Knights Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration 24-Hour Trainer
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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To the person who gave me my first chance at writing, Steve Wynkoop.Brian Knight
Philippians 4:13Devin Knight
To my wife Jessy, my son Gabriel, and my daughter Sydney; they are the reason I strive for more.Mike Davis
Vickie is my wifes name. She is patient, where I am impatient. She is at her best when things seem to be at their worst. In my experience, that is a rare trait. Her love, support, and understanding is what allows me, from a personal standpoint, to work on a project such as this. Most of my work on this project has been nights and weekends, in addition to a regular work week. For me, this is not possible without a good home life. Vickiethis is dedicated to you. Wayne Snyder
About the Authors
Brian Knight , SQL Server MVP, MCITP, is the owner and founder of Pragmatic Works. He is the cofounder of,, and He runs the local SQL Server users group in Jacksonville (JSSUG). He is a contributing columnist at several technical magazines. He is the author of 15 SQL Server books. Brian has spoken at conferences like PASS, SQL Connections and TechEd, SQL Saturdays, Code Camps, and many pyramid scheme motivational sessions. His blog can be found at, which covers many BI topics and miniature donkey training tips. Brian lives in Jacksonville, Florida, where he enjoys his kids and running marathons.
Devin Knight is a Senior BI consultant at Pragmatic Works Consulting. Previously, he has tech edited the book Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration Services and was an author on the books Knight's 24-Hour Trainer: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration Services , Knight's Microsoft Business Intelligence 24-Hour Trainer , and SharePoint 2010 Business Intelligence 24-Hour Trainer . Devin has spoken at past conferences like PASS, SQL Saturdays, and Code Camps and is a contributing member to the PASS Business Intelligence Virtual Chapter. Making his home in Jacksonville, Florida, Devin is the Vice President of the local users group (JSSUG).
Mike Davis , MCTS, MCITP, is the Managing Project Lead at Pragmatic Works. This book is his fourth on the subject of business intelligence and specifically Integration Services. He has worked with SQL Server for almost a decade and has led many successful business intelligence projects with his clients. Mike is an experienced speaker and has presented at many events such as several SQL Server User Groups, Code Camps, SQL Saturday events, and the PASS Summit. Mike is an active member at his local user group (JSSUG) in Jacksonville, Florida. In his spare time, he likes to play darts and guitar. You can also find him on twitter @MikeDavisSQL, and his blog on and
Wayne Snyder has worked as a DBA for about 20 years, learning about databases and the data which they contain. For the past 8 years, he has been entirely focused on business intelligence, using the Microsoft BI Stack for Mariner ( ). His role at Mariner is Distinguished Architect, and in that role he spends a lot of time with Integration Services, Analysis Services, Reporting Services, and PowerPivot. There are hundreds of packages in production right now that he had a hand in making. He is a SQL Server MVP and a former President of PASS (Professional Association for SQL Server). When he is not working or writing, he plays the keyboard in a regional cover band, Soundbarrier ( ).
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