Desire, Domination,
and Dreams
B. Huntimer

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Published by AuthorHouse 11/13/2013
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Clark Johnson had been with his firm for 3 years, and had been working hard to move up the ladder. Overall he was doing pretty well, but the women who he worked with usually avoided him because he was kind of crude and condescending to them. He thought he was hot stuff and walked around the office with his nose in the air.
About 3 months ago, a new executive secretary named Tina Baker was hired to work for one of the managers, Mr. Conlin. Clark was attracted to her from the minute he saw her. Every time she came out of Mr. Conlins office to run an errand or get something he couldnt take his eyes off her. She was in her early 30s, had sleek black hair that hung down past her shoulders, big dark eyes, lovely legs, and luscious looking breasts that Clark would often fantasize about squeezing. She was always sharply dressed, just enough to be tempting and alluring, but still professional.
Mr. Conlin was known for his escapades with the ladies, especially his parade of good looking secretaries. Clark was pretty sure that Tina was making Mr. Conlin very happy because she had lasted 3 months and there were no signs of her being replaced anytime soon.
Tina would notice Clark staring at her and it made her uncomfortable. She would look away when she had to pass by him, but sometimes he would stop her and try to strike up a conversation. He even asked her to go out for coffee a few times, but she tried to make it clear that she did not have the time nor was she interested.
This bothered Clark, and he was making it his mission to conquer his prey, no matter what the obstacles.
One day he saw her get into the empty elevator by herself and he couldnt resist following. They were on the 12 th floor and she pressed the button for the 1 st floor. She stood in the back of the elevator and kept her eyes glued to the blinking numbers over the top of the doors as the elevator started to descend. About halfway down Clark reached out and hit a button that made the elevator stop between floors.
Tina asked, What are you doing?
Clark responded, I have been trying to talk to you alone for a long time but you keep avoiding me.
Tina looked into his cool blue eyes and replied, That is because you cant take a hint. I am not interested and you keep bothering me. I am just trying to do my job so you need to leave me alone.
Ill bet you dont leave Mr. Conlin alone, Clark retorted with a smirk. Then he moved in closer to Tina until her back was up against the back wall of the elevator and he was pressed up against her. He lifted her chin up with a firm grip, looked into her captivating brown eyes and said, You can resist me all you want, but someday I will have you all to myself. Then he turned around and pressed the button to turn the elevator back on.
With a jerk and a rumble the elevator started to descend again. Tina couldnt get off the elevator fast enough when it came to a stop. The bell of salvation rang and the doors slowly opened and set her free.
Clark chuckled, pushed the number 12 button, and went back up to work.
Mr. Conlin was really starting to work well with Clark. He trusted him with the companys most confidential information. In fact, within a few weeks Mr. Conlin was so impressed with Clark he promoted him to a recently vacated manager position and moved him into the office next to his.
While Clark was getting his office set up, Mr. Conlin stepped in and asked, Is there anything else you need Clark?
Funny you should ask, replied Clark, I was thinking how helpful it would be if you could transfer your secretary to me. Then I could work with a secretary with more experience and you could train a new one. You know how much you enjoy that.
Indeed I do, Mr. Conlin said with a smile. You will like Tina. She is a good worker and I have noticed how you look at her.
True, but I am not so sure she will like the idea, remarked Clark.
Frank Conlin and Clark Johnson wrestled with the idea of how to break the news to Tina. They decided that a limo ride and a nice lunch would be the best way to break it to her. She wouldnt embarrass herself in public by making a scene.
At about 11:00am Mr. Conlin and Clark were waiting in Mr. Conlins office for Tina to come back from her errands. When she came through the door promptly on time she looked at Mr. Conlin and smiled. Then she noticed Clark Johnson sitting in a nearby chair and looked quizzically back at Mr. Conlin.
Miss Baker, said Mr. Conlin, I believe you already know Mr. Johnson.
Clark stood up and started walking towards her saying, We have met in passing. He started shaking her hand and said, But its a pleasure to be formally introduced.
Yes, nice to see you again too, Tina managed to say politely but only with a slight smile. She wouldnt have smiled at all but she did not want to upset Mr. Conlin. He could be intimidating when he wanted to.
Mr. Conlin stood up also and made the announcement they were all to have lunch together. They decided on an Italian restaurant.
The trio looked like they were going to an ordinary business meeting as they strode out the front door exit to catch the company limo, but the men had other plans.
Frank Conlin looked distinguished with his salt and pepper hair, dark glasses covering his sea blue eyes, and a navy blue pin striped suit. Tina was dressed in a semi short black skirt and a soft gray, black, and white striped sweater which showed off a little of her inviting cleavage. Her lovely legs were adorned with shimmery black nylons and on her feet were shiny black strappy sandals. Clark looked nice too with his light brown hair slightly balding at the top, steely blue eyes, and a gray suit with a contrasting purple shirt. Tina felt like he was walking a little too closely to her.
When the limo pulled up, Clark was the first one to jump in the back seat. He did this on purpose because he knew Frank would put Tina in the middle. And just as he predicted, Frank gestured for Tina to climb in and then he followed her and shut the door. Then he informed the driver to take them to their favorite Italian restaurant.
When they walked in, it wasnt that busy so they chose Mr. Conlins favorite and fairly secluded and rounded corner booth. It was dark inside the restaurant, dimly lit by drippy candles sitting on each red and white checkered tablecloth. Their eyes adjusted as they followed the waiter to their booth. Frank motioned for Tina to get in first. So as she slid in to the center of the rounded leather cushioned seat, Clark scooted in on the left side of her and Frank followed her in on the right. Once again this placed her between them, and they sat closer to her than what was customary.
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