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Erin Hunter - Warriors Super Edition: Bluestars Prophecy

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Erin Hunter Warriors Super Edition: Bluestars Prophecy
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Super Edition

Bluestars Prophecy
Erin Hunter

Contents Bluestar skidded to a halt at the top of the Shouldnt she have opened - photo 1


Bluestar skidded to a halt at the top of the

Shouldnt she have opened her eyes by now?

Bluekit watched Snowkits tail flick enticingly, and pushed away the

Deep in a dream, Bluekit pounced at a butterfly, swiping

Bluepaw! Bluepaw!

Im going hunting!

Well? Snowpaw danced around Bluepaw, who padded wearily toward the

Whats happening? Pinestar was at the medicine cats side in

Bluepaw woke with a jolt.

Swiftbreeze stiffened, her ears flat. Leopardpaw?

Mouse dung!

Bluepaws ear tips ached with cold by the time they

Sun sparkled on the snow piled at the edge of

ThunderClan surged forward.

Green buds softened the bushes, and for the first time

As Bluepaw scrambled into the darkness, cold earth pressed against

Bluepaw, from this moment you will be known as Bluefur.

A full moon lit the clearing, dappling the Clans. For

Welcome to Mothermouth. Pinestar brushed his tail lightly over Bluefurs

Bluefur followed Adderfang, Thistlepaw, and Thrushpelt through the trees as

It was still dark when stabbing pains woke Bluefur, clutching

A few sunrises later Bluefur approached Sunfall, who was washing

She wont wake up! She wont wake up!

We drove them off, Sunfall announced to the waiting Clan

As the sun set the following day, Bluefur was on

Quick! Get Featherwhisker! Bluefur gasped. Goosefeather still hadnt formally retired,

The sun was mellower now that the lush greens of

Bluefur led her sister through the trees, following the route

The monsters roar faded quickly away. Bluefur could see the

Bluefur hooked the dead mouse absently on her claw and

When sleep came, it came furiously, chaotic with images and

Bluefur curled her lip. Id like to see you try,

Look! Whitekit trotted across the clearing and tossed a moss

StarClan honors you for your wisdom and your loyalty. I

We need to take back Sunningrocks!

Give me a chance!

He waited!

A soft tail-tip stroked Bluefurs cheek.

The yew branches rustled as Bluefurs Clanmates filed into the

Her belly rumbling with hunger, Bluefur padded home through the

Are they coming yet? White-eye called. She tugged Runningkit back

Wake up. Bluefur kept her voice low so she didnt

Adderfang spoke gently. Bluefur, would you like to join a

Come! Featherwhisker called softly from the shadows inside Mothermouth.

StarClan has never regretted its choice.

Bluestar sat alone in the clearing and gazed up at



PINESTAR red-brown tom with green eyes


SUNFALL bright giner tom with yellow eyes


GOOSEFEATHER speckled gray tom with pale blue eyes


(toms, and she-cats without kits)
STONEPELT gray tom
STORMTAIL blue-gray tom with blue eyes
ADDERFANG mottled brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
TAWNYSPOTS light gray tabby tom with amber eyes
SPARROWPELT big, dark brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
SMALLEAR gray tom with very small ears and amber eyes
THRUSHPELT sandy-gray tom with white flash on his chest and green eyes
ROBINWING small, energetic brown she-cat with ginger patch on her chest and amber eyes
FUZZYPELT black tom with fur that stands on end and yellow eyes
WINDFLIGHT gray tabby tom with pale green eyes
SPECKLETAIL pale tabby she-cat with amber eyes


(more than six moons old, in training to become warriors)
FEATHERWHISKER pale silvery tom with bright amber eyes, long whiskers, sweeping, plumy tail; apprentice to the medicine cat
DAPPLEPAW tortoiseshell she-cat with beautiful dappled coat
WHITEPAW pale gray she-cat, blind in one eye


(she-cats expecting or nursing kits)
SWIFTBREEZE tabby-and-white she-cat with yellow eyes (mother of Leopardkit, black she-cat with green eyes, and Patchkit, black-and-white tom with amber eyes)
MOONFLOWER silver-gray she-cat with pale yellow eyes (mother of Bluekit, gray she-cat with blue eyes, and Snowkit, white she-cat with blue eyes)
POPPYDAWN long-haired, dark red she-cat with a bushy tail and amber eyes


(former warriors and queens, now retired)
WEEDWHISKER pale orange tom with yellow eyes
MUMBLEFOOT brown tom, slightly clumsy, with amber eyes
LARKSONG tortoiseshell she-cat with pale green eyes



CEDARSTAR very dark gray tom with a white belly


STONETOOTH gray tabby tom with long teeth


SAGEWHISKER white she-cat with long whiskers


RAGGEDPELT large, dark brown tabby tom
FOXHEAR bright ginger tom
CROWTAIL black tabby she-cat
BRACKENFOOT pale ginger tom with dark ginger legs
ARCHEYE gray tabby tom with black stripes and thick stripe over eye
HOLLYFLOWER dark-gray-and-white she-cat


FEATHERSTORM brown tabby she-cat
POOLCLOUD gray-and-white she-cat


LITTLEBIRD small, ginger tabby she-cat
LIZARDFANG light brown tabby tom with one hooked tooth



HEATHERSTAR pinkish-gray she-cat with blue eyes


REEDFEATHER light brown tabby tom


HAWKHEART mottled dark brown tom with yellow eyes


DAWNSTRIPE pale gold tabby with creamy stripes
REDCLAW dark ginger tom


WHITEBERRY , pure white tom



HAILSTAR thick-pelted gray tom


SHELLHEART dappled gray tom


BRAMBLEBERRY pretty white she-cat with black spotted fur and blue eyes


RIPPLECLAW black-and-silver tabby tom
TIMBERFUR brown tom
OWLFUR brown-and-white tom
OTTERSPLASH white-and-pale-ginger she-cat


LILYSTEM pale gray queen (mother to Crookedkit and Oakkit)
FALLOWTAIL light brown queen (mother to Graykit and Willowkit)


TROUTCLAW gray tabby tom

Bluestar skidded to a halt at the top of the slope the st - photo 2

Bluestar skidded to a halt at the top of the slope the stench of dogs hit her - photo 3

Bluestar skidded to a halt at the top of the slope the stench of dogs hit her - photo 4

Bluestar skidded to a halt at the top of the slope the stench of dogs hit her - photo 5

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