This book is dedicated to my family and other animals, and to all those who believe, like George Santayana, that Scepticism is the chastity of the intellect, and it is shameful to surrender it too soon.
I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights, and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.
By my reckoning, this is the fortieth day since trial began and tonight will be the fortieth night, and I would like to know if you did that on purpose?
Patrick Gillen, attorney in Kitzmiller v. Dover, speaking to the judge
Mr. Gillen, that is an interesting coincidence, but it was not by design.
T AMMY K ITZMILLER Lead plaintiff, mother of two girls in Dover High.
A RALENE B ARRIE C ALLAHAN Exschool board member, mother of three children, one in Dover High.
F RED C ALLAHAN Local businessman, husband of Barrie Callahan.
B RYAN R EHM Science teacher at Dover High.
C HRISTIE R EHM Teacher at a local school, Bryan Rehms wife.
B ETH E VELAND Legal assistant to a local attorney, mother of two.
C INDY S NEATH Co-owner of an appliance repair shop, Tammy Kitzmillers neighbor, mother of two.
J ULIE S MITH Medical technologist, divorced mother of two, one daughter in tenth grade at Dover High.
S TEVE S TOUGH Teacher and coach, parent of a daughter in eighth grade at Dover High.
J OEL L IEB Teacher, family in Dover since its earliest beginnings.
D EB F ENIMORE Lived with Joel Lieb, worked at a youth advocacy program, mother of a child by Joel.
A LAN B ONSELL Owner of a local auto repair shop, property owner/ developer, Protestant fundamentalist, prointelligent design and creationism.
B ILL B UCKINGHAM Retired cop and corrections officer, Protestant fundamentalist, prointelligent design and creationism.
S HEILA H ARKINS Property owner/developer, Quaker, prointelligent design.
H EATHER G EESEY Wife and full-time mother, prointelligent design.
J ANE C LEAVER Retired owner of a five-and-dime, prointelligent design.
A NGIE Y INGLING Owner of a local auto repair shop, property owner/ developer, Marilyn Monroe fan, had shifting views.
N OEL W ENRICH Creationist, eventually opposed intelligent design.
J EFF B ROWN Electrician, Sunday School teacher, Protestant, antiintelligent design.
C AROL C ASEY B ROWN Former reporter for local paper, degree in education, wife of Jeff Brown, Protestant, antiintelligent design.
E RIC R OTHSCHILD Lead attorney for the plaintiffs, corporate litigator at Pepper Hamilton in Philadelphia.
S TEVE H ARVEY Eric Rothschilds co-counsel, also of Pepper Hamilton.
W ITOLD V IC W ALCZAK Head of the Pennsylvania ACLU, based in Pittsburgh.
R ICHARD K ATSKEE Lawyer from Americans United for Separation of Church and State.
T HOMAS S CHMIDT Pepper Hamilton attorney.
R ICHARD T HOMPSON Head of the Thomas More Law Center, which represented the Dover Area School District; attorney for the defense.
P ATRICK G ILLEN Lead attorney for the defense.
R OBERT M UISE Attorney for the defense.
E DWARD W HITE IIIAttorney for the defense.
For the Plaintiffs
K EN M ILLER Professor of biology at Brown University, co-author of Biology .
R OBERT P ENNOCK Professor at Michigan State University, degrees in biology and philosophy.
J OHN H AUGHT Catholic theologian, recently retired from chairing the theology department at Georgetown University.
B ARBARA F ORREST Professor of philosophy at Southeastern Louisiana University, author of Creationisms Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent Design.
K EVIN P ADIAN Paleontologist, professor of integrative biology at the University of California in Berkeley, curator in the Museum of Paleontology, president of the National Center for Science Education.
B RIAN A LTERS Professor of science education at McGill University.
For the Defense
M ICHAEL B EHE Biologist, author of Darwins Black Box, proponent of intelligent design, and the man who allegedly coined the expression irreducible complexity.
S TEPHEN F ULLER Professor of sociology at the University of Warwick, England.
S COTT M INNICH Professor of microbiology at the University of Idaho.
H EDYA A RYANI Legal assistant from Pepper Hamilton.
M ICHAEL B AKSA Dover assistant school superintendent.
H EIDI B ERNARD -B UBB Part-time local reporter. Covered early school board meetings.
W ILLIAM D EMBSKI One of the earliest fellows of the Discovery Institutes Center for Science and Culture.
R OBERT E SHBACH Biology teacher at Dover High.
K ATE H ENSON Legal assistant from Pepper Hamilton.
P AULA K NUDSEN Staff attorney at the ACLU in Harrisburg.
R OBERT L INKER Science teacher at Dover High.
J OE M ALDONADO Part-time local reporter. Covered early school board meetings.
N ICK M ATZKE Staffer at the National Center for Science Education and scientific adviser to the plaintiffs legal team.
M ATTHEW M C E LVENNY Technology specialist for the plaintiffs legal team.
S TEPHEN M EYER Founder of the Discovery Institutes Center for Science and Culture.
J EN M ILLER Biology teacher at Dover High.
R ICHARD N ILSEN Dover school superintendent.
E UGENIE S COTT Executive director of the National Center for Science Education, an organization that defends against attacks on evolution in schools.
B ERTHA B ERT S PAHR Head of the science department at Dover High, chemistry teacher at the school for forty-one years.
J OHN S COPES School teacher in Dayton, Tennessee; put on trial for teaching evolution in 1925.
C LARENCE D ARROW Defense lawyer for Scopes.
D UDLEY M ALONE Defense lawyer for Scopes.
W ILLIAM J ENNINGS B RYAN Fundamentalist exDemocratic Presidential candidate, on the team prosecuting Scopes.