QUICK AND EASY THE COMPLETE BOXSET1-10 Lebanese Dialect Book#1 Palestinian Dialect Book#2 Jordanian Dialect Book#3 Classical Arabic Book#4 Egyptian Dialect Book#5 Emirati Dialect Book#6 Syrian Dialect Book#7 Iraqi Dialect Book#8 Libyan Arabic Book#9 Saudi Hijazi Arabic Book#10 YATIR NITZANY Copyright 2015 Yatir Nitzany All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America Dedication
Moaz Safi Yousef al-Kasasbeh May 29, 1988 January 3,2015
Contents BuildingBridges
About Myself
For many years I struggled to learnSpanish, and I still knew no more than about twenty words.Consequently, I was extremely frustrated. One day I stumbled uponthis method as I was playing around with word combinations.Suddenly, I came to the realization that every language has acertain core group of words that are most commonly used and, simplyby learning them, one could gain the ability to engage in quick andeasy conversational Spanish. I discovered which wordsthose were, and I narrowed them down to three hundred and fiftythat, once memorized, one could connect and create ones ownsentences. The variations were and are infinite ! By using this incrediblysimple technique, I could converse at a proficient level and speakSpanish. Within a week, I astonished my Spanish-speaking friendswith my newfound ability.
The next semester I registered at myuniversity for a Spanish language course, and I applied the sameprinciples I had learned in that class (grammar, additionalvocabulary, future and past tense, etc.) to those three hundred andfifty words I already had memorized, and immediately I felt as if Ihad grown wings and learned how to fly. At the end of the semester, we took aclass trip to San Jos, Costa Rica. I was like a fish in water,while the rest of my classmates were floundering and stillstruggling to converse. Throughout the following months, I againapplied the same principle to other languagesFrench, Portuguese,Italian, and Arabic, all of which I now speak proficiently, thanksto this very simple technique. This method is by far the fastest wayto master quick and easy conversational language skills. There isno other technique that compares to my concept.
It is effective, itworked for me, and it will work for you. Be consistent with myprogram, and you too will succeed the way I and many, many othershave.
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Introduction to theProgram
People often dream aboutlearning a foreign language, but usually they never do it. Somefeel that they just wont be able to do it while others believethat they dont have the time.
Whatever your reason is, its timeto set that aside. With my new method, you will have enough time,and you will not fail. You will actually learn how to speak thefundamentals of the languagefluently in as little as a few days.Of course, you wont speak perfect Arabic at first, but you willcertainly gain significant proficiency. For example, if you travel to Lebanon, the Hashemite Kingdomof Jordan, the pyramids of Egypt, embark on the pilgrimage toMecca, travel to the United Arab Emirates, you will almost effortlessly be able engage in basicconversational communication with the locals in the present tenseand you will no longer be intimidated by culture shock. Its timeto relax. Learning a language is a valuable skill that connectspeople of multiple cultures around the worldand you now have thetools to join them.
How does my method work? Ihave taken twenty-seven of the most commonly used languages in theworld and distilled from them the three hundred and fifty mostfrequently used words in any language. This process took threeyears of observation and research, and during that time, Idetermined which words I felt were most important for this methodof basic conversational communication. In that time, I chose thesewords in such a way that they were structurally interrelated andthat, when combined, form sentences. Thus, once you succeed inmemorizing these words, you will be able to combine these words andform your own sentences . The words are spread over twenty pages. In fact,there are just nine basic words that will effectively buildbridges, enabling you to speak in an understandable manner (pleasesee Building Bridges at the end of eachsection ).
The words will also combine easily insentences, for example, enabling you to ask simple questions, makebasic statements, and obtain a rudimentary understanding of otherscommunications. I have also created in order to gain proficiency in the reading and pronunciationof the Arabic language prior to starting this program. My book is mainly intendedfor basic present tense vocal communication, meaning anyone caneasily use it to get by linguistically while visiting a foreigncountry without learning the entire language. With practice, youwill be 100 percent understandable to native speakers, which isyour aim. One disclaimer: this is not a grammar book, though it doesaddress minute and essential grammar rules. Therefore,understanding complex sentences with obscure words in Arabic isbeyond the scope of this book.
People who have tried thismethod have been successful, and by the time you finish this book,you will understand and be understood in basic conversationalArabic. This is the best basis to learn not only the Arabiclanguage but any language. This is an entirely revolutionary,no-fail concept, and your ability to combine the pieces of thelanguage puzzle together will come with great ease, especially if you usethis program prior to beginning an Arabic class. This is the best programthat was ever designed to teach the reader how to becomeconversational. Other conversational programs will only teach youphrases.
Memorization Made Easy
There is no doubt thethree hundred and fifty words in my program are the requiredessentials in order to engage in quick and easy basic conversationin any foreign language.
Memorization Made Easy
There is no doubt thethree hundred and fifty words in my program are the requiredessentials in order to engage in quick and easy basic conversationin any foreign language.
However, some people may experiencedifficulty in the memorization. For this reason, I createdMemorization Made Easy. This memorization technique will make thisprogram so simple and fun that its unbelievable! I have spread thewords over the following twenty pages. Each page contains avocabulary table of ten to fifteen words. Below every vocabularybox, sentences are composed from the words on the page that youhave just studied. This aids greatly in memorization.
Once yousucceed in memorizing the first page, then proceed to the secondpage. Upon completion of the second page, go back to the first andreview. Then proceed to the third page. After memorizing the third,go back to the first and second and repeat. And so on. As youcontinue, begin to combine words and create your own sentences inyour head.
Every time you proceed to the following page, you willnotice words from the previous pages will be present in thosesimple sentences as well, because repetition is one of the mostcrucial aspects in learning any foreign language. Upon completionof your twenty pages, congratulations, you have absorbedthe required words and gained a basic, quick-and-easy proficiencyand you should now be able to create your own sentences and sayanything you wish in the Arabic language. This is a crash course inconversational Arabic, and it works!
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