The Survival Gardener's Guide to Growing Your Own Caffeine: Coffee, Tea, and the Black Drink
by David The Good
Published by Florida Food Forests, Inc.
Florida, USA
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If everything collapsed, would you still be able to get a cup of coffee or tea? For how long? Much like nicotine, caffeine is an addicting substance that helps improve concentration and our ability to deal with life. Unlike tobacco, however, researchers have had a hard time pinning caffeine into the bad addiction camp. Tea and coffee are both good for you and contain antioxidants. Theyre also excellent when youre trying to write. Other sources of caffeine, such as Diet Coke and Red Bull, will not be covered in this book since I quit soda long ago and also dont wish to delve into what it would take to make those things from scratch. Imagine making your own high-fructose corn syrup and Red #40 at home! No. Also, if you did manage to manufacture Diet Coke in your garage, there is a non-negligible chance of you getting busted for having a meth lab. I swear I was just trying to make Coke, officer!
That wont go over very well.
Also, Im a gardener, not a chemist, so what Ill share in this booklet will be based on the caffeine that you can grow in your yard or in containers, getting a healthy backyard buzz like the Good Lord intended when He invented this magical molecule.
Sure, theres some sense to giving up addictive substances that may become unavailable during a crisis. There are also plenty of people hanging on to negative and harmful addictions they should shed regardless of potential apocalyptic futures. But caffeine? Thats our friend! You wouldnt want to kick a friend to the curb just because the supermarket shelves are bare and your last can of espresso is almost empty would you? Is that how much friendship means to you?
Why Grow Your Own Caffeine?
Reason #1: Caffeine Gives You Powers
Ever pull an all-nighter in college? I did once, through the power of a 2-liter bottle of Mountain Dew. (Maybe thats why I dont drink the stuff anymore: it reminds me of a sub-par English project.) Truly, though, the power of caffeine to control your energy levels and give you a burst when you need it can really help with productivity. Gotta get your garage cleaned out? Double-shot of espresso! Need to finish a report for work? Chai latte! Need to keep on top of a work crew after a hurricane? Hot black coffee! Just dont burn yourself out by overindulging and you can really kick tail with a bit of caffeine power.
Reason #2: Caffeine Will Be High Value in a Collapse
If shipping is shut down or were at war, coffee or tea will be hard to find and its value as a luxury good will soar. People will kill or at least hand over some valuables for a good cup of coffee or a glass of sweet tea. Be the person with caffeine and rule the wasteland.
Reason #3: Self-Sufficiency
I enjoy growing caffeine because I like producing much of what I consume. Growing staple root crops, grains, vegetables and fruits is cool but what if you also grew your morning cup of coffee? Thats seriously cool and puts more of your daily diet under control. Caffeine is a food group, right? The gardener, unlike the stockpiler, doesnt need to rely on far-away nations to provide himself with a supply of coffee or tea; he can grow his own.
Reason #4: Control Over Safety
You may have read that coffee is one of the most pesticide-heavy crops in the world. This is obviously not good if you drink a lot of coffee. Tea may not be much better.
One source reports:
According to Peter Goggi, a spokesman for The Tea Association of the USA, the amount of commercial pesticide in your cup is a very low amount, but recent research into some samples taken of various tea brands says that is far from true.
For example, dangerously high levels of pesticides were recently found in Celestial Seasonings tea, and the company has refused to release a report about the pesticides they use to grow their teas. (Can you say boycott!?)
It isnt just tea grown in the US, either. A recent report released by Greenpeace that tested tea from China and India found copious chemicals, too. In 49 Indian tea samples tested, nearly 60 percent contained at least one pesticide above the safety limits set by the European Union. Chinas teas werent any better with nearly 67 percent of samples (18 total) containing pesticides that were previously banned under the Stockholm Convention.(1)
Grow your own tea and coffee and youll know exactly what went into growing them. Caffeine is nice pesticides arent.
Reason #5: Bragging Rights
This isnt super important unless you have Narcissistic Personality Disorder, but presenting someone with a cup of tea or coffee and telling them I grew this is pretty amazing. When our pastor visited our homestead for the first time to say hi, we were able to share some homegrown tea with him, which he enjoyed. That made me feel pretty awesome. In retrospect, though, I probably should have listened to more sermons on the evils of pride.
Major Sources of Caffeine
Caffeine, despite its great influence on human civilization, is not widely available in the plant world. The two major sources are the leaves of a camellia we call the tea plant ( Camellia sinensis ) and the seeds of the coffee tree ( Coffea spp. ). It also exists in varying quantities in cocoa, guarana, the kola nut, yerba mat and other hollies, and a smattering of other plant species. One caffeine source native to North America which is a greatly underutilized species is the yaupon holly ( Ilex vomitoria ), a marvelous drink in its own right.
In this booklet we will cover that excellent source of tea alongside true tea and coffee. Most sources of caffeine are unfortunately tropical species which are difficult to grow anywhere with frost, yet the yaupon holly has a range that extends all the way north into USDA Zone 7 and can be grown beyond that with some winter protection or as a containerized specimen.
Coffee, unfortunately, is the hardest species to grow and process, since its a truly tropical plant and has specific growing conditions for good yields which are hard to duplicate for the home grower. It must be covered, though, as its delicious and we wants it, precious, yes we wants it.
Lets start with coffee, then cover true tea and wrap up this booklet with the easy-to-grow yaupon holly.
What does coffee have to do with survival gardening?
If youre asking that question, you must be one of those strange and rare creatures that live their lives in a state of drug-free serenity.
Perhaps you sleep in late, eat only vegetables, and calmly spend hours watching a fishtank in your condo.
For those of us addicted to caffeine, coffee (or tea) isnt just a plant. Its a need. A burning need combined with pleasure. The smell of roasted grounds the hiss and bubble of a percolator the first hit of the day
These things will make the oncoming Econopocalypse almost bearable.
I mean, honestly: who wants to face a horde of the undead or fight with AI-equipped death-dealing homing drones without a cup o joe in the morning?
Not I.
Coffee, unfortunately for those of us dwelling in non-tropical climes, is a completely tropical plant. It likes somewhat cool temperatures but cannot stand the frost. Growing coffee outdoors north of south Florida or outside of Hawaii is tough.
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