CleanEating Cookbook Dozensof Clean Eating Recipes with Photos, Nutrition Facts, and ServingInfo for Every Recipe By: Daniela Lopez Legalnotice Thisbook is copyright (c) 2017 by Daniela Lopez. All rights are reserved.This book may not be duplicated or copied, either in whole or inpart, via any means including any electronic form of duplication suchas recording or transcription. The contents of this book may not betransmitted, stored in any retrieval system, or copied in any othermanner regardless of whether use is public or private without expressprior permission of the publisher. Thisbook provides information only. The author does not offer anyspecific advice, including medical advice, nor does the authorsuggest the reader or any other person engage in any particularcourse of conduct in any specific situation. This book is notintended to be used as a substitute for any professional advice,medical or of any other variety.
The reader accepts soleresponsibility for how he or she uses the information contained inthis book. Under no circumstances will the publisher or the author beheld liable for damages of any kind arising either directly orindirectly from any information contained in this book. Tableof Contents
Eatingclean is eating healthy, whole, unprocessed foods. It is eating tolive, instead of living to eat. You can think of clean eating as acomprehensive approach to eating well that maximizes energy andoptimizes health. Make no mistake however: clean eating is not adiet.
Its a lifestyle, with built in flexibility that can suitany routine. This simple food and lifestyle philosophy is not based on the idea ofconsuming fewer calories, restricting the consumption of entire macronutrient groups, counting points based on some opaque and arbitrarysystem, or starving yourself thin. Instead, clean eating revolvesaround eating whole, real foods, meaning those foods that are asclose to their natural form as possible with little or no processing.Eating clean is more about being mindful of your food's journey fromits source to your plate. Theproduction of food has become so complex and so fully captured bycorporations who care more about their own bottom line than they doabout your health, that a simple idea like eating real, clean food isa sadly foreign concept to many people in the west. The idea ofeating clean really is simple though. Cannedand packaged food should generally be avoided as they often containhazardous preservatives and other chemicals.
Research has linkedcertain chemicals substance used in food production to allergies,cancer, and behavioral problems. Plastic bottles, storage containers,food wrap, cans, additives, preservatives and refining processes allcontain a level of toxins that could be injurious to your health.Eating fresh food will lessen any exposure to noxious elements inyour diet. The emphasis of eating clean is placed squarely onenjoying fresh food that contains the nutritional content your bodyneeds.
Starting to eat clean
Eatingclean is one of the best ways to energize your body and restore yourhealth. In general, you will want to consume lots of freshvegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy proteins, and unsaturatedfats. On the other hand, you will want to avoid refined grains,sugars, salt, and saturated fats.
You dont need to worry aboutcounting calories. When you are eating clean, healthy food you caneat until you are satisfied at every meal without feeling guilty. Ifyou dont know exactly how to get started, here are someguidelines to get you on the right track.
- Stickto natural, unrefined, and unprocessed foods that do not contain anyadditives or unnatural ingredients. Fast food should be avoidedentirely. Your diet should focus on eating foods with highnutritional content and not just cutting out the obvious junk food.Make sure you read ingredient labels to ensure you are eating clean.As a general rule, if you cant pronounce it, you probablyshouldnt eat it.
- Eata sensible combination of food. I ncludelean protein and high fiber carbohydrates in your meal wheneverpossible.
Vegetables and fruits are a must in every meal. Eat morefresh vegetables and less meat. Olive oil, coconut oil, and nut oilsare good for you in balanced amounts. Avoid commercially processedoils like vegetable oil.
- Moderateyour salt intake and drink alcohol rarely or never.
Your clean eatinggrocery list
Theclean eating grocery list is pretty simple.
In general, youllwant to buy food that is fresh, organic, and pesticide free andcontains no artificial color, flavor, toxins, or preservatives. Someminimally processed food may be considered even when eating clean,but check the ingredients carefully and avoid anything withchemicals. Refer to the list below next time you are at the grocerystore to make things easy. If it is on the list, it is a great choicefor eating clean.
Blackbeans, black-eyed peas, chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils, lima beans,pinto beans, red beans, soybeans, split peas, white beans.
Lemonjuice, lime juice, mustard, tamari, vinegar.
Apple,avocado, blackberries, blueberries, banana, cantaloupe, cherries,dates, grapes, grapefruits, honeydew, kiwi, lemon, lime, mango,melon, nectarines, orange, papaya, peaches, pears, pineapple,raspberries, strawberries, watermelon.
Almondoil, avocado oil, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, olive oil, sesame oil,sunflower oil, walnut oil.
Almondbutter, peanut butter, cashew butter,
Almonds,cashews, brazil nuts, chia seeds, hazelnut, flaxseeds, macadamianuts, peanuts, pine nuts, pecans, pistachios, sunflower seeds,pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, water chestnuts, walnuts.
Almonds,cashews, brazil nuts, chia seeds, hazelnut, flaxseeds, macadamianuts, peanuts, pine nuts, pecans, pistachios, sunflower seeds,pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, water chestnuts, walnuts.
Basil,black pepper, chili powder, chives, cinnamon, coriander, cumin,fennel, ginger, mustard seeds, oregano, parsley, sage, red pepperflakes, turmeric.
Rawhoney, coconut palm sugar, molasses, maple syrup, raw agave nectar.
- Tortillas,Pasta, Bread, Flours
Almondflour, brown rice pasta, buckwheat flour, chickpeas flour, coconutflour, corn tortillas, oat flour, gluten-free flour mixes, grainbread, quinoa pasta, sprout wheat tortillas, whole-wheat flour,whole-wheat pasta.
Artichokes,asparagus, beetroot, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, chard, corn,collard greens, cucumber, organic celery, tomatoes, eggplant,endives, fresh herbs, garlic, kale, lettuce, mushrooms, mustardgreens, peas, peppers, potatoes, spinach, squash, zucchini.
Barley,basmati rice, brown rice, jasmine rice, millet, oats, quinoa, redrice, wild rice,
Vegetable Frittata
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