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Robyn Carr - Just Over the Mountain

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Robyn Carr Just Over the Mountain

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Praise for the novels of
RITA Award-winning author ROBYN CARR

The American Library Associations Booklist names Virgin River one of 2007s top ten romances.

The Virgin River books are so compellingI connected instantly with the characters and just wanted more and more and more.

#1 New York Times bestselling author Debbie Macomber

Virgin River is sexy, tense, emotional and satisfying. I cant wait for more!

New York Times bestselling author Carla Neggers

A thrilling debut of a series that promises much to come.

New York Times bestselling author Clive Cussler

Jennifer is a beautifully drawn character whose interior journey is wonderful to behold.

Romantic Times BOOKreviews on Runaway Mistress

This is one author who proves a Carr can fly.

Book Reviewer on Blue Skies

Robyn Carr provides readers [with] a powerful, thought-provoking work of contemporary fiction.

Midwest Book Review on Deep in the Valley

A remarkable storyteller.

Library Journal

A warm, wonderful book about womens friendships, love and family. I adored it!

Susan Elizabeth Phillips on The House on Olive Street

A delightfully funny novel.

Midwest Book Review on The Wedding Party

Also available from ROBYN CARR and MIRA Books

Virgin River, Series One




The Grace Valley Series










Coming Soon

A VIRGIN RIVER CHRISTMAS (available November 2008)

Virgin River, Series Two

SECOND CHANCE PASS (available February 2009)

TEMPTATION RIDGE (available March 2009)

PARADISE VALLEY (available April 2009)


For Carla Neggers, with affection.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two


J une Hudson had nerves of steel. She was thirty-seven years old, had been the town doctor in Grace Valley, California, for over ten years and the things shed been called upon to do were not for the faint of heart. June had delivered a baby in the back of a pickup truck, kept a loggers severed limb on ice waiting for the emergency helicopter and had given calm, intelligent medical advice while looking down the barrel of a marijuana farmers gun. Oh, she was feminine enough, but tough. Strong. Fearless.

Maybe not fearless, but she had certainly learned how to appear fearless. She had learned this in Omnipotent Physician 101.

Then came an early morning phone call bearing portentous news that caused her heart to race and her brow and upper lip to bead with sweat. All the strength bled out of her legs as she sank helplessly to the kitchen stool.

The conversation started out innocently enough with her friend Birdie reporting, Chris is coming home with the boys. Chris was Birdies son, the boys her twin fourteen-year-old grandsons.

For a visit? June half asked, half assumed.

For good, he says. He and Nancy are divorcing.

June was silent. Shocked. Dismayed. Divorcing?

He asked if you were still single, Birdie went on, a lilt to her chipper voice. A hopeful little lilt.

That was when June the Fearless began to tremble and quake. Chris was an old boyfriend. In fact, her first love. Also her first and most terrible broken heart. Chris Forrest was the man June always vowed she would tie up and torture for the agony he had brought to her youth.

The only son of Birdie and Judge Forrest, Chris had lived in southern California for eighteen or so years, married to another high-school friendor rivalNancy Cruise. He had only returned to Grace Valley for visits a few times; his parents enjoyed their trips to his home in San Diego. During his rare appearances, June did her best to avoid him. When she did happen upon him, she was as cool as a cucumber, aloof and detached. Her posture and expression said that bygones were bygones, that she rarely even thought about him.

It was partly true. She didnt spend a great deal of time mooning over a twenty-year-old romance gone awry. On the other hand, whenever she saw him, she was instantly reminded of two things: right after high school he had dumped her for Nancy without explanation or apology, and his boyish good looks had not deserted him. She hated him on both counts.

And now, divorced, he wondered if she was available? Hah! In your dreams, Chris Forrest, she thought with the long-lasting venom of a lover scorned.

She made a little small talk with Birdie, who was quite naturally excited by this turn of events. After hanging up the phone June remained on the kitchen stool, dazed, her thoughts concentrated mainly on planning Chriss slow death. Then the phone rang again.

Chris Forrest is moving back to Grace Valley, her father, Elmer, reported.

Really? she faked. Birdie and Judge must be delighted.

Seems he split with Nancy and has custody of his kids, which I suppose makes sense, them being boys and all.

How nice.

Divorced, Elmer clarified.

I didnt mean that part was nice, June said. Him coming back here with sons. Thats nice. Especially for Birdie and Judge.

Does that put a little flush in your cheeks? Elmer wanted to know. Him being single again?

She felt her cheeks, which were aflame, but not with the heat of passion. Could her father actually imagine shed welcome the lout back into her arms? Certainly not. That was a childhood thing. Ive been over that for a couple of decades now.

That so? Elmer wanted to know. Meat loaf tonight at your place?

Dad? Did you happen to hear when theyre coming back?

I believe Judge said right away, as Chris wants to get his boys signed up for school. Someat loaf? Its Tuesday again already.

Right away? She absently touched her hair, still damp from the shower. Shed never been good at things like hair. She could get an inflamed appendix out in no time and leave a scar that would be the envy of a plastic surgeon, but her dark blond, shoulder-length hairor dishwater blond, as her mother used to call itwas beyond her understanding.

Nancy had always had great hair: thick, richly brown, long, shiny.

June looked at her hands. Doctors hands. Short nails, pink knuckles from scrubbing them dozens of times a day, andwhat was that? An age spot?

She had heard that Chris, Nancy and their boys belonged to a country club.

Ill see you here at about six, Dad.

You okay, June? You sound awfully tired. You go out on calls last night?

She heard a familiar alarm from her bedroom when her pager, set to vibrate, began dancing around on top of the bedside stand. Grrrr. With the cordless phone at her ear, she dashed to get it. No, I wasnt called out at all. It was a quiet night. Oops, gotta go, Dad. Ive got a page. See you later?

Later, he agreed.

The pager revealed the number for the police department, with a 911 attached to indicate an emergency. Chris Forrest disappeared as June went into a different mind-set and dialed. June here, she said.

Deputy Ricky Rios had paged her. Chief Toopeek responded to a call about a shooting at the Culley stables, June. Said he needs you out there as soon as possible.

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