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Zhiguo Wang - Eye-Tracking with Python and Pylink

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Zhiguo Wang Eye-Tracking with Python and Pylink
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Several Python programming books feature tools designed for experimental psychologists. What sets this book apart is its focus on eye-tracking.

Eye-tracking is a widely used research technique in psychology and neuroscience labs. Research grade eye-trackers are typically faster, more accurate, and of course, more expensive than the ones seen in consumer goods or usability labs. Not surprisingly, a successful eye-tracking study usually requires sophisticated computer programming. Easy syntax and flexibility make Python a perfect choice for this task, especially for psychology researchers with little or no computer programming experience.

This book offers detailed coverage of the Pylink library, a Python interface for the gold standard EyeLink eye-trackers, with many step-by-step example scripts. This book is a useful reference for eye-tracking researchers, but you can also use it as a textbook for graduate-level programming courses.

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Book cover of Eye-Tracking with Python and Pylink Zhiguo Wang - photo 1
Book cover of Eye-Tracking with Python and Pylink
Zhiguo Wang
Eye-Tracking with Python and Pylink
1st ed. 2021
Logo of the publisher Zhiguo Wang Zhejiang University Hangzhou Zhejiang - photo 2
Logo of the publisher
Zhiguo Wang
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
ISBN 978-3-030-82634-5 e-ISBN 978-3-030-82635-2
The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
This work is subject to copyright. All rights are solely and exclusively licensed by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed.
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Python is becoming more and more popular among scientists. Its application in psychology has expanded from scripting computer-based experimental tasks to all aspects of research, including but not limited to data collection, analysis, and visualization. I had little knowledge of computer programming when I started my graduate study about 17 years ago. I experimented with different programming languages and tools but finally settled down with Python for its easy syntax, flexibility, versatility, and open community.

The content of this book is based mainly on my research experience and the courses I have taught previously. There are quite a few Python books on the market featuring programming tools designed for psychologists (e.g., PsychoPy). What sets this book apart is its focus on eye-tracking.

Eye-tracking is a widely used research technique in psychology and neuroscience labs. The eye-trackers used in the lab are typically faster, more accurate, and of course, more expensive than the ones seen in consumer goods (e.g., VR goggles) or usability labs. The eye-trackers featured in this book are the EyeLink series trackers manufactured by SR Research Ltd (Canada). The EyeLink eye-trackers are arguably the best research-grade tracker available on the market. This high-speed eye-tracker has unmatched precision and accuracy, and it has been used in well over 9000 peer-reviewed journal articles.

This book will first introduce the building blocks and syntax of Python, and then discuss libraries that we can use to program psychology experiments, that is, PsychoPy and Pygame. For eye-tracking, this book will cover the Pylink library in detail. The example scripts accompanying this book are freely available on GitHub, https://github.com/zhiguo-eyelab/Pylink_book . This book is a useful reference for eye-tracking researchers, but you can also use it in graduate or undergraduate level programming courses.

Special thanks go to Dr. Sam Hutton, Dr. Jiye Shen, Dr. Jon Peirce, and Dr. Sebastiaan Matht for their valuable feedback on an earlier version of this book.

Zhiguo Wang
Hangzhou, China
The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
Z. Wang Eye-Tracking with Python and Pylink https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-82635-2_1
1. A Gentle Introduction to Python
Zhiguo Wang
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Python shell Built-in functions Data type Modules Looping Functions File operation

This chapter will focus on the basic features of the Python programming language necessary for implementing simple psychological experiments. For a more comprehensive introduction to Python, I recommend the tutorial on the official Python website ( https://docs.python.org ), especially if you have little programming experience. The free online book Dive into Python by Mark Pilgrim is also a very helpful reference.

Installing Python

There are many different Python distributions (e.g., Anaconda, Canopy), which bundle features and tools that are not part of the official Python distribution. This book will feature the official Python distribution that is freely available from https://www.python.org . The example scripts presented in this book are based on Python 3 (also available from https://github.com/zhiguo-eyelab/Pylink_book ).

To install Python 3 on a Windows PC, please download the installer, run it, and tick the Add Python 3.x to PATH and Install launcher for all users options. The Python launcher is a convenient tool when you have multiple versions of Python on your Windows PC (Fig. ).
Fig 11 Python installation options on Windows macOS and Linux To verify if - photo 3
Fig. 1.1

Python installation options on Windows

macOS and Linux

To verify if you have Python 3 on your Mac , launch a terminal and type python3 at the command-line prompt. As shown in the shell output below, my MacBook has Python 3.6.6. If you do not have Python 3 on your Mac, please download the Mac OS X installer from https://www.python.org and install it.

Zhiguos-MacBook-Pro:~ zhiguo$ python3
Python 3.6.6 (v3.6.6:4cf1f54eb7, Jun 26 2018, 19:50:54)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.0 (clang-600.0.57)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.

If you use Ubuntu or another Debian-based Linux distribution, please run the following command in a terminal to install Python 3.6 or a later version.

sudo apt install python3.6
Installing Python Modules

Thousands of Python modules are actively developed and maintained by the community. These modules have greatly expanded the functionality of Python and allow users to access solutions others have already created for common problems. The preferred installer for Python modules is pip, which is now a module included in the official Python distribution. With pip, users can search, download, and install Python modules from either a public (e.g., Python Package Index, or PyPI) or a private online repository. On macOS and Linux systems, the pip command takes the following format. Here, the -m option requests the Python interpreter to look for the module that follows -m (i.e., pip in the command below) and execute it.

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