
R. Kell y s distinct sound has an ability to blend cutting edge, st r eet-wise H ip- H op music and sto r ytelling with smooth l o v e songs. H is r ole as collaborati v e composer and producer with other a r tists expanded outside of his R&B gen r e, r eflecting the di v ersity of his talents, as he crafted hits for many of the worl d s biggest P op stars, including M ichael J ackson, Celine D ion, N otorious BIG, P uff y , J anet J ackson, T oni B raxton, M a r y J. B lige, NAS, M axwell, Kirk F ranklin, and K C & J o J o .
I n Y ourBod y s C alling M e: M usic,L o v e, S exand M oneyThe S to r yofthe L ife and T imes ofRober t R. K ell y , author J ake B r o wn explo r es the past of R. Kelly in the hopes of unc o v ering the t r uth behind his celebrated, y et conflicted life.
- H is childhood and imp o v erished upbringing.
- H is abuse as a child.
- Experiences that molded him into both the man and celebrit y .
- H is collaboration with and marriage to Aaliyah.
- Child porn allegations filed against him.
- H is haunting past.
- The God-fearing, S oul, and Rhythm and B lues sounds that led him to a cha r t-topping caree r .
R. Kell y , musical genius, racked up nume r ous T op 40 and T op 10 smash hits in B illboa rd s T op 200 list. H is music has topped B illboa rd s R&B Album, A dult Contempora r y , H ot 100 S ingles and Albums and the R&B/ H ip H op Charts. R. Kelly has been nominated for and r ecei v ed nume r ous awa r ds including: G rammys for Best M ale R&B V ocal P erformance, Best R&B Album, and Best Rap P erformance by a D uo or G r oup; S oul T rain M usic A wa r ds for Best R&B/ S oul Album, M ale; NA A CP I mage A wa r ds for O utstanding M ale A r tist and M usic V ideo, and was the American M usic A wa rd s F a v orite M ale S oul/R&B A r tist and S ammy Davis J r . E ntertainer of the Y ea r .
I n an instant, R. Kelly would go from a r e v e r ed global superstar with a musical talent that he had once characteri z ed as the only thing I ha v e to lean o n to a man whose v e r y foundation of suppo r t was being th r eatened in terms of its applicable r ele v ance in the fight to sa v e him.
The embattled R&B star R. Kelly was ar r ested on a fugitive nationwide warrant issued as he was p r eparing to lea v e a r ented v acation home whe r e he had li v ed for mo r e than a y ear with his wife and th r ee child r en charged with 21 counts of child pornograph y .
I n an instant, R. Kelly would go from a r e v e r ed global superstar to a man whose f r eedom, securit y , whose ve r y foundation was being threatened.
Y our Bod y s C alling M e r e v eals all the details about h o w R. K elly became the P rince of P ill o wtal k and h o w that title would come back to haunt him.again.and again
Y o u rB o d y sC a ll i ngMe
Mu s i c , L o v e,S e x&Mon e y
T heLi f e& T im e sof R ober t R. K e lly
B y J a k e B r o w n
C olossus B o oks
Ph o enix
N ew Y o r k Los A ngeles
M usic, L o v e, S ex & M oney
The Life & T imes of R ober t R. Kelly
B y J ake B r o wn
P ublished by: Colossus Books
A D ivision of Amber Communications G r ou p , I nc.
1334 East Chandler Bouleva r d, S uite 5-D67
Phoenix, Z 85048
T ony R ose, P ublisher/Editorial D i r ector S amuel P . P eabod y , Associate P ublisher Y v onne R ose, S enior Editor The P rinted P age, I nterior D esign/C o v er La y out Edited by Y v onne F leetwood
C o v er D esign by Y v onne R ose
F r ont and back c o v er photos: R eisig & T aylor
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Th e publicatio n i s designe d t o p r o vid e accurat e an d a uthoritati v e informatio n i n r ega r d t o the subjec t m atte r c o v e r ed . I t i s sol d wit h th e understandin g tha t th e P ublishe r i s no t engage d i n r enderin g legal , a ccountin g o r othe r p r ofessiona l se r vices . I f lega l advic e o r othe r exper t a ssistanc e i s r equi r ed , th e se r vice s o f a competen t p r ofessiona l perso n shoul d b e sought.
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Copyright 2004 b y J ake B r o wn and Colossus Books
ISBN#: 0-9727519-5-5
Libra r y of Cong r ess C ataloging- I n- P ublication Data
Br o wn, J ake.
Y our bod y s calling me : music, l o v e, sex & money :
The life & times of R ober t R. Kelly/ by J ake B r o wn.
p . cm.
ISBN 0-9727519-5-5
1. Kell y , R. 2. Rhythm and blues musicians- U nited S tates- B iograph y . I. T itle.
ML420.K3B76 2003
782.42164 '092-dc21 [B]
Con t ents
Prologue: Redemption
2004 has started out a lot better than 2003 did for R. Kelly, and certainly has continued to add distance to the latter half of 2002, which was arguably the darkest period in R. Kellys otherwise star-bright career. In the legal arena, Kelly has been partially exonerated in his child pornography case after 7 of the 21 counts lodged against him were dismissed on in the Illinois case, which his defense team termed the first official acknowledgement of the weakness of (the prosecutions) case.
A c r oss the count r y in F lorida, Kelly also sco r ed a major legal victo r y on M a r ch 11, 2004, when, as MTV N ews r eported, a judge r uledthat digital photographs allegedly sh o wing R. Kelly having sex with an underage girl we r e illegally obtained by F lorida detecti v es and the r efo r e cannot be used to t r y him on child-pornography charges in that state, TheAssociated P r ess r eportsKell y , 37, cu r r ently faces 12 counts of child pornography in F lorida, whe r e dep u ties sei z ed a digital camerawrapped in a t o w el in a duffel bag during a J une 2002 d r ug raid of his D a v enport home.
I f prosecutor s d o no t appea l th e M arc h 1 r uling , the y woul d hav e to dro p al l charge s agains t K ell y i n F lorida. M eanwhile , i n hi s profe s siona l life , Kell y ha s bee n flyin g a s hig h a s h e believe d h e coul d i n song, o n th e cha r ts , o n tou r , i n awa r d nominations , an d eve n o n B r oadway!
I n the spirit of his fighting mood, R. Kelly sta r ted this year out in negotiations to sco r e the Br oadway musical based on the S yl v ester S tallone classic R ock y , which won Best P ictu r e at the 1976 A cademy A wa r ds.
E v en mo r e at odds with the media po r trayal of Kelly in the p r ess o v er the year prio r , the cont r o v ersial singer was nominated on J anua r y 18th, 2004 for an IM A GE A W ARD for Outstanding Album. I n addition, he won the 2004 Q UINCY JONES A W ARD for Outstan d ing Ca r eer A chie v ements, M al e and the 2004 SOUL TRAIN A W ARD for B est R&B/ S oul Album, M al e for
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