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Windows Azure and ASP.NET MVC Migration
Published by
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Copyright 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
ISBN: 978-1-118-67858-9 (ebk)
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Mary James
Maureen Spears
Don Reamey
Daniel Scribner
San Dee Phillips
Mary Beth Wakefield
Rosemarie Graham
David Mayhew
Ashley Zurcher
Richard Swadley
Jim Minatel
James Saturnio, Word One
Ryan Sneed
BENJAMIN PERKINS (MBA, MCSD.Net, ITIL Management) is currently employed at Microsoft in Munich, Germany, as a senior support escalation engineer on the IIS and ASP.NET team. He has been working professionally in the IT industry for almost two decades. He started computer programming with QBasic at the age of 11 on an Atari 1200XL desktop computer. He takes pleasure in the challenges that trouble-shooting technical issues have to offer and savors in the rewards of a well-written program. After completing high school he joined the United States Army and served as an M1A3 tank driver in the Gulf War of 1990. After successfully completing his military service, he attended Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas, where he received a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in management information systems.
His roles in the IT industry have spanned the entire spectrum from programmer, to system architect, technical support engineer, to team leader and mid-level management. While employed at Hewlett-Packard, he received numerous awards, degrees, and certifications. He has a passion for technology and customer service, and looks forward to trouble shooting and writing more world-class technical solutions.
My approach is to write code with support in mind, and to write it once correctly and completely so we do not have to come back to it again, except to enhance it.
Benjamin is married to Andrea and has two wonderful children, Lea and Noa.
DON REAMEY is an Architect / Principal Engineer for TIBCO Software working on TIBCO Spotfire business intelligence analytics software. Prior to TIBCO, Don spent 12 years with Microsoft corporation as a Software Development Engineer working on SharePoint, SharePoint Online, and InfoPath Forms Service. Don has also spent 10 years writing software in financial service industry for capital markets.
I WOULD LIKE TO THANK the editors at Wiley Publishing who helped get the content of this book into great shape for the reader. Without them, this book would not have been possible.
It has been fascinating watching the maturation of Windows Azure since its introduction in 2008. When it was announced, Azure was touted as being Microsofts new operating system. And at that level, it has not really lived up to its billing. However, if you consider Azure to be a collection of platforms and tools that allow you to cloud-enable your corporations applications and infrastructure, well, now youre on the right track.
And, as it turns out, a collection of co-operating tools and services is the best way to think of Azure. The different components that comprise Azure become the building blocks that allow you to construct an environment to suit your needs. Want to be able to host a simple website? Well, then Azure Web Sites fits the bill. Want to move some of your infrastructure to the cloud while leaving other systems on premise? Azure Virtual Networking gives you the capability to extend your corporate domain to include machines hosted in Azure. Almost without exception, each twist and turn in your infrastructure roadmap can take advantage of the building blocks that make up Windows Azure.
A single book covering everything that encompasses Azure would be huge. And, because of the breadth of components in Azure, such a book is likely to contain information that you are not necessary interested in. For this reason, the Windows Azure series from Wrox takes the same building block approach that Azure does. Each book in the series drills deeply into one technology. If you want to learn everything you need to work with a particular technology, then you could not do better than to pick up the book for that topic. But you dont have to dig through 2,000 pages to find the 120 pages that matter to you. Each book stands on its own. You can pick up the books for the topics you care about and know thats all that you will get. And you can leave the other books until desire or circumstance makes them of interest to you.