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Robyn Carr - Moonlight Road

Here you can read online Robyn Carr - Moonlight Road full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2010, genre: Detective and thriller. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Robyn Carr Moonlight Road

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With her beloved younger siblings settled and happy, Erin Foley has empty nest syndrome. At age thirty-five.So shes hitting the pause button on her life and holing up in a secluded (but totally upgradedshes not into roughing it) cabin near Virgin River. Erin is planning on getting to know herselfnot the shaggy-haired mountain man she meets.In fact, beneath his faded fatigues and bushy beard, Aiden Riordan is a doctor, recharging for a summer after leaving the navy. Hes intrigued by the pretty, slightly snooty refugee from the rat raceher meditating and journaling are definitely keeping him at arms length. Hed love to get closerif his scruffy exterior and crazy ex-wife dont hold him back.But maybe its something in the waterunlikely romances seem to take root in Virgin Riverhelped along by some well-intentioned meddling, of course.

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Praise for New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author

An intensely satisfying read. By turns humorous and gut-wrenchingly emotional, it wont soon be forgotten.

RT Book Reviews on Paradise Valley

Carr has hit her stride with this captivating series.

Library Journal

The Virgin River books are so compellingI connected instantly with the characters and just wanted more and more and more.

#1 New York Times bestselling author Debbie Macomber

Robyn Carr creates strong men, fascinating women and a community youll want to visit again and again. Who could ask for more?

New York Times bestselling author Sherryl Woods

A thrilling debut of a series that promises much to come.

New York Times bestselling author Clive Cussler

A warm wonderful book about womens friendships, love and family. I adored it!

Susan Elizabeth Phillips on The House on Olive Street

Also available from New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author ROBYN CARR and MIRA Books

The Virgin River Series










The Grace Valley Series











Picture 1

For Tonie Crandall, because the world would be a dimmer place without all the love you have in your heart. Thank you for being even more than a friendthank you for being a sister.


I n the two weeks Aiden Riordan had been in Virgin River, hed hiked over a hundred miles and grown himself a pretty hefty dark red beard. With his jet-black hair and brows and his bright green eyes, this legacy of his ancestors gave him a wild look. His four-year-old niece, Rosie, who sported a full head of red curls to go with her green eyes, had said, Unca Aid! Youre a Wide Iwish Rose, too!

For a man without a mission for the first time since he could remember, this lay-back time was working out to his liking. Since undergrad in premed, he hadnt been without incredibly stiff goals. Now, at age thirty-six, after fourteen years in the navy, he was between jobs, completely unsure where hed land next, and he felt good about it. Motivation interruptus had turned out to be a delightful state of being. The only thing he was certain of, he wasnt leaving Virgin River before the middle of summer. His older brother Luke and sister-in-law Shelby were expecting their first child, and he damn sure wasnt going to miss that. His brother Sean would soon be home from Iraq and planned a short leave before heading with his wife, Franci, and daughter, Rosie, to his next assignment, and Aiden looked forward to a little time with him, as well.

The June sun beat down on him. He wore fatigue pants, hiking boots and a tan T-shirt with salty perspiration rings under the arms. He was wet down his chest and back and smelled pretty ripe. He carried a camouflage backpack for protein bars and water, and strapped to his belt, a machete for clearing any brush that got in his way. He had a ball cap on his head and his black hair had already started to curl out from under the edges. A four-foot-tall walking staff had become his constant companion, and since a chance encounter with a too-confident mountain lion, he now carried a bow and a quiver of arrows. Of course, if he ran into a real cranky bear, he could be toast.

He wandered up a winding dirt road. It looked like it could be someones driveway or an abandoned logging road, he was never sure which. He was aiming for a ridge hed seen from below. At the end of the drive, he came face-to-face with what appeared to be an abandoned cabin. Experience had taught him the differenceif the path to the outhouse facilities was overgrown and it was especially run-down, it was probably vacant. There were no guarantees on that, however. Hed made that assumption once and an old woman had leveled a shotgun at him and ordered him to scram. Now, he gave the place a wide berth and walked through the woods toward the ridge.

Of course, there was no path; he used the machete to chop away some of the overgrowth. He came out of the other side to the most amazing, intoxicating sight. A woman wearing very short khaki shorts was bent over at the edge of her deck, backside pointed right at him. Even given his expertise in that department, he couldnt tell her exact age, but that was one beautiful booty on top of a couple of magnificent, long, tan legs. By the collection of ceramic pots and a watering can on the deck, he assumed she was potting plants. One flowerpot was balanced on the deck railing above her. She appeared to be digging in the earth, scooping dirt into a big pot.

He did know a couple of things. That butt and those legs belonged to someone under the age of fifty and there didnt appear to be a shotgun in sight. So, he chopped his way through the trees intending to say a friendly hello.

Still bent over, she looked at him through her legs. A beautiful strawberry blonde, which made him smile. She let out a huge, bloodcurdling scream, straightened abruptly and hit her head on the deck railing, knocking off a ceramic pot, which hit her on the noggin. And down she went. Splat!

Damn, he muttered, running toward her as fast as he could. He dropped the machete and staff about halfway there.

She was sprawled facedown, out cold, so he gently rolled her over. She was stunning . Her face was as gorgeous as the rest of her. Her pulse was beating nice and strong in her carotid artery, but her forehead was bleeding. Hed seen the pot hit her in the back of the head, but she must have struck her forehead on the sharp edge of the deck going down, because in the center of that lovely brow, right at her hairline, there was a gash. And it was gushing, as head wounds like to do.

Aiden pulled out his handkerchief, which was, thankfully, clean, and pressed his hand over her cut to stanch the bleeding. She moaned a bit, but didnt open her eyes. With his thumb, he peeled back her lids one at a time; her pupils were equal and reactive to light, a good sign so far.

While applying pressure to the wound, Aiden shrugged off his backpack, quiver and bow. Then he scooped her up in his arms and carried her across the deck and through the French doors that were standing open, into the cabin. Anybody home? he called as he walked inside. Since there was no answer, he assumed the woman lived here alone and that the big Lincoln SUV was hers.

The leather sofa looked like a good betbetter than a bed or even what appeared to be a very new and expensive designer area rug and not something shed want to bleed on. He placed her carefully on the couch, her head slightly elevated.

He looked around. From the outside, the place looked like an ordinary old cabin with new siding and a freshly painted, covered, railed deck with chairs. Inside, it was a richly furnished, very classy showplace.

He gingerly lifted the handkerchief; the bleeding had slowed to a trickle. There was blood on her white T-shirt, however. The first matter at hand was ice, then a bandage of some kind. He was in a large combination living/dining/kitchen area. A table sat in front of the opened French doors out of which he now saw the view hed been in search of. Hed been so taken with that fine butt, he hadnt noticed the cabin was built right on the ridge.

Aiden looked around for a phone, but didnt see one. Then he washed his hands and rummaged through the freezer for ice, which he wrapped in a couple of dish towelsone for the front of her head, one for the back. The dish towels still had price tags on them. He propped her head against one ice pack and laid the other on her forehead. Even the application of cold didnt rouse her, so off he went in search of a bandage.

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