professional working in Azure. To the reader, it is my hope that the information in this text provides a rich learning experience. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this second edition. To my family and dearest friends, thank you for your patience and support during this journey.
Michael Washam. Helping others learn about the cloud is always a great experience, and I hope this second edition helps readers learn more about Azure, and of course ultimately help them prepare for passing the exam! I would like to thank my wife Becky for being very patient with me when I take on projects like this, and my co-authors for making this book excellent by passing on their immense technical expertise. In addition to the tech gurus, I would like to thank James Burleson at Opsgility for editing assistance and the rest of the folks at the Opsgility team for being patient during the authoring and editing process. Finally, the editors and reviewers from Pearson provided fantastic support and feedback throughout the process.