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L. Felipe Martins - SciPy Recipes

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Tackle the most sophisticated problems associated with scientific computing and data manipulation using SciPy

About This Book

  • Covers a wide range of data science tasks using SciPy, NumPy, pandas, and matplotlib
    • Effective recipes on advanced scientific computations, statistics, data wrangling, data visualization, and more
    • A must-have book if youre looking to solve your data-related problems using SciPy, on-the-go

      Who This Book Is For

      Python developers, aspiring data scientists, and analysts who want to get started with scientific computing using Python will find this book an indispensable resource. If you want to learn how to manipulate and visualize your data using the SciPy Stack, this book will also help you. A basic understanding of Python programming is all you need to get started.

      What You Will Learn

    • Get a solid foundation in scientific computing using Python
    • Master common tasks related to SciPy and associated libraries such as NumPy, pandas, and matplotlib
    • Perform mathematical operations such as linear algebra and work with the statistical and probability functions in SciPy
    • Master advanced computing such as Discrete Fourier Transform and K-means with the SciPy Stack
    • Implement data wrangling tasks efficiently using pandas
    • Visualize your data through various graphs and charts using matplotlib

      In Detail

      With the SciPy Stack, you get the power to effectively process, manipulate, and visualize your data using the popular Python language. Utilizing SciPy correctly can sometimes be a very tricky proposition. This book provides the right techniques so you can use SciPy to perform different data science tasks with ease.

      This book includes hands-on recipes for using the different components of the SciPy Stack such as NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib, and pandas, among others. You will use these libraries to solve real-world problems in linear algebra, numerical analysis, data visualization, and much more. The recipes included in the book will ensure you get a practical understanding not only of how a particular feature in SciPy Stack works, but also of its application to real-world problems. The independent nature of the recipes also ensure that you can pick up any one and learn about a particular feature of SciPy without reading through the other recipes, thus making the book a very handy and useful guide.

      Style and approach

      This book consists of hands-on recipes where youll deal with real-world problems.

      Youll execute a series of tasks as you walk through scientific computing challenges using SciPy.

      Your one-stop solution for common and not-so-common pain points, this is a book that you must have on the shelf.

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    SciPy Recipes A cookbook with over 110 proven recipes for performing - photo 1
    SciPy Recipes
    A cookbook with over 110 proven recipes for performing mathematical and scientific computations
    L. Felipe Martins
    Ruben Oliva Ramos
    V Kishore Ayyadevara
    BIRMINGHAM - MUMBAI SciPy Recipes Copyright 2017 Packt Publishing All rights - photo 2


    SciPy Recipes

    Copyright 2017 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the authors, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: December 2017

    Production reference: 1191217

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
    Livery Place
    35 Livery Street
    B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-78829-146-0




    L. Felipe Martins
    Ruben Oliva Ramos
    V Kishore Ayyadevara

    Copy Editor

    Safis Editing


    Juan Toms Oliva Ramos

    Project Coordinator

    Nidhi Joshi

    Commissioning Editor

    Amey Varangaonkar


    Safis Editing

    Acquisition Editor

    Tushar Gupta


    Pratik Shirodkar

    Content Development Editor

    Aishwarya Pandere


    Tania Dutta

    Technical Editor

    Prasad Ramesh

    Production Coordinator

    Arvindkumar Gupta

    About the Authors

    L. Felipe Martins has a PhD in applied mathematics from Brown University and is currently an associate professor in the Department of Mathematics at Cleveland State University. His main research areas are applied probability and scientific computing. He has taught applied mathematics courses at all levels, including linear algebra, differential equations, probability, and optimization, and uses Python as an instructional tool in all courses. He is the author of two books, IPython Notebook Essentials and Mastering Python Data Analysis .

    Ruben Oliva Ramos is a computer systems engineer from Tecnologico de Leon Institute, with a master's degree in computer and electronic systems engineering and a specialization in teleinformatics and networking from the University of Salle Bajio in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico. He has more than 5 years of experience of developing web applications to control and monitor devices connected with Arduino and Raspberry Pi, using web frameworks and cloud services to build the Internet of Things applications.

    He is a mechatronics teacher at the University of Salle Bajio and teaches students of the master's degree in design and engineering of mechatronics systems. Ruben also works at Centro de Bachillerato Tecnologico Industrial 225 in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico, teaching subjects such as electronics, robotics and control, automation, and microcontrollers on the Mechatronics Technician career course; he is a consultant and developer for projects in areas such as monitoring systems and datalogger data using technologies (such as Android, iOS, Windows Phone, HTML5, PHP, CSS, Ajax, JavaScript, Angular, and ASP.NET), databases (such as SQLite, MongoDB, and MySQL), web servers (such as Node.js and IIS), hardware programming (such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Ethernet Shield, GPS, GSM/GPRS, and ESP8266), and control and monitor systems for data acquisition and programming.

    Ruben is the author of the following books by Packt: Internet of Things Programming with JavaScript, Advanced Analytics with R and Tableau, and Raspberry Pi 3 Home Automation Projects.

    He is also involved in monitoring, controlling, and acquiring of data with Arduino and Visual Basic .NET for Alfaomega.

    I would like to thank my savior and lord, Jesus Christ, for giving me the strength and courage to pursue this project; to my dearest wife, Mayte; our two lovely sons, Ruben and Dario; my dear father, Ruben; my dearest mom, Rosalia; my brother, Juan Tomas; and my sister, Rosalia, whom I love, for all their support while reviewing this book, for allowing me to pursue my dream and tolerating me not being with them after my busy days.
    I'm very grateful to Packt Publishing for giving me the opportunity to collaborate as an
    author and reviewer, and to belong to this honest and professional team.

    V Kishore Ayyadevara has over 9 years of experience of using analytics to solve business problems and setting up analytical work streams through his work at American Express, Amazon, and more recently a retail analytics consulting start-up. He is an MBA graduate from IIM Calcutta and also an electronics and communications engineer.

    He worked in the fields of credit risk analytics, supply chain analytics, and consulting for multiple FMCG companies to identify ways to improve their profitability.

    His interests lie in translating a business problem into a data-related problem by demystifying complexity in data science and identifying ways to further embed analytics in business.

    I would like to dedicate my work on this book to my dear parentsHema and Subrahmanyeswara Rao; my lovely wifeSindhura and my dearest daughter, Hemanvi. This work would not have been possible without their support and encouragement.
    About the Reviewer

    Juan Toms Oliva Ramos is an environmental engineer from the University of Guanajuato, Mexico, with a master's degree in administrative engineering and quality. He has more than 5 years of experience in managing and developing patents, technological innovation projects, and developing technological solutions through statistical control of processes.

    He has been a teacher of statistics, entrepreneurship, and technological development of projects since 2011. He has always maintained an interest in improvement and innovation in processes through technology. He became an entrepreneur mentor and technology management consultant. Juan started a new department of technology management and entrepreneurship at Instituto Tecnologico Superior de Purisima del Rincon, Mexico.

    He has worked on the book Wearable Designs for Smart Watches, Smart TVs, and Android Mobile Devices.

    Juan has also developed prototypes using programming and automation technologies to improve operations, which have been registered for patents.

    I want to thank my beautiful wife, Brenda, our two magic princesses (Maria Regina and Maria Renata) and our next member (Angel Tadeo), despite the distance they are always in my heart and in my mind.
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