Rebecca Bender is a true leader in the fight against trafficking. She provides a voice to the voiceless. She is an inspiration and an expert who is changing the world with action.
Ashton Kutcher, cofounder of Thorn
I firmly believe every person on the planet has been created to live in complete freedom, not just physical freedom but emotional and spiritual freedom. In In Pursuit of Love, Rebeccas journey of transformation and healing will encourage you with the truth that redemption is possibleeven in our darkest moments.
Christine Caine, founder of A21 and Propel Women
Rebecca is a powerful example of transformation, resilience, and courage. In Pursuit of Love will bring you to tears as she talks about her harrowing journey of escaping sex trafficking and how she now puts her life on the line to help others find their freedom. This book will open your eyes to one of the biggest epidemics of our time, and Rebecca will inspire you with her strength and unshakable faith.
DeVon Franklin, producer and bestselling author
In Pursuit of Love is a raw story of redemption, healing, and the relentless love of God. It is a powerful book from Rebecca Bender, whothrough the love of Jesusis bringing hope to so many.
Bill Johnson, Bethel Church, Redding, California, author of The Way of Life and Raising Giant-Killers
Rebecca not only learned to embrace the loving power of Gods transformative power but is on a quest to see others break out of the captivity of sex trafficking. But her book isnt just for people who want to end trafficking; it is a beautiful story of Gods pursuit of someone who looks unchangeable and will leave you with so much hope.
Shawn Bolz, author of Through the Eyes of Love and Breakthrough, host of Translating God on TBN and Exploring the Prophetic podcast
This story will rock your world! We have to put an end to violence against women, and Rebecca has taken the time to explore her own heart in hopes of breaking stereotypes in ours. Light and love will prevail even in the darkest timesRebeccas story is proof.
Rosanna Arquette, actor, activist, and producer
Insider information into the underground world of modern-day slavery is paramount to recognizing the warning signs and helping victims escape. Rebeccas bravery teaches each of us something about what it means to have the courage to help others.
John Douglas, the FBIs architect for criminal personality profiling and the inspiration for the Netflix series Mindhunter
Rebecca is a force to be reckoned with, but more than that, she inspires us to let Gods power renew and restore the worst of circumstances.
Tommy Barnett, global pastor, Dream City Church, Phoenix, Los Angeles Dream Center
Rebeccas riveting story takes us through a dark world of exploitation to redemption. She inspires us to believe in deliverancefor others and for ourselves.
Ambassador Swanee Hunt, founder and chair of Demand Abolition
Rebecca vulnerably shows us what God can do when he truly plucks us from the pit of hell and sets our feet on a solid rock. It is a compelling and gripping journey that will radically shift your heart and open your eyes as to how our young people are being sold a lie of false empowerment. Her story inspires us not to let our past hold us back from all God has for us.
Caitlin Zick, codirector of Moral Revolution, author of Look at You, Girl
Rebecca is an absolutely incredible woman of faith who is shaking the grounds of normalcy within society. She gives us the raw truth of what is currently happening around us that people often turn a blind eye to. In Pursuit of Love, each page distinctively shows us that God pursues us in the depths of our despair and reminds us that he wants a relationship with each one of us, right where were at.
Will Hart, CEO of Iris Global
In Pursuit of Love is a book you wont be able to put down! It captures Rebeccas story of brokenness, heartbreak, freedom, and redemption. Her story is one that needs to be heard because it reminds us that God will use all things for his glory!
Christa Smith, international speaker, codirector of Pointblank International
In Pursuit of Love
Copyright 2020 by Rebecca Bender
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ISBN 978-0-310-35685-1 (softcover)
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ISBN 978-0-310-35686-8 (ebook)
Epub Edition December 2019 9780310356868
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.
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To my talented, feisty, independent, incredible daughters,
Deshae, Ila, Evie, and Stella. You were born for greatness,