![BEGINNING Visual Basic 2015 Bryan Newsome Beginning Visual Basic 2015 - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/223194/images/cover.jpg)
Visual Basic 2015
Bryan Newsome
Beginning Visual Basic 2015
Published by
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Copyright 2016 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
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ISBN: 978-1-119-09211-7
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ISBN: 978-1-119-09208-7 (ebk)
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For my girls, Jennifer and Katelyn.
BRYAN NEWSOME leads a team of top developers specializing in Microsoft solutions. Since starting building Visual Basic 5 solutions, he has embraced each new version of Visual Basic and now creates all new solutions leveraging the .NET platform and VB.NET. He provides clients with solutions and mentoring on leading-edge Microsoft technologies. For VB.NET, Bryan is a Microsoft Certified Application Developer.
VALAN MONEY is a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer for Web and Windows applications. He has been using Visual Basic since 1996 and got his first certification in Visual Basic 4.0. Since then, he has also received certifications in newer versions of VB and VB.NET. He works as Technical Team Lead and Senior Consultant for projects using Microsoft technologies. He holds a Masters degree in Computer Science from St. Josephs College, Tiruchirappalli, India.
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Thanks to those who worked so hard to get this book on the shelves at Wiley and Wrox. Special thanks (again) to Maureen Tullis who went above and beyond to help me finish mostly on schedule.
VISUAL BASIC 2015 IS Microsofts latest version of the highly popular Visual Basic .NET programming language, one of the many languages supported in Visual Studio 2015. Visual Basic 2015s strength lies in its ease of use and the speed at which you can create Windows Forms and Windows 8 applications, web applications, and mobile device applications.
In this book, we introduce you to programming with Visual Basic 2015 and show you how to create these types of applications and services. Along the way youll also learn about object-oriented techniques and learn how to create your own business objects and Windows controls.
Microsofts .NET Framework provides Visual Basic 2015 programmers with the capability to create full object-oriented programs, just like the ones created using C# or C++. The .NET Framework provides a set of base classes that are common to all programming languages in Visual Studio 2015, which provides you with the same capability to create object-oriented programs as a programmer using C# or C++.
This book will give you a thorough grounding in the basics of programming using Visual Basic 2015; from there the world is your oyster.
This book is designed to teach you how to write useful programs in Visual Basic 2015 as quickly and easily as possible.
There are two kinds of beginners for whom this book is ideal:
- Youre a beginner to programming and youve chosen Visual Basic 2015 as the place to start. Thats a great choice! Visual Basic 2015 is not only easy to learn, its also fun to use and very powerful.
- You can program in another language but youre a beginner to .NET programming. Again, youve made a great choice! Whether youve come from Fortran or Cobol, youll find that this book quickly gets you up to speed on what you need to know to get the most from Visual Basic 2015.
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